• Exception Envers: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Missing column: class in xxxTable

    Hello how are you! I wanted to check, because I have a problem with Envers, the version we are using in Maven is: jboss-envers: 1.2.2.GA-hibernate-3.3. I have to audit an abstract class that has 2 childs. I'm getti...
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    last modified by nico_rtv8
  • AuthQuery produces SQL Error: 17023, SQLState: 99999 and "Unsupported feature: getCursorName"

    Queryung the Envers history results in strange Exceptions See below.   How query is Builded:   AuditReader reader = AuditReaderFactory.get(em);         AuditQuery query = ...
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    last modified by shuron
  • PrimaryKeyJoinColumn and referencedColumnName support in ENVERS 3.6.8?

    We are using validityauditstrategy so when any insert happens for Margin entity below we expect envers to create historical versions for the same in B_HISTORY and then A_HISTORY and then refer the same in MARGIN_HISTO...
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    last modified by mohanakartikmasilamani
  • Hibernate blob return null

         Domain .java private Blob roomDescription;        public Blob getRoomDescription() {         return this.roomDescription;  ...
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    last modified by effectjam
  • Hibernate annotations?

    Salut à tous le monde Hello every body .I need to download hibernate annotations but I can't find it.Please Help me
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    last modified by jamalam
  • Revision_field_name column is not updated

    I have created a spring application using Hibernate Envers but when I am trying to save an updated entity, the revision_field_name column is not advancing and Hibernate is trying to insert again the same number in the...
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    last modified by skiabox
  • Validity audit strategy with ID reuse = db corruption

    I've been working on a deployment of Envers for configuration history tracking and have run into a serious bug with the validity audit strategy.   We're using increment generators for our entities; this correspo...
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    last modified by hltbdivl
  • @OneToMany make revision at insert but not at update

    I searched the forum but couldn't find out my similar problem. Here is it :   I have an entity Called Person that is the parent of Customer Entity:   @Entity @Table(name = "my_person") @TableGenerator(na...
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    last modified by mehdizehtaban
  • [RESOLVED] Hibernate-Envers 3.6.10-Final with ValidityAuditStrategy throws NonUniqueObjectException

    Hello,   I'm working on an application based on Hibernate-Envers 3.6.10-Final where we have chosen to use the strategy ValidityAuditStrategy, due to the very critical performance issues of the default strategy w...
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    last modified by anthonyb
  • Partial auditing with MappedSuperclasses

    Hi everyone,   We're taking our first steps in auditing with Envers, but seem to have hit a dead end.   Here's the basic situation: All our entities consist of two parts: one @MappedSuperclass (called <...
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    last modified by chessray
  • Composite Foreign Key Auditing

    I'm working with a legacy database that uses a composite foreign key to a unique composite key of another table.  The tables look like the following:   Contract -contractId -playerId -sequenceId   ...
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    last modified by gorf
  • Can I mark an field as not audited even though the object of the field is an audited entity?

    Firstly, apologies if this is a bug that has been fixed. Due to the app container I will be deploying into I have to use an old version of Hibernate before Envers was shipped with it, which means I'm using 1.2.2.GA-hi...
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    last modified by scdf
  • Auditing collection of components

    Hi,   I'm trying to audit an entity which contains a collection of components. I know that auditing @ElementCollection wasn't supported in previous version of hibernate (https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HH...
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    last modified by juliael
  • Can Envers support "going back to a revision" similar to subversion?

    Hi, I am absolute new to Envers. My usecase is: I would like to provide "versioning" with my application. Logically when a user creates a "version" all data is duplicated and the user can actually log into this v...
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    last modified by johnviet
  • Hibernate Envers with partitioned database

    We are using a MySQL partitioned db (same schema for each db) and need to audit data by company. (so we have extra company id key in every entity) Some companies have their data on a certain server, others on another...
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    last modified by timdua
  • auto generated pojo from hibernate Persistance

    Hi All,     I have persistance.xml contains required classes .Is there any option or command to generate respective pojo.   ex <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persistence version=...
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    last modified by ganeshneelekani
  • Where org.hibernate.fetchSize and othe rquery hints are documented for Hibernate 4.2.0?

    Trying to find documentation for query hints for Hibernate 4.2.0, can't see it under http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.2/manual/en-US/html_single/ Where to find?
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    last modified by rsmrsmrsm
  • getting java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.jboss.jpa.deployment.PersistenceUnitInfoImpl.getValidationMode()Ljavax/persistence/ValidationMode; while updating hibenate 3.2 to 3.6.0 in eap 5.2

    Getting java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.jboss.jpa.deployment.PersistenceUnitInfoImpl.getValidationMode()Ljavax/persistence/ValidationMode; while updating hibenate 3.2 to 3.6.0 in eap 5.2   Reffered below arti...
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    last modified by jaigates
  • JBoss eap 6.1 Hibernate 4.2.0 Spring 3

    Hi Guys   I have a problem with this setup. I get the following error. I try a several changes on my configurations but in any cases that work correctly.   10:34:34,312 ERROR [org.hibernate.engine.transa...
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    created by ffrizzo
  • RelationTargetAuditMode.NOT_AUDITED to Audited entity

    I have two entities, A and B, both of them audited. A has a bidirectional OneToMany-Relation to B. When I call getA() on B I want to get the latest A from the A table (not A_AUD), so I annotate getA() with "@Audited(t...
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    last modified by peter.eigenschink