• Control thread execution time in jboss

    Hi    Is there anyway to control thread execution time in jboss.   Server.xml has following config:   <Connector protocol="HTTP/1.1" port="8080" address="${jboss.bind.address}"   ...
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    created by richiarora
  • VFS exception on jar live update

    Hi,   We have an automated process of updating the 'lib' directories on a number of JBoss servers. Most of our instances are running on JBoss AS 5.1.0 GA. and JBoss 4.0.4 GA. High availability is important to u...
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    last modified by florinciu
  • Issue with CustomLayout configuration in JBoss

    Hi,   I have added a CustomPatternLayout to format the logs messages. To use it in JBoss 4.2 I had modified the jboss-log4j.xml. I have changed the PatternLayout to CustomPatternLayout class. Added the JAR (Whi...
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    last modified by pintu1980
  • Integration of JBOSS Application Server and Rabbit MQ

    Hi, I am trying to find whether the JBOSS application server supports integration with Rabbit MQ or not and are there any documents regarding the same. Could you please let me know if anyone tried to integrate the Ra...
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    last modified by rkalavala77
  • Accessing local file-system using Java 7 NIO.2 classes throws an exception when deployed in JBoss

    Hi,   I am actually working on a mainframe/unix platform (the problem is restricted to mainframe/unix platforms only - it does not occur with JBoss in windows), and would like to read the metadata (dataset name ...
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    created by sughosh
  • Problem with retry in JMS using JBOSS 5.0

    Hi,   I have a problem in my application. When a messaged is being processed and before the response in sent if my server is shutdown, then on restart the message is processed again. I find this behaviour unique...
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    last modified by krishna.b
  • Sharing Eclipse classpath with the team using different JBoss versions

    Hello,   Does anyone know how to properly set up Eclipse classpath variables for a team that uses different JBoss versions, so that the .classpath file can be shared over source control? More specifically, some...
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    last modified by onlywei
  • JBoss 5.1: Entity classes not found (vfszip)

    I am using JBoss 5.1 with Hibernate 3.6, **JPA 2.0** and Spring 3.0.5. I use maven to build the EAR file which looks like :       AutoTrader.ear     -------> META-INF  &...
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    created by jazb
  • Jboss SSl page not found

    I configured ssl in jboss as below. when i hit https://test1.xxxx.com:8443  Am getting page not found error. Their is no error in log file.        <Connector protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnable...
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    created by akashk
  • To check the queue is stopped

    Is there any attribute to check the state of a user defined queue in JBoss. I have stopped a queue, and admin console shows its state as Unavailable.   Can we check the same through the JMX console as well, as I...
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    created by ayushgupta
  • JBoss as a socket client

    Greetings all,   We are in the design process of an application that will see our JBoss AS 5 server receiving RESTFul requests and for each request acting as a client to a socket based application. The socket ba...
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    last modified by earnest.dyke
  • Bind JBoss process to a particular port instead of using a range of port

    Hi All, I am using JBoss. The JBoss process binds to ports in a range. My application ran into troubles when setting up remote swing clients with a firewall in between server and client. I want the ability to limit t...
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    created by sushan.reddy
  • How to use shared libraries in jboss 5.0

    I have an EAR deployed in default profile. I need to use some external JAR files as part of my CLASSPATH and they should not be deployed as part of defalut/lib directory. Is there some way to refer external shared l...
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    last modified by shubhendu_tripathi
  • Unable to locate current JTA transaction in grails application deployed in jboss5

    Hello,   I want to deploy a grails 1.3.7 application to Jboss 5.2 but I have a problem with the JTA transaction :   Stacktrace follows: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Unable to locate current JTA tran...
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    created by bob_y
  • How to invoke an EJB deployed on JBoss 5.1 from a JBoss 7.1 client?

    I'm currently running a web-based application using JBoss 7.1.0 beta 1b. I need to invoke an EJB hosted on a remote JBoss 5.1 server. Back in the JBoss 5 time, I would use the following code to look up the EJB:  ...
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    last modified by xinziwu
  • odd SkipPageException (also web log)

    Hello, JBoss Gurus,   We use Jboss 5.0.1. I am having a big headache over a SkipPageException. Not sure what is wrong in my servlet/jsp env. is there any way to let the web component of JBoss spit more info? &#...
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    created by gigi2
  • Question about JBoss AS Web authentication.

    Apache features a basic web authentication dialog box allowing the user to enter a password, which is verified against a precompiled, encrypted password.   -Does JBoss allow for an equivalent dialog?   *C...
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    created by fredfred
  • jboss AS connection can not be disused when F5 loadbalance switch,is jboss bug ?

    env: jboss5 - F5 - mysql when F5 switch to standby, jboss5 app server wil not reconnection to mysql,jdbc connection in jboss pool is unuseful, exception is     {code} Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdb...
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    created by liye

    Dear all,   How to deploying GRAILS into JBOSS AS 5   Regards,   Satria
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  • Jboss and JSF

    i have a Jsf application deployed in a clutered environment ( 2 servers).The request will go Through Apache mod_jk. The issue was when i try to access a page,i was getting "502 bad gateway error".The page contains a ...
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    created by jagadeshm