• Code generation for JBJCA

    Hi, I would like to create code generation for JBoss JCA project.   Goal: To generate code and project configuration of JCA resource adapter. For the user, they can use this tools to generate JCA resource adapt...
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    last modified by jeff.zhang
  • getXAResource should not be called without TX context

    In the current JCA implemetation the getXAResource is being called  on the MC even if there is no tx context, it seems to be breaking the TCK for HornetQ RA, check this http://community.jboss.org/message/532626#...
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    last modified by vickyk
  • Failed to reconnect after channel restarted

    The Message Driven Bean does not get reconnected after the MQ channel restarted.  I need to restart the Jboss server to get it working again.  There are no messages shown in the log to indicate any reconnect...
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    created by cynw
  • Standalone JCA: JNDI binding for multiple connection factories...

    RADeployer needs to deal with outbound resource adapters that have multiple connection factories (each of which should be bound to JNDI).   For the JNDI binding, if the connection factory is a javax.resource.Re...
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    last modified by smarlow
  • JBJCA-272 - Standalone validator tool

    The tool can be running as standalone tool. Like $ validator/Main ra16inout.rar   it will go through rar package and validate the ra.xml and classes base on spec of JCA 1.6   Steps: Unjar the rar use cl...
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    last modified by jeff.zhang
  • JBJCA-290: Make ant task for validate tool

    https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBJCA-290   like: <validate output="." file="ra16inout.rar"/> By default it should be silence.
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    last modified by jeff.zhang
  • About Project Plan & Implementation

    Hi; When implementing Connection Management related contract, is old code that is implemented in the JBoss AS "trunk/connector" used for starting? Or, is it implemented from scratch? (This is also applicable for othe...
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    last modified by gurkanerdogdu
  • JBJCA-201 - New validation rules

    We will use this thread to discuss mew validation rules.   We have these rules:       "mcf.MCF",       "mcf.MCFHashCode",       "mcf.MC...
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    last modified by jeff.zhang
  • Management of configuration properties inside ra.xml

    Hi, I am writing few JCA connectors for Teiid http://teiid.org and have defined many custom properties in ra.xml files. My question is management of these custom properties outside the ra.xml. I know I can define/ov...
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    last modified by rareddy
  • JBJCA-260: New WorkManager

    Currently the WorkManager uses the thread pool implementation in JBoss Common. The JBoss Threads project creates a way to define thread pools and their execution parameters to a higher degree.   The new WorkMana...
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    last modified by jesper.pedersen
  • JBJCA-201 - Standalone configuration

    We will use this thread to discuss standalone configuration.
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    last modified by jeff.zhang
  • HOWTO: Pool connection management of my managed connection

    (HINT: copied form the JCA-user forum since it is more dev related) Dear sirs, i have a question according to the proper coding of the ressource/connection management in JCA using the mbean org.jboss.resource.connec...
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    created by groovie
  • ask about develop resource adaptor using JCA method

    hallo experts.... i am newbie want to ask.... coincidence my thesis about the integration of J2EE applications and applications EIS using JCA methods. my question is how to make resource adapter to integrate that two...
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    created by havocid
  • Design of ConnectionManager API

    Hi; Currently there is an interface org.jboss.jca.core.api.ConnectionManager (CM) and org.jboss.jca.core.api.RealConnectionManager (RCM). CM delegates connection creation operation to the RCM that is responsible for ...
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    last modified by gurkanerdogdu
  • Implementation of the ConnectionManager Service

    Hi; I would like to start an implementation of the ConnectionManager contract. How could I start this ? Looking at JBoss AS 5.X branch implementation an factoring out inner classes is a good start? I have not seen J...
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    last modified by gurkanerdogdu
  • proposal for JBossRA 2.0 metadata

    We would like to extend the jboss-ra.xml for more feature. 1. possibility to add additional bean validation groups. <bean-validation-groups> <bean-validation-group>com.mycompany.myproject.bv.Group1<...
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    last modified by jeff.zhang
  • Datasources not parsing jboss.server.data.dir

    Maybe someone already brought this up, but as I couldn't find any thread in a quick search... On jboss-5/trunk, DefaultDS is using this URL to connect to HSQLDB: jdbc:hsqldb:${jboss.server.data.dir}${/}hypersonic${/...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • idea about JCA and 303 integration

    We have 4 test case of BeanValidation include standard303, user303 and negative standard and user. So we can do validation in sjc. Here is my idea: 1. Create a class list contain all need validated beans (follow 322 ...
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    last modified by jeff.zhang
  • Implement WorkContextProvider Check

    Hi; I am trying to implement WorkContextProvider error conditions when RA submits work instance that implements WorkContextProvider to the application server. (Chapter 11.4.3) Is it ok to add code into the WorkManag...
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    last modified by gurkanerdogdu
  • Exception in TestClasses

    Hi; While I was trying to run test classes in eclipse, I am getting the following errors. What is the problem? 17:42:41,568 DEBUG [EmbeddedTestMcBootstrap] Starting org.jboss.ejb3.test.mc.bootstrap.EmbeddedTestMcBo...
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    last modified by gurkanerdogdu