• Is fabric-bundle new name for the feature fuse-bundle referenced by docs?

    It states here that the feature fuse-bundle should be installed to enable FAB support in a container.   Can someone please confirm this is now called fabric-bundle ?   Perhaps the answer is obviously "yes"...
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    last modified by komododave
  • What is the correct process manager bundle mvn URI?

    After manually inspecting a number of fuse repos, I'm still unable to acquire the process manager bundle via a mvn URI. It's not a maven proxy/repo configuration issue, since custom features are being accessed just fi...
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    last modified by komododave
  • When will FMC be available as a feature?

    Stan Lewis mentioned that FMC will be available as a feature in the next release of Fuse Fabric.   Do we know the expected release time of this version?   I ask because we'd like the reassurance of knowing...
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    last modified by komododave
  • Why are most of your Maven repositories now bare?

    A ton of public repos of yours I was using successfully last week are now bare.   This includes Maven Central.   Is this RedHat encouraging you to more tightly control repo access ready to privatise them n...
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    last modified by komododave
  • Adding web console to MQ broker doesn't show queue created by pinger demo

    I set up the fmc pinger example and it runs fine.   The MQ broker it's sending messages to has the mq-web-console feature added.   However, when I access the Fuse MQ web console via host:8181/activemqweb t...
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    last modified by komododave
  • Can't add messages to queue via UI - javax/xml/bind/DatatypeConverter

    Hi, I am using Fuse-MQ-Enterprise-7.0.2 on RHEL 5.8 64bit.   Java version is:   # java -version java version "1.7.0_09" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_09-b05) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Serv...
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    last modified by davidbush
  • What variables/properties can we reference in configuration files?

    I routinely see reference to variables/properties when viewing configuration files.   For example, after creating an MQ broker, the broker.xml contains reference to *${broker-name}* and *$*. I've tried to find t...
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    last modified by komododave
  • FMC should stop a container before deleting it.

    Why doesn't FMC stop a container before deleting it? It appears that Stop must be manually clicked before Delete.   It'd be nice if this was done automatically!
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    last modified by komododave
  • High frequency of logged 'Processed session termination for sessionid' msgs

    Apologies for making several posts. I seem to be having several distinct problems at once. Potentially they all stem from the following.   After creating a lone ensemble node root (the start of my Fabric) and a ...
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    last modified by komododave
  • Does Fabric manage ports of e.g. Tomcat instances?

    I've read the documentation on the  Process Manager  for Fabric.   If multiple Tomcat instances are created across multiple child containers, presumably their ports still need to be managed by hand to ...
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    last modified by komododave
  • Why is my 'Available Features - Repository:' list empty?

    I've been trying to get this to work for the past few hours with no success.   After installing Fuse Fabric I entered the Fuse Fabric ESB command console via ..fabric/bin/fusefabric, which itself simply calls .....
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    last modified by komododave
  • Creation of child container fails - parent name has 'karaf-' prefix added

    I created a root container (profile: mq) via SSH. This was named demo-mq-itfus004.   When attempting to create a child container under this I received a large exception popup, the top portion of which is shown b...
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    last modified by komododave
  • Container Management using FMC and Fabric

    I have FMC with fabric registry running on server01. I created two ESB Enterprise containers on server02 and server03 and had them join the fabric at server01:2181. They show up in the FMC console fine.   One of...
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    last modified by plord_plord
  • Where is the documentation for FMC RESTful API?

    I was told when talking with James Straachan recently that everything Fuse Management Console does can be accessed via a RESTful API. After Google'ing all I can find relating to this is references to JMX and Camel RES...
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    last modified by komododave
  • Want to demo the application on cloud

    Hello,   I have created the apache camel application and deployed it on ServiceMix 4.4.2. The application processes the XML documents and uses ActiveMQ as a message bus between the routes. It also does some int...
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    last modified by sergevil
  • Installing leveldb fusemq-leveldb-1.2-uber.jar on broker

    Hi,          I use FMC to create containers and deploy profiles. I wanted to test level db for persistence with my broker. I set up the borker via mq profile. But fusemq-leve...
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    last modified by somasek
  • Adding Features Repository

    I am trying to load a features respository into an FMC profile based on the example here: http://fusesource.com/docs/esbent/7.0/esb_getting_started/Develop-Feature.html   I have built the feature project and ...
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    last modified by plord_plord
  • Force Deploy of Updated Bundles from Remote Maven Repo

    During our POC, I came across an issue I am not sure how to resolve.   Our build process loads bundles/features into a local maven repo we host here. I have set up my default profile in the fabric registry to us...
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    last modified by plord_plord
  • FMC pinger example...

    I've gone ahead and posted the code for the example I used during the FMC webinar during RedHat's Integration and BPM week up on github, you can get ahold of it here.
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    created by stlewis
  • Zookeeper SASL-authenticate error in FMC on Linux Install

    I just switched to installing FMC (7.0.0.fuse-061) from Windows to Linux (Centos).  I have 4 Linux VMWare instances running and I was able to create containers on each from the Windows host using container-create...
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    last modified by smalson