• [JBoss-7.1.1.Final] xa-datasource-property bug?

    Hello,   I found that when the following is set in the standalone.xml of JBoss-7.1.1.Final, it will have a fatal error:     <xa-datasource....>      ....    ...
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  • Mapping Security Principal to JDBC Connection

      "jim_b_o" wrote: Several JDBC drivers (including Oracle and DB2) have proprietary API for informing the database who the real user of a pooled connection is. Can anyone provide any guidance on how within JBoss...
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  • Problem with number of database connections (Oracle)

    Hi, I have a problem with configuring JBoss connetion to Oracle database. We are running out of connections on Oracle machine because of this issue.   My configuration in oracle-ds.xml:     <local-...
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    last modified by michal_rorat
  • A question about configure the 'xa_open string'

    Hi,   I am not sure if I should put my post here. Hope someone can help.   Background to my question: One of our Jboss-Server is installed on a machine which OS is RHEL (RedHat Linux). There is a C/C++-...
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    created by thomas2008ch
  • need help with configuration for setting up oracle connection pool

    Hello,   I have unsuccessfully tried to figure out how to configure oracle connection pool on a jboss 7 AS so that I can use datasources/jndi   I need this for using xmltypes/clob..   If I use spring...
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    last modified by msteff
  • IJ000453: Unable to get managed connection for java:jboss/datasources/<DataSource>

    I am trying to setup JBOSS connection to postgres, connection details below, but get an error where it is failing to connect. Any ideas what needs to be done? i am new to JBoss and Postgres. I got data in my STOCK sch...
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    last modified by darkcloudi
  • Web -Services connection Handling

    Hi All, 1. I have implemented a web service with connection pooling(oracle-ds.xml) with JBoss server. In My business class, i am getting connection from pool and performing 4 to 5 DB operations, at last closing conn...
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    last modified by ggireeshg
  • Using high availability datasource in standalone mode

    I am looking out for high availability datasource solutions for my application supporting failover and I came across this article which mentions about JBoss Datasource HA.   I wanted to know if this DS can be u...
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  • Datasource in JBoss not picking the right class

    Hi All,   I am facing a very weird problem using JBoss 6. The problem is basically I have configured, a data source in standalone.xml             <dataso...
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    created by him-bhar
  • @PersistenceUnit don't return entityManager

    Hello    I have a problem with the annotation @PersistenceUnit.    I use it to define my EntityManager but it always return null. I use the server JBOSS 7.1   This is my persistence.xml &...
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    created by jwong22
  • My datasource don't create a transaction

    Hello    I have some problem with my database connection.    When i want to persist my object to my database, the server don't throw an exception but it don't insert into my table.   ...
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    created by jwong22
  • Error to create an oracle Datasource

    Hi, I'm trying to create a new Oracle Datasource throught admin console in Jboss 5.1.0.GA in Rhel 6.2, but it seems me an error:   -- The datasource is: JNDI Name: jdbc/appDS username: app_user JDBC Driver C...
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    created by tatupirsa
  • How to configure  MySQL Database with Jboss Portal Bundle 2.7.4 in wondows Platform

    How to configure  MySQL Database with Jboss Portal Bundle 2.7.4 in wondows Platform Any One Can Help me . I am new in jboss portal I follow this step to configure database with jboss portal but it gives ERROR &...
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    created by vaibhavnigam
  • SQLException encountered while trying to use a DB connection

    Hi all,   We have configured a read datasource in our JBOSS 4.2.3 AS, for reading from one of the tables in the Oracle 10g DB of our application. In the business logic of our application, first, we create a Quer...
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    last modified by mou_gc
  • Mysql JDBC module can't start: ClassNotFoundException XAResource

    I got a problem when deploying Mysql JDBC module on jboss-as-7.2.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT (on rhel 6.3) I was deploying just according to the document at https://community.jboss.org/wiki/DataSourceConfigurationInAS7 Error ...
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  • Jboss 7 - Spring - using Jboss Entity-/TransactionManager

    Hi there!   Im using: Jboss 7.1.1, Hibernate 3.6.9, Spring 3.0.1.   Currently I have following configuration which works great (but user want to switch from 'org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManag...
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    last modified by marvin182
  • Insert data to table, "NoClassDefFoundError"

    Hi everyone, I have a problem with my EAP. In my EJB prject i have a classes which schould insert data to "Gosc" table. "Gosc" is imported table in JPA project. So, i have:   01:05:07,760 ERROR [org.jboss.msc.se...
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    last modified by wojtek_pl
  • Test newly created dataSource

    Hi,   I have created a new datasource in the Jboss AS 6.   When I start the server then in logs its shows that the 14:32:12,858 INFO  [ConnectionFactoryBindingService] Bound ConnectionManager 'jboss...
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    last modified by mitvivek
  • JBOSS 4.2.3 GA Datasource encryption error

    I've deployed warfile in C:\XXX folder changed the location of deployment in "Default\conf" in jboss-service.xml. encryted the Datasource password by modifying the files: 1. -ds.xml and 2.login-config.xml files. stil...
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  • Timing Issue with Datasource configuration?

    In our JBOSS environment, we have many services that come up when initially starting up JBOSS.  Most of these are scheduled or on-demand services, but we have one where it comes up and starts on its own.  Th...
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    created by tombrey