• not able to use jce libs in jboss 5.1

    hello,   environment:      java version "1.6.0_32"      jboss - 5.1   while porting an application over to jboss 5.1 - we have run in to this issue:   (http...
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    created by geeky2
  • How to enable SSL on a newly created realm in JBoss AS 7.1

    Hi,   I have created a new realm called "MyRealm" and wanted to enable SSL on the realm in the standalone mode on JBoss AS 7.1  using the following link     https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/...
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    created by ursudheesh
  • EJB 3.1 Timer Service Fail Over

    I am thinking about porting a Spring Quartz based application to EJB 3.1 to see if EJB has improved.  I am having problems understanding how fail-over works with the Schedule Timer Service.  In Quartz, there...
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    created by nauvil
  • problems starting JassSecurityDomain in 6.1.0.Final

    I am trying to make use of the JaasSecurityDomainIdentityLoginModule, but my deploy is failing ...   09:35:49,681 ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Start: name=jboss.security:domain=ServerMast...
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    last modified by stevemaring
  • application threads running on all clustering nodes

    Hi,   Our application is having threads on startup and more threads will be created on user interactions as well. These threads are being replicated (duplicated) across all nodes and hence all threads run which ...
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    created by dpbabu
  • Encrypting Datasource Passwords with PBEUtils

    Hi everyone, I have been trying to follow the instructions in 17.2 of the security guide.  To that end I did the following:   1) Created a server.password using org.jboss.security.plugins.FilePassword and ...
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    last modified by kevingscott
  • when i logined (1st time) to my project it is giving the error....but 2nd time it is not giving such type of error

    i am getting the following error.......i recently changed to jboss6.1 from 4.2.2...in 4.2.2 it is working fine but it's not working on 6.1 for the first time only(after server starts).....pls suggest me if any solutio...
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    last modified by raghu88
  • JBoss 5.1 for SOA: how to enumerate all Endpoints

    Hi friends,   I unable to find information how to enumerate all regesterid in the AS Endpoints. One way I found - enumerate EPRs, but the EPR is not endpoint... My goal is to execute for each: for(Endpoint ep...
  • Why can't my EJB see common files inside war file?

    My DataProcessorBean packaged in an ear file can't find a local class(JDomUtils) during runtime. It compiles fine, it's accessible in my IDE, and I can see it also in the war file contained in the ear but getting th...
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    created by markorocko
  • Deploying non-jars from a SAR in AS 5.1

    I am trying to integrate Apache Axis2 client using Rampart security from a JBoss sar. Part of the Rampart deployment is a *.mar file that needs to be on the classpath. I've added it to my sar but it does not seem to b...
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    created by kc7bfi
  • How to register JSR109 handler in JBoss 5.1 for SOA?

    Hi everyone. I have JSR109 compat. handler (named jsr109test.ServerHandler and implemented javax.xml.rpc.handler.Handler inteface). What is required to edit in JBoss 5.1 (for SOA) configuration to start it working (c...
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    last modified by michael.vengerovich
  • @Transactional + TwoPhase Commit

    Hi All,   I'm trying create a TwoPhase Commit, but, it appears not working fine. Look my structure:   Application.class -- with two business controller -- a method with @Transactional annotation, inside ...
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    last modified by lucianoborges
  • JBoss AS 6.1 Interceptors

    I try to create global interseptor with AOP in JBoss AS 6.1. I take realisation of standard JBoss interseptor http://grepcode.com/file/repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/repositories/releases/org.jboss.ejb3/jboss-ej...
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    created by lavcraft
  • AS7: Global EJB Interceptors?

    How can I define an interceptor for all EJB's on the server?   I would like to measure response time on all EJB's without having to update the ejb-jar.xml in each of the EJB's. Is there an easy way to configur...
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    created by danamin
  • Does JBoss support EclipseLink1.0

    Hi All,   Does anyone know if JBoss support EclipseLink1.0 version, if so which version of JBoss AS?
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    created by jb_usr
  • Adding Deplay to every database call

    Hi   Is it possible to add a delay to every database call from application server level?   Thanks.
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    created by codevally
  • Best practices: Persistence and Transaction

    Hi all,   suppose you have the following architecture (running on JBoss AS 5.1):   Session Bean A is called by a timer frequently, requests data from an external web service, and passes this data on to Ses...
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    last modified by baradon
  • Building JBoss AS dependencies from sources

    Hello, Community!   My JBoss AS version is 6.1.   Overview of my situation: - I want to build from sources some dependencies, which maven downloads through the AS building. - With maven dependency plugin...
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    created by klimovsk

    My WAR file is not working without CXF plugin but the same is working fine in websphere without CXF?
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    created by dokwal
  • Server JBoss v5.0 at localhost failed to start.

    Hello everybody,   I get this error when I tried to start Jboss and in the console  i get this message     log4j:ERROR Failed to create directory structure: C:\Program Files\jboss-5.0.1.GA\server...
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    created by mchinda