• Furnace Class Loading Issue

    I am attempting to use Forge/Furnace integration with eclipse to load my addon but I am running into class loading issues. It would seem that for some reason when a class from my Addon, WindupEngine, tries to load App...
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    last modified by itewk
  • Como configurar forge em um projeto já existente

    Existe alguma forma de configurar o forge para gerar código em projetos já existentes e configurados?   Estamos querendo utilizar o forge em um projeto com os módulos EJB e WEB separados, po...
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    last modified by claudia.supero
  • How to install addon in Eclipse?

    HI all   I'm trying to install the Errai addon in Eclipse - but could not find any documentation on how to do this.   I guessed that I am to use the coordinate line, which I think is org.jboss.errai.forge:...
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    last modified by magick93
  • How to configure JBoss Forge in a already created project.

    I'm trying to use JBoss Forge to generate code in a already created project, but it seems that whichever command I use, it mess up all my pom.xml. What should I do to configure and start using JBoss Forge without hav...
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    last modified by claudia.supero
  • Forge 2.12 - How to install add-ons ?

    Hello,   I'm using Forge 2.12 embedded in JBDS 8. Forge 1 had the command install-plugin which was very simpkle to use. For example, install-plugin jboss-as-7 or install-plugin arquillian. I don't know what was ...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • Function ''forgeview:display'' not found JBWEB006009

    JBoss EAP 6.1 Eclipse Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1) JBossTools 4.2.0.Final JDK 1.7.0_71 Windows 7         [ everything 64x ]   Project: A starter Java EE 6 webapp project for u...
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    last modified by icarusdb
  • [forge-users] Reflections Addon

    Hello everyone!   I just made available an addon to allow Java runtime metadata analysis from a Project. I am using the excellent library Reflections (https://github.com/ronmamo/reflections) and made availa...
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    created by gastaldi
  • [forge-users] Hands-on Lab now available on the website

    Hello everybody,   I made the Hands-On lab tutorial available in the website: http://forge.jboss.org/document/hands-on-lab There are still some rendering issues (images not being displayed, encoding issues), bu...
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    last modified by gastaldi
  • JBoss Forge new 'gradle' instead of 'maven' project?

    When starting a new project using JBoss Forge, the project is creating with a Maven build system by default. How do I take advantage of Forge 2.*'s Gradle AddOn to create the project using Gradle instead of Maven? ...
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    last modified by gkedge
  • Intellij idea plugin

    I stuck up in Intellij idea plugin. How to build a plugin with mvn package? I followed readme instructions of github: https://github.com/forge/intellij-idea-plugin
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    last modified by vrushti_j
  • Debugging one's addons

    Hello,   What is the way to be able to stop at a breakpoint in one's code (an addon) ? when launching from console. When launching from the forge window   The console is started in debug mode. However no s...
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    last modified by alwad
  • [forge-users] And what about have "utility" commands ?

    Hi all,   In my projects I tend to repeat some utility code again and again. For example, produce the EntityManager so I can inject it, produce a Log4J logger so I can inject it, have an exception interceptor ...
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    last modified by Antonio Goncalves
  • ROASTER: Using the formatter (feedback)

    I have tried to use the Formatter with a custom format (modifications introduced with ROASTER-37):   Formatter.format(Properties, JavaClassSource)   Here some findings / information:   1/ Obtain the P...
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    last modified by jmini
  • wildfly plugin not working ?

    Hi,   I've installed the Wildfly plugin from   http://forge.jboss.org/addon/org.jboss.forge.addon:as   into JBoss Dev Studio 8.1, running embedded Forge 2.12.1 final. The install worked fine.   ...
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    last modified by paulmkeogh
  • @Option explanations please

    Hi,   I'm currently writing an article about Forge addons. I'm beginning to write an addon, with @Command to start slowly and get the reader hooked.   I'm a bit puzzled with the behaviour of @Option . At...
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    last modified by alwad
  • [forge-users] customize views and classes

    Hi all,   Long time lurker to the list and I am finally ready to use it in a small project but I have a few questions if you guys will be so kind to answer.   1. What is the most advisable way to modify t...
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    last modified by mezzieaustin
  • Re: [forge-users] Need help of Seniors Please....

    https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ORG-2300   On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 2:49 AM, <forge-users@lists.jboss.org> wrote:   I'm new on Jboss 7.1.1.final ,, after successfully creation of cluster of two serve...
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    created by lincolnthree
  • Forge tools not found - jBoss tools 4.2.0 CR1!

    I have installed jboss tools development build 4.2.0 CR1 for Eclipse Luna 4.4 on Mac OSX Mavericks and do not see any forge tools. I tried to create new project using command-n and also tried command-4 but in vain. &#...
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    last modified by tusharmangrola
  • IntelliJ Plugin error

    I got the following error when trying to apply the plugin in IntelliJ version 13.1.5 with JDK 1.8.0_20. Can anyone help me with this issue?  Thank you!     Plugin 'org.jboss.forge.plugin.idea' failed t...
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    last modified by tracy99
  • Roaster: JavaClassSource to file

    Hi,   I have started to use Roaster (standalone) to generate some java code.   When you havea org.jboss.forge.roaster.model.source.JavaClassSource, what is the best way to write the content into a file? &#...
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    last modified by jmini