• Active MQ-JBoss 5 integration

    Hi All,   I'm very keen to know about the functionality and benefits of using Active-MQ. I started out working on the same referring  Apache ActiveMQ ™ -- JBoss Integration.   Everything went no...
  • Static variable gives different values on how its accessed in jboss 6.4

    we have an application with EJB's , servlet's  and a class with static variables during the deployment time from DB via servlet init --> ejb -->DAO We are using Jboss 6.4    Application1.ear ...
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    last modified by vp889x
  • RichFaces Photoalbums tests being skipped because profile does not exist

    Hi,   I am using jboss-wfk-2.7.0-richfaces-demo.zip and I have observed that the tests on richfaces-photoalbum are not getting executing.   The output is like: $mvn test -Parquillian-jbossas-remote Down...
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    created by deepalic
  • TicketMonster Demo tests show 1 Test Skipped

    Hello,   I am using EAP v6.3.2 and have downloaded jboss-wfk-ticket-monster-2.7.0.Final.zip. I am executing tests for the ticektmonster demo example, but the final output is like: Tests run: 15, Failures: 0, Er...
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    last modified by deepalic
  • Invoicing URL not available for Snowdrop Sportsclub example

    I have followed the instructions available under the 3.2. Building the application to build and deploy the Snowdrop's Sportsclub application. I have updated the standalone-full.xml files as per the document and depl...
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    last modified by deepalic
  • Error while building Jboss developer studio 9.1.0 Beta 2 from source

    I have downloaded jboss-devstudio-9.1.0.Beta2-src.zip and am building it from source. However, the build is failing with the following error:   [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-p...
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    last modified by deepalic
  • Using XML file to replicate installations

    First let me say "Not a developer".  Now that is out I have a friend that developed a script that installs EAP 6.4 with some desired settings.  In trying to reproduce his BASH script on Windows and testing t...
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    last modified by arthell-george-63915123
  • Error while executing Arquillian Functional Tests for WFK Quickstarts

    Hello,   I am trying to execute Arquillian functional tests for WFK Quickstarts and I am getting errors.   In case of helloworld-rf the errors are like:   T E S T S --------------------------------...
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    last modified by deepalic
  • URL to access WFK quickstart samples

    I am using EAP server 6.3.2 and have deployed Web Framework Kit QuickStarts on it. The server shows successful deployment. However, I am not able to access the application URL. I am using the URL of the form http://...
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    last modified by deepalic
  • How to integrate JbossCach/infinispan with Jboss As?

    Hi All,   As part of research on performance enhancement, got to know about few products "JbossCache, Infinispan " which are used to minimize the traffic on database level by creating cache. I tried to analyze ...
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    last modified by sreekanth.munarai
  • What exact version of HornetQ does JBoss AS 6 use?

    To be able to do a source attachment, I'm looking for the exact version of HornetQ that JBoss AS 6 uses. I tried looking at the obvious place, jar-versions.xml in the root of the AS distribution, but it doesn't contai...
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    last modified by atijms
  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class oracle.jdbc.driver.ClassRef

    All,   I am running JBoss EAP 6.3 and my war deployments are failing with the following error:   Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class oracle.jdbc.driver.ClassRef   wh...
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    created by jmeloro
  • LDAP OU Integration

    Hi   I am trying to integrate jboss 5 with AD.The users in the users OU are authenticated but users of the rest of OUs are not authenticating.The settings in login-config.xml are as follows;   <applica...
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    created by mukhan
  • IJ000461: Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object

    Hello.   I am attempting to track down the root cause of the error in the title.  My environment is a JBoss server backed by a MySQL database.  I am using Infinispan, Hornet Q and a custom resource ada...
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    last modified by ramiseesniblic
  • Getting datasource properties via MBeanServer

    This is using JBoss 6.1. I have a deployed data source XML file in the following format: <datasources> <local-tx-datasource>   <jndi-name>myOraclePool</jndi-name>   <connectio...
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    last modified by cassga
  • Unable to bind HornetQ administered objects to a HA-JNDI

    So we have a non-HA JNDI cluster along with a HornetQ setup that we want to migrate to HA-JNDI. I have followed the documented steps in my test environment - started a two node JBoss cluster that runs the HA-JNDI serv...
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    last modified by gravetii
  • Java is taking more memory than configured!

    Hi All,   I have observed suspicious memory behavior in Jboss/Jvisulavm.   I have JBoss7.1.0 running on Windows OS. Have configured configurations as below "-Xms64M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M" However...
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    last modified by sreekanth.munarai
  • JBoss Fuse(open source vs Enterprise)

    Hi All,   We are on plan to migrate to enterprise world of Jboss Application server. We also Jboss Fuse running in our environment. Just want to know what all are the differences between enterprise fuse and open...
  • How to add JBOSS EAP 6.2 server adapter in eclipse?

    Hi Please let me know in eclipse how to install JBOSS EAP Server adapter. Or at least tell me the eclipse version which will already contains the JBOSS EAP 6.2 server adapter in it.
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    last modified by pavan-kumar
  • Migration from Jboss 4 to 6.2

    Hi, we recently migrated from Jboss 4 to Jboss 6.2 and made all related changes. Since we migrated we have seen this issue of the connections getting spawned again and again.Beow is the error trace from the Jboss lo...
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    last modified by saigopal143