• Use JBoss AOP to do fault injection experiments

    Hi all, I am wondering if I can use JBoss AOP to modify "on the fly" methods input parameters.   I will explain better the scenario. I would like to conduct some robustness tests on a middleware used by an appl...
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    last modified by sergio.celentano
  • Applying changes directly in the source code

    Hi   I need to make changes directly in the source code before compilation be made by the javac compiler.   That is, I intend that the changes should be made on the source code and not the byte-code. My id...
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    last modified by rhp
  • FieldWriteInvocation.getValue does not reflecting changes made along interceptors

    I have two field write interceptors A and B that is instrumented on a particular fileld. A gets invoked before B. Can someone please confirm whether the following should work?   class A implements Interceptor { &...
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    last modified by rick.dong
  • Slow undeployment

    I got some problems with slow undeployment of aspect module (.aop) in EAR application.   For some reasons I splitted my advices in two differents aspects (I'm using load time weaving). These two classes have so...
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    created by rafachies
  • Maven plugin classpath woes

    Hi I am currently trying to move the JBoss ESB build from ant to maven. In the ant build we use the aopc ant task modify an external jar (which is one of the project dependencies); I am having problems replicating...
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    last modified by dpalmer
  • Constructor Execution Pointcut Causing ArrayOutOfBounds

    ================================== ==============Update============== ==================================     I  noticed that some older beans that did not have the private ctors did  not have th...
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    last modified by nwhitehead
  • Abstract and aop

    hi   i have a newbie jboss aop question, maybe someone can help me   I have an abstract class defining method1 And 2 subclasses Class1 and Class2   I'd like to intercept differently the call to Clas...
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    last modified by maximilien
  • With compile-time weaving, why does AOP need run-time configuration?

    http://docs.jboss.org/aop/1.3/aspect-framework/reference/en/html/running.html#standalone-compiletime says that, at run time, JBoss AOP needs to find XML configuration files.   Why is that?  Having run aopc, ...
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    last modified by tboemker
  • Maven plugin problem

    Hi   I am currently trying to convert our ant build to maven. Our ant build extracts the contents of a jar; runs aopc over that jar and repackages the jar. I am having problems trying to replicate this using the...
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    created by dpalmer
  • Poincut Expression

    Hi I am new to JBoss AOP and at the beginning I am stuck with a poincut expression. I am behind a logger aspect which should log every methods under "com.mycompany" and it's sub packages. I come from spring bac...
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    last modified by bghosh1
  • dynamically add/remove aspect

    Hi,   I'm using jboss aop for monitoring purposes.   I have an aop included in my ear :      EAR aop jar jar war   In my aop i have an xml defining my aspect and its bindings. I...
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    last modified by maximilien
  • Dynamic AOP application, not able to redeploy the aspects at runtime

    Hello,   I am very new to JBoss and AOP. I have been trying to implement dynamic aop and i am using jboss-4.2.3-GA and JDK 1.6.0_01. Jboss aop in use is the one that comes with 4.2.3 by default. An interceptor...
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    last modified by viveknandavanam
  • AOP Instrumentor failed to transform

    Hello   I'm in the process of upgrading from JBoss AS 5.0 to 5.1 and previously our app was working fine, but after getting things to start up properly, we get the following error and i'm not sure why it is happ...
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    last modified by mpgong
  • calling aspect from netty thread inside jboss 5.1

    Hi,   We are using netty to send and receive network messages.  But for some reason advices are not being called when messages are received.   All classes and xml files involved on the project are _no...
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    last modified by elgabo
  • jboss aop in eclipse - can't make it work

    Hi,   I've just started digging into the jboss AOP, however its been 2 days and I just can't make the most trivial helloworld work. The documentation I've found so far did not help. I'd appreciate a lot if someo...
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    last modified by aramhovsepyan
  • Maven plugin annotations parsing

    Hi,   I'm new to AOP. I'm trying to create a simple aspect and include it in a war deployed in JBossAS, built with maven.   I've got it working with jboss-aop.xml descriptor but I can't figure out how to d...
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    last modified by sintetik7
  • Eclipse/JBoss AOP standalone

    Hello, Please, i want to know how can i configure JBoss_AOP standalone with Eclipse (steps to follow = especially Classpath and the two versions of JBoss_AOP(plug-in)/Eclipse)       Thank You.
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    last modified by hsma
  • java.lang.IllegalStateException: Should not have null domainName for scoped bean

    I have an EAR file that contains  multiple WAR files. I added an AOP interceptor to one of the war files  and I get the following error when trying to deploy the wAR file. The  EAR file deploys fine onl...
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    last modified by pastafarian
  • Ear Deployment Fails with Aspects in JBoss 5.1

    Hi,   I'm deploying an EAR to Jboss 5.1.  The EAR contains a war, an EJB jar, a few utility jars and an AOP jar.  When I deploy without the AOP jar, deployment is succesful.  However when I deploy...
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    last modified by cullingw
  • Problem to get custom interceptor stack up and running.

    Hello,   I have a problem getting an interceptor stack up and running on my JBoss (4.2.3.GA). The jboss starts fine, without any error messages, but when I connect a client to the server I get a NullPointerExcep...
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    created by heineson