• Validation of SAML assertion present in soap message at Service Provider End

    Hi, Currently I am configuring Service Provider to handle soap message which contains the SAML assertion in jboss-eap-6.2 & picketlink-federation-2.7.0 . I want to validate this saml assertion against the key wh...
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    last modified by pandey.dev25
  • CVE-2014-3518 vulnerability and JBoss 6.1?

    Hi there,   I am looking online to verify if the CVE-2014-3518 vulnerability that was found in JBoss 5.X still exists in JBoss 6.1... I have not been able to find any information on this. Does anybody know if th...
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    last modified by fassisrosa
  • How to retrieve programmatically the management host and port

    Greetings,   I'd like to connect to Jboss-cli from a servlet running in JBOSS.EAP 6.3   Example ModelControllerClient _client = ModelControllerClient.Factory.create(InetAddress.getByName(_management_host...
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    last modified by kalzzz
  • JBoss Deployment issue for CXF+Spring WebService

    Hi, any one can help me? I encounter a issue to publish a WS(CXF+Spring), env as below:   Part A, environment information      1. Eclipse Luna R2 - v4.4.2      2. Jdk1.6...
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    last modified by macle.zhou
  • jboss-deployment-structure configuration to allow EAR jars preferred

    I have jars within my ear lib which need to be preferred over the application server similar jars like xalan, xerces etc. Weblogic allows this to done as below and the application works fine now in weblogic - with the...
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    last modified by om.singh.is
  • upgrade 6.1 to 6.2?

    we just finished an EXTREMELY painful 'upgrade' from JB5.2 to JB6.1 (eap). We had a huge number of issues, and many lingering bugs. I see that 6.2 (eap) was put out a few weeks ago, but i'm on the fence as to if we sh...
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    last modified by gjlloyd
  • Issue with JSF 2.2.4 in JBoss AS 6

    15:25:00,017 SEVERE [config] Critical error during deployment: : com.sun.faces.config.ConfigurationException: The tag named passThroughAttribute from namespace http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/core has a null handler-class de...
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    last modified by valsaraj007
  • Transaction Timeout to Return Immediately

    Hello,   I have a transaction managed by Spring (3.1.0) and JBoss JTA (jboss-eap-6.0). <bean id="transactionManager"               class="org....
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    last modified by platypunk
  • ARJUNA-12332: Failed to establish connection to server

    in JBOSS 6.1.0 Final, I got the following exception after the application run some time. what's the reason and impact of this exception?    2015-07-09 21:16:47,403 INFO [com.arjuna.ats.arjuna] (Transaction...
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    created by ericxiaomingzhao
  • Error getting remote controllers

    Hello, I'm having a problem connecting between 2 different JBoss. Both AS are Jboss 6 Final. The first has some portals and they use EJB Remote to access the session beans (EJB3.1) in the second JBoss.   After...
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    last modified by brunobat
  • Unable to see the JMS message in JBoss AS 6.1.0 Final

    I have deployed EAR file into JBoss AS 6.1.0 Final and server started without any errors/warnings. But when I send a soap request from cleint side the MDB is not getting/publishing the message. The JBoss server is idl...
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    last modified by jamespun
  • How to upgrade CXF 3.3.1 in JBoss 6.0.0 final

    Dear Sir,   I am using JBOSS 6.0.0 final , i have the need to upgrade CXF to 3.3.1 in my war.   As this jboss uses its default CXF how can i upgrade ?   Please Suggest how can I overwrite default CXF...
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    last modified by shaz_scorp
  • Jboss 6.0.0 final Deployment issue with CXF 3.3.1

    I am using Jboss 6.0.0 final. Existing cxf version used was cxf 2.2.3 I am trying to upgrade my cxf to 3.3.1. Resolved my build issue. I have all cxf 3.3.1 libraries inside my war file. Following are the errors whil...
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    last modified by shaz_scorp
  • Recover XA configuration for Oracle

    Hi,   I hope someone will be able to help me. I'm having problems getting a XA configuration to work for Oracle on jboss-6.3 EAP.  I keep getting this exception in my log file   WARN  [com.arjuna...
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    last modified by janmobi
  • Unable to load: org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.vendor.MySQLValidConnectionChecker

    I have following configuration in my standalone.xml file                         <validation>   ...
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    last modified by x.509
  • how to check if a module is loaded into JBOSS server

    Hi,   I use JBOSS EAP-6.3 server. I have added EclipseLink-2.1.3.jar as module by creating <JBoss_Home>/modules/org/eclipse/persistence/ and copied eclipselink jar and created module.xml as below   ...
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    last modified by avast
  • XA Connection issue with MariaDB

    I am having following issue with mariaDB jar     12:42:54,194 ERROR [org.jboss.jca.core.tx.jbossts.XAResourceRecoveryImpl] (Periodic Recovery) IJ000906: Error during crash recovery: java:jboss/datasources/m...
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    last modified by x.509
  • JBOSS WAP 6 Clustering on SSL

    Hi All,   Just wanted to ask :   I am using JBOSS EAP6 in cluster env having one master and other slave.   These two nodes are on different machine within same network. I am using SSL communication b...
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    last modified by yuvraj.bansal
  • JBoss5 custom metadata files

    With new Microcontainer, its Deployers and JBossXB, it's super easy to write some custom metadata along with its matching/handling deployer. We use different files to add to deployment information, ranging from perf...
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    last modified by xmedeko
  • EJB deployment failed in JBoss AS 6.0.1

    I'm trying to deploy an EJB2.1 application in JBoss AS 6.0.1. This application is running JBoss 4.0 with Jbossmq as the JMS provider. When I deploy the same application in JBoss AS 6.0.1, the JMS folder JMS.sar deploy...
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    created by arunkumarstay