• Not able to start the server

    I am a newbie to jboss. So when i downloaded and started the server it is throwing the following error - Could not start deployment: file:/Users/satheesh_gandhiri/Downloads/jboss-portal-2.7.2/server/default/deploy/jb...
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    created by vivek962
  • EHCache RMI Replication on JBoss/EC2 throws java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: no such object in table

    Trying to create an EHCache RMI-based cache replication between 2 JBoss 4.2 servers on Amazon EC2. Currently, this is set up as manual peer discovery with one-way replication from Server2 to Server1.     C...
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    created by nmenon
  • JBoss 4.2.3 & RESTEasy 2.3.2 - Problem in BeanManager's JNDI lookup

    Hello All,   I want to use JBoss 4.2.3 with RESTEasy 2.3.2. I'm able to do it by adding all the required Jars to library. This works fine when I don't use CDI capabilities.   However, if I try to use @Inje...
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    created by hpally
  • How to configure JBoss to use DB2 Trusted Context ?

    Hi Someone have experience how to use a DB2 trusted context with Jboss (jboss 4.x or 5.x or 6.x )     With DB2 trusted contexts, a mid-tier application can assert the user identity to the database so that...
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    created by rmazzola
  • Latest Stable GA Release for JBOSS AS.

    Hi guys,   pls. let me know which is the latest stable verion for Jboss AS GA.
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    last modified by kishor_pawar89
  • Space issue in Jboss

    Recently in my servers, i'm getting this error message : "java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: No space left on device", in reality, server still has 50% free space. Any idea? Pl. let me know.   Th...
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    created by rajeshharan
  • Is it possible to have different session ids for two web apps in the same EAR

    Hi all, We have a requirement for web apps packaged inside single EAR to have different session ids. Can someone suggest a work around for this? We are using JBOSS 4.2.3   We don't want to split these two web...
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    created by pkiran
  • JMS Bridge using JBoss MQ (Jboss version 4.2.3)

    Hello all,   I would like to implement a simple message bridge, which would copy a message from a topic to the queue, both deployed on the same server. Is this possible with JBoss MQ Provider? All the examples on...
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    created by rimarvladimir
  • JBoss 4.2.2 crashes abruptly with "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'"

    Hallo, we are testing our application with some long running tests. After a few hours the server crashes without logging any exceptions. The last entry in the log is terminate called after throwing an instance of '...
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    last modified by marcusdidiusfalco
  • updating Jbossweb.jars to fix hash collision

    Hi ,   I have a product built on  Jboss 4.23.000.  We found from an internal auditing team that this version of Jboss’s web-container has a known vulnerability called  “Hash Collision&...
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    last modified by manjesh.h
  • JBoss 4.2.3 GA - Old Gen getting full

    Hi,   Recently I have noticed that one of my JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA instances are getting slow and sometimes hang. When I checked the heap, the Old Gen (Tenured) was almost full, and so was the Perm Gen. When I analy...
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    last modified by yohanliyanage
  • Issue with CustomLayout configuration in JBoss

    Hi,   I have added a CustomPatternLayout to format the logs messages. To use it in JBoss 4.2 I had modified the jboss-log4j.xml. I have changed the PatternLayout to CustomPatternLayout class. Added the JAR (Whi...
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    last modified by pintu1980
  • Webservice in JBoss 4.2.2 location of WSDL

    Hallo,   I have   @Stateless @WebService(name="Bafoeg", portName="Berechnung") public class BerechnungServiceBean implements BerechnungService {         @EJB   ...
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    last modified by marcusdidiusfalco
  • after creation of nodes the performance/speed has reduced

    I'm using JBOSS 4.2.3 GA on 32bit windows server 2003, jvm is 32bit, max JBOSS memory is 512mb.   I created two nodes, node1 for production warfile, node2 for test warfile. before I created two nodes the system...
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    last modified by pradeepn
  • How to fix hashtable collision DoS vulnerability in jboss 4.23.000?

    Hi All, I have a jboss 4.23.000 application and i need to fix the hashtable collision DoS vulnerability on it.     Is there a way to configure the maxParameterCount or  org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Par...
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    created by srimanto4u
  • JBoss 4.2.3 JMS java.net.SocketException: Too many open files

    Hello,   on an application which relies heavily on JMS I get 2012-03-22 16:36:30,496 11904541 WARN [org.jboss.mq.il.uil2.UILServerILService] (UILServerILService Accept Thread:) Failed to setup client connectio...
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    last modified by marcusdidiusfalco
  • Memory allocation for 4.2.x as a service

    I am having a memory problem with a production instance of JBoss 4.2.x on Windows Server 2008 R2.  The application itself is VERY memory intensive and modules keep running out of memory.  The server has 16GB...
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    last modified by wgpuckett
  • How to sync session timeout for two webapps in JBOSS and  IIS

    Hi all, We are using  JBOSS 4.2  and  IIS 6 for two different web applications. Clients connect to the webapp in IIS6 (app1) and this will launch another browser window which connects to webapp in JBO...
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    last modified by pkiran
  • Is JBoss EAP 4.3.x known to run in Java 7?

    Hello All, Has anyone gotten JBoss EAP 4.3 to run in Java 7?  We have a legacy application I would like to upgrade.  Has anyone had success or failure in this endeavor?   Thanks in advance, Steven
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    last modified by sboscarine
  • Difference between JBoss AS 4.2.1 and JBoss AS 5.1.0

    Hi,   Can anybody please explain, Difference between JBoss AS 4.2.1 and JBoss AS 5.1.0 ?   Regards, Jboss Imran
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    last modified by imranbaseer