• Reading Application Properties

    Hi All,   I am a newbie to java and jboss. S/W using: Jboss v7.0.2 Java 1.7   I want to place an properties file in the server folders ,and access the same in Java.   Please help  me.
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    last modified by anup_patil
  • Can I use nested query in ejb finders?

    We need to use following query in CMP entity bean: SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM CPRecoverLog o WHERE o.status = ?1 AND o.CPTransactionId = ( SELECT MIN(o1.CPTransactionId) FROM CPRecoverLog o1 WHERE o1.status = ?1) The bea...
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    last modified by amit10may
  • Why cann't I reply to the thread I opened?

    I have found this is really annoying. I opened a thread to ask a question and somebody answered and asked for more info. I am trying to answer back, but the forum does not allow me to reply and keep saying I might hav...
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    last modified by yangju
  • Error deployment war file

    Hi there,   i'm on jboss As 6 and i'm trying to add a jboss-web.xml file to my web-inf of my war file and i got this error:   10:48:16,308 ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Parse: name=v...
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    created by khaounen
  • Jboss request original url

    Hi All!   Jboss Portal redirects first request to default portal object.   How get original url content before portal navigation fired?   Which Server Interceptor more suitable for this task?
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    created by black_moon
  • Need a C# example to connect to HornetQ

    I'm developing a C# application that needs to connect to HornetQ. I've read some documents and it state that I need to use Stomp so I search more and found Apache NMS.Stomp. I tried to download the library (.dll) to...
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    created by ibright
  • why i can't enable the xa-datasource

    Hi everybody, I m beginner in Jboss.   I'm doing some exercises, now I m trying to enable the xa-datasource, but it can't enable and show following error message. Unexpected HTTP response: 500 Request {  ...
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    last modified by matthew_leung
  • Import.sql not loaded

    Hi,   I’m a JBoss newbie. I installed JBoss Developer Studio 7.1 with JBoss AS7.1.1 on Mac OS 10.9.1, I generated the Java EE Web Project standard example jboss-javaee6-webapp and I „Run on server&l...
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    last modified by joachim.a
  • Jboss Problem after PrimeFaces Installation

    Hi.   I´m using Jboss 7.1.1.final. After I tried to install PrimeFaces i received the following problem:   INFO  [org.jboss.as.security] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 44) JBAS013101: Activating ...
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    last modified by rallenaldo
  • There is JBAS011469 error when the app trying to write data to db. (JBossAS7, MySql)

    Dear Forumers, I am newbie in the Java EE world. To improve my programming experience I chose the JBoss Developer Studio, and the JBoss AS 7 server with MySQL database. I use these tools in Fedora 20. JBoss has a ...
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    last modified by edfromhadria
  • Java client in JBoss6 according to JBoss in Action

    Should implementing a java client, according to chapter 9 of JBoss in Action, work in JBoss6 Final? Or do I need some special configuration in this version of JBoss? I followed the instructions of chapter 9 but I am g...
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    created by ramboid
  • Class visibility problems from HornetQ authentication using a custom loginmodule

    Using: JBoss 7.2 With: EAR containing a login module (inside an embedded EJB jar)     Login module authentication works with: Web authentication (jax-ws fx) A few (ahem) unmanaged threads from within th...
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    created by nmoelholm
  • HTTPS connectionTimeout increase

    Hi How I can increase the connectionTimeout in the connector HTTS?   What is the default value of the connectionTimeout?
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    created by erasmomarciano
  • How can a servlet client implement ws-security from wsdl -- like Metro does?

    How can a servlet cient implement the ws-security from a wsdl just like Metro does?  I use JBoss6GA-Final and I need to create a client for a webservice.  I can consume the wsdl, create the java artifacts, a...
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    created by ramboid
  • Arquillian tests does not work on server

    Hello,   I have in Eclipse created a project based on JBoss Central | Java EE Web Project. The web application will work. The Arquillian tests I have started according to the README.MD. --- Server --- :: ...
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    created by sys3175
  • Client servlet in JBoss6 for client developed for Glassfish and Metro

    How can I implement the bindings declared in the wsit-client.xml of Metro in a servlet deployed in JBoss6?  I need to use a remote webservice that uses SOAP.  I have obtained a war deployment that was create...
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    created by ramboid
  • Help on running "The ... Quote Machine" oreilly example on JBoss 7.1.1

    Trying to deploy the mentioned example from the chapter 2 of Book "JBoss A Developer's Notebook" oreilly edition on Fedora 19 With JBoss AS 7.1.1 Final, oracle JDK7 using ant 1.9.2 FROM the published environment JBo...
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    last modified by daletras
  • Can not generate Seam entity

    Hi all, I have followed the CRUD tutorial (Chapter 13. Generate a CRUD Database Application) and when I reached to the point that I should be able to generate the seam entities from reverse engineering, the following...
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    last modified by amir22651
  • Do I need to define data sources in standalone.xml?

    Hi,   I'm a complete newbie in JBoss AS 7 and developing Java EE Web Projects. I've developed a REST service that accesses a data source and I was wondering if there is a way to just define the datasource in a ....
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    last modified by sjbarry
  • Windows 2008 is shutting down if I stop the JBoss 7.1.1 Windows-Service

    I have a problem stopping the JBoss Windows Service. Every time I stop the Windows Service  Windows 2008 Server itself is shutting down...   ...   And I habe really no idea why.   Nachricht ge&a...
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    last modified by andreas_herrmann