• Aspect problem when deployed in 2 war files with PER_VM scope.

    Hi,   I am using jboss aop for creating trace aspects for logging method entry and exit.. We have 2 war files deployed in the same jboss server. Both the war files have their own TraceAspect class (in fact it ...
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    created by rsrivarsh
  • Is there any article about using jboss AOP with EJB 2.X

    Hi.   These days I try to use jBoss AOP with EJB 2.X.   I make Aspect class and included on jar that will be include on ear.   And I add a xml file to set a rule.   ( Create a new file, named '...
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    created by headiron
  • Cannot get AOP to run in webapp

    Hi!   After working with JBoss AOP successfully (I'm using standalone mode with loadtime instrumentation) I tried to instrument a web application running inside a Tomcat container. This worked well for a very s...
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    last modified by mwx.dennis
  • Field annotation

    Hello, I don't know why #2 and #3 do not work in the following example. Please, help me out. (1) works well <bind pointcut="field(* bank.BankAccount->*)"> (2) does not work. &l...
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    last modified by mksong
  • How a field annotation to weave with an aspect?

    Hello, I wanted to test 'field annotation' using JBoss AOP. However, the POJO, BankAccount was not be able to be enhanced. Can you help me out to weave it with an aspect?   * Very simple program has been a...
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    created by mksong
  • Is it possible to intercept method in Abstract Class

    Hi All,   Is it possible to intercept a method in an Abstract Class?   I have tried;        <bind pointcut="execution(protected * xxx.xxx.AbstractHandler->aquireHandler(..))"...
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    last modified by nizzy
  • Help Me: ERROR [Instrumentor] [warn] AOP Instrumentor failed

    Hi at all. I'm using Jboss 5.1.0 jdk 6 and i tried "inboss" examples localized in jboss AOP distribution.   I tried to insert a .aop in war existent application as explain in "injboss" examples. But when i star...
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    last modified by cuccu83
  • Tried everything to get Interceptor working, what am I missing?

    I am losing the will to live with aop. Just trying to get a simple hello world Interceptor working by intercepting public methods. Using JBoss 4.3.0, have already given up on using annotations and instead gone for the...
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    last modified by barondodd
  • Detecting annotated classes

    Hi All!   I am a noob to AOP. I need to create a setup where I need to detect specific annotation inside classes during EAR deployment. Basically I need to provide a mean for another developer to mark certain me...
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    created by markom
  • withincode from JUnit test not working

    Hi Guys,   I have been working on this issue off and on for a while now. Here are my findings, hopefully someone will be able to help me!   Environment ------------------ Standalone Hibernate 3.2.4.GA S...
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    last modified by nizzy
  • Deploying AOP in 5.1 with pojo cache

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  • Integration with riftsaw

    Hi at all, i'm a student researcher on workflow project at university Federico II (Italy). I would integrate Riftsaw engine with JBoss AOP. In few words when the engine invoke an external web service (Invoke operati...
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    last modified by cuccu83
  • DEBUG org.jboss.aop.SuperClassesFirstWeavingStrategy  - cannot compile, isInterface:

    I'm getting the error:DEBUG org.jboss.aop.SuperClassesFirstWeavingStrategy  - cannot compile,  isInterface: when intercepting a method.   thanks
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    last modified by yusefasjana
  • JBoss AOP 2.1.6.GA.zip file not available for download

    It looks like there is a permission problem with the JBoss AOP. When I click on the download link, I get the message "Sorry, you don't have access to this resource".
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    last modified by kkoster
  • Problem with AOP arond advice in JBoss trunk

    I have been trying to revive on AS trunk the Web Service Transactions BAFramework demo which we last had working on AS 4.2.3. In doing so  have come across what appears to be a problem with AOP. I don't have a _s...
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    last modified by adinn
  • Pointcut not executing

    Hi, one of my pointcuts is not executing   execution(* com.test.Engine->getInstance(..))   I'm using the @Replace and MockAspect classes to mock some objects on  my junit, one of the methods that I...
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    created by yusefasjana
  • Client Interceptor for EJB3

    I am trying to deploy a pair of client and server side interceptors for EJB3. I am using JBoss 5.1.0.GA. I have followed the directions found at http://www.jboss.org/ejb3/docs/tutorial/configuration/configuration.html...
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    created by kkoster
  • Custom aspect domain does not work

    Hi, I have a session bean (ejb3) with a custom aspect domain. If the ejb is deployed as jar it works fine. The *-aop.xml can be found in the jar META-INF.   If the ejb is deployed as EAR jboss5.1.0.GA throws exc...
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    created by afejes
  • Different jboss-aop.xml files for unit testing

    Hi All, As mentioned in my previous post I'm reviewing AOP for use with unit testing. I define my jboss-aop.xml in test/META-INF folder in my eclipse project. I have noticed that it is going to be quite probable tha...
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    last modified by nizzy
  • Usage of pre-defined JBoss AOP security library.

    Hello, I would like to ask a question about the usage of pre-defined JBoss AOP security library. To test it, I wrote a source code which includes a pre-defined annotation and a user-defined annotation: Permissions an...
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    last modified by mksong