• jboss 4 to 7 migration question.

    hi, we have application at jboss 4.0.1 sp1. The EJB we are using are of 2.x. We want to migrate to Jboss 7. Do we need to upgrade from EJB 2.x to 3.0? is that mandatory for jboss 7 to work?  Using ant over eclip...
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  • JBoss5 custom metadata files

    With new Microcontainer, its Deployers and JBossXB, it's super easy to write some custom metadata along with its matching/handling deployer. We use different files to add to deployment information, ranging from perf...
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    last modified by xmedeko
  • EJB deployment failed in JBoss AS 6.0.1

    I'm trying to deploy an EJB2.1 application in JBoss AS 6.0.1. This application is running JBoss 4.0 with Jbossmq as the JMS provider. When I deploy the same application in JBoss AS 6.0.1, the JMS folder JMS.sar deploy...
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    created by arunkumarstay
  • JBoss Configuration files for discovery

    Hello gang, I am working for a company which specialises in discovery and dependency mapping of application. I am working on an algorithm to discover JBoss.   Currently,  I am at the stage where I'm tryin...
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    last modified by discovery
  • Context initialization failed while starting jboss-eap-5.1

    Hi, Getting "Context initialization failed" Error while starting jboss-eap-5.1. Same code and configurations are working fine in jboss-5.1.0.GA.  jboss-5.1.0.GA is installed on my local windows pc and jboss-eap...
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    last modified by raja_java
  • VersionOfTomcatInJBossAS

    What version of Apache Tomcat ships with JBoss Application Server    JBossAS version Ships with Tomcat Servlet Spec JSP Spec 3.2.3 4.1.29 2.3 1.2 3.2.4 5.0.26 2.4 2.0 3.2.5 5.0.26 2.4 2....
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    last modified by jfclere
  • TransactionStickyLoadBalancePolicies

    Introduction First of all, what is transaction sticky functionality about? The aim is to: Enable both remote user transaction and EJB invocations within a user transaction to hit the same server for the duration of t...
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    last modified by wdfink
  • Why the JBoss any version not support automatic  encryption of the Database password ?

    I worked all the JBOSS versions 4/5/6 all the versions why the Database password not encrypting automatically once server restarted. Is there any process for the same.
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    created by durgarajnarendra
  • Jboss4.2.2- Malicious files under bin folder

    Hello everyone,   I am having a tough time in deleting and restarting our production servers very often because of the malicious files coming and piling under jboss/bin folder. (Please see the attached screensh...
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  • Look Up Remote EJB

    Hi   I want to look up a EJB deployed on JBoss 5 in a different machine, I want to lookup that EJB in my local application deployed on JBoss 6.   I have the jndi name for the Remote EJB. I tried writing t...
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    created by gbvinay
  • Jboss 5.1.0 Connection Closed issue

    Hello,   My IdM application is deployed on Jboss 5.1.0 and Jboss server are in clustered mode. I receive Connection is closed message on secondary server and this issue is very intermittent and only on secondary...
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    created by renusingh8
  • Is it possible to browse a queue when a singleton MDB is consuming that queue

    In our application, we are having a queue called 'queue1'. We have configured a singleton message driven bean(Queue1MDB) for this queue. My requirement is to check whether any messages already exist in the queue bef...
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    created by ronaldrandon
  • Not able to connect to LDAP using EJB3

    Hi Everyone,      I successfully connected to the LDAP server from standalone java application and able to authenticate the request.        Now I am trying to integrate L...
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  • Migration problem from 5.0 to 5.1 - Authenticate principal null

    Hello,   I encountered a problem and I hope someone can help me with it. Maybe it is a simple one but i can't figure it out. I am a beginer in JBOSS.   I have an eclipse plugin from where I connect ot Jbos...
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    last modified by vlad010788
  • ClassLoadingConfiguration

    Discussion  By default JBoss (prior to version 3.2) uses a flat class loading model that avoids the need to redundantly include classes in different layers.  WAR files would only have the web contents and s...
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    last modified by paolo.compieta
  • How contributors participate in this community?

    Hi, I am a phd student of Peking University. My interest is to investigate hybrid projects (open source and backed by companies), e.g, how it affects volunteers compared to the beginning open and free world. I stu...
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    last modified by maxj
  • Jboss eap 4.3 - org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrappedConnection cannot be cast to org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.jdk6.WrappedConnectionJDK6

    Hi, I am new to Jboss eap, I got the bellow error with jBoss eap 4.3.when i am trying wrap the connection as   org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.jdk6.WrappedConnectionJDK6 wc = (org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.jdk6....
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    created by sureshpdn
  • Whole message is not getting printed in the log file in JBoss log4j

    Hi, I have used jboss-log 4j configuration using DailyRollingFileAppender.I am printing some string values in the log files using debug level. But if the string contains a huge text value, the whole text values is no...
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    created by vimodchandra
  • Ear File Deployment Error In Jboss 6.1.0

    Dear All,   Hope Every One Doing Good,Last couple of days iam struggling one issue regarding the ear file deployment in jboss 6.1.0.My Project is Multi module maven Project and the Both Eclipse and Net Beans Ge...
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    created by sanvi
  • JMS security exception in server logs

    Hi ,   We have been observing below error in server logs , We are using Jboss 5.0 EAP .   ERROR [org.jboss.remoting.ServerInvoker] Error executing server oneway invocation request: InvocationRequest[1d9e07...
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    created by sriram.duggirala