• How i can get all method info of a class?

    How i can get and set input parameter of a method? i can use java.reflect for get input parameter structure an type ,then use javassist for set the input parameter?
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    last modified by icecrash
  • how i can use javassist for loggin a method behaviour of a l

    1)how i can use javassist for loggin a method behaviour of a loaded class? I want to log method behaviours with javassist translator , can anyone help me? 2) it possible show method body whit javassist? thanks.
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    created by icecrash
  • how i ca use javassist for make a fault injection tool

    Kind, i need to make a fault injection tool for java programs and i use javassist. I have some question: how i can inject for example wrog type in a input parameter of method? how i can monitor the error propagation t...
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    created by icecrash
  • Differences between 3.0-rc-1 and 3.0?

    I just noticed that a 3.0 (presumably final) release is available. What are the differences between this and the RC1 release candidate? Also, I'm beginning to look at using Annotations with Tapestry and Javassist. My...
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    created by hlship
  • CtField endless loop

    Bonjour, There is a circularity problem in the CtField.append method in the code while (lst.next != null){ lst = lst.next; // infinite loop if lst==lst.next } This happens when I use myPool= ClassPool.getDefau...
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    created by dechamps
  • WildcardLoader

    According to the spec (and this is discutable that's why they added those styles) you have to use portlet-section- for both sections and tables. Using CSS you can define different styles for: <span class="portle...
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    created by brett_s_r
  • toString

    Hi, I am using javassist for this project: http://pec.dev.java.net and I find that toString for CtClass etc. don't override toString in Object and therefore don't behave like toString in Class etc. and I find this ...
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    created by hlovatt
  • Inconsistency in CtConstructor.getName

    Here is the definition of CtConstructor.getName() in Javassist 3.0RC1: /** * Obtains the name of this constructor. * It is the same as the simple name of the class declaring this * constructor. If this object rep...
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    last modified by gpothier
  • Writing method args into file with Javassist

    Hi, I am trying to choose between AspectJ and Javassist as testing tools in my company. Javassist seems to me more straightforward, and I lean towards it, but there are some utility functionality that is harder to imp...
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    last modified by vicki
  • Abount local variables

    hi all, I am doing something on method level based on javassist. For example: the orginial method like this void foo(void) { do something ... } after instrmenting this method like this: void foo(void) { // inser...
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    last modified by xudong1
  • javassist.reflect contruction interception draft

    I have posted a proposed enhancement to the javassist.reflect package, to support constructor interception. The enhancement provides the following additional features: An event is generated prior to the calling of a...
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    created by brett_s_r
  • Extending Reflection to intercept Constructors

    I am using the Javassist Loader and Reflection classes from javassist.reflect, to stub-out and mock classes transparently, especially when performing unit tests. I have found that when used with the reflective Loader...
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    last modified by brett_s_r
  • CtNewMethod on static fields, bug submitted

    See http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=987038&group_id=22866&atid=376685. A failing TestCase is provided. I notice that the code deliberately treats statics differently: if ((finfo.getAcces...
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    last modified by brett_s_r
  • Urgent: Please give me a hand  !!!

    REPOST FROM BILL BURKE Its more like DynamicProxy -> interceptor stack -> Target MBean There should be no concept of server or client. I also believe the interceptor chain, Aspect Oriented framework should b...
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    created by ericmacau
  • [b]Modifying the import classes and fully qualified classes@

    Hi, My name is Shekhar. I am working in IOPSIS Software, INDIA (www.iopsis.com). My prob: Modifying the import classes and fully qualified classes@ runtime using masterCL. Details: (IBM created this prob:) anyways.....
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    created by amey
  • Missing ResourceBundle

      "glaucio" wrote: "glaucio" wrote: Inside my entity beans i try to get values from a properties file using the ResourceBundle class. But I always get a MissingResourceException. Where do I have to place my prope...
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    last modified by glaucio
  • Why did  getRealPath(

    I avoid to use request.getRealPath("/"); because this method was deprecated ,so I used the new version servletContext.getRealPath(""); but it retrns null. String serverPath = servletContext.getRealPath(""); System...
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    created by suhaib
  • Bug in compiler with null

    I have been having trouble sometimes passing in null to a method call, particularly arrays. It is weird sometimes null just works, sometimes I have to typecast it, sometimes I have to declare a variable and pass the v...
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    last modified by bill.burke
  • javassist and JSR175

    I've started this afresh, this is definitely a separate topic :-) Apologies to the others for hijacking their topic. Re: attrib4j. I hadn't noticed that one but will have a look at it tonight. I did find another bef...
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    created by kevinconner
  • Set initial context

    Hi! I´m a rookie on JBoss and I´would like to know the specific JNDI properties to set the InitialContext. I´m following the Titan Cruiser example. The JBoss EJB workbook doesn´t set anything, ...
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    created by biondo79