• Asynchronous EJB method call - org.jboss.remoting.InvocationFailureException

    Hello. I am a newbie in JBoss world and currently working on my first program. Therefore, I beg your pardon in advance if my question is trivial. However I still don't know the answer, so would be grateful if anybody ...
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  • ejb + jpa inside ear inside jboss

    Hi! I dont know if this is the right place but i hope that you can possible answer my question. I have a Session Bean in a EJB project that is using a object inside a another Project (in this case JPAProject). Be...
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    created by tjsneves
  • Problem appreciating the stateless bean behavior

    Hi,     I am a newbie to EJB and started off with EJB 3.0. It annotations are cool but when I was trying to study EJB stateless session bean behavior by trying some samples, I got stuck up. The details...
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    last modified by oceanvijai
  • MDB - Temporarily undeploy the ear or  Pause consuming messages from Topic

    Hi,   I have an application which uses MessageDrivenBean with durable subscription on JMS Topic deployed on Jboss 4.3.2GA. the MDB send the messages to external system from Topic. Now when there is a requirement...
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    created by samuel_sathees
  • Re: ejb+oracle problem with file persistence

    I'm a bit confused. You use a Employ entity in your session (you should not use a stateful one here) but also create a main program where it look like you use a Vendi entity? The hibernate configuration is not real...
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    last modified by wdfink
  • ejb+oracle problem with file persistence

    'm trying to make a simple ejb project that is introducing data in a db oracle 11 database with jboss 7
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    last modified by gaiapuffo
  • RMI connection hangs for days

    Hi,   I have two JBoss AS 5 servers (S1 & S2) running in different locations and exchanging data through RMI.  A couple of days ago there were some network problems which caused the RMI connections to h...
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    created by baradon
  • lookup remote ejb using java:global/as7project/SampleBeanRemoteImpl

    I'm trying to get a client in one project to look up a ejb in another project that JBoss says is java:global/as7project/SampleBeanRemoteImpl when it srarts up. Both projects are running on the same server. I have use...
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    last modified by mschwery
  • JNDI lookup for EJBs between parallel app deployment

    I have the application structure as follows:   deployment |-gem.ear             |    | ------   gem-ejb-ezSetup.jar   &...
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    last modified by arun168403
  • JBoss-6.1.0.Final EJB via HTTP(s)

    Hi Community,   I am running JBoss-6.1.0.Final application server on an Gentoo System and Sun JDK 1.6.0.p30. I want to add to my already running EJB-SSL-Communication the EJB-HTTPs-Communication.   Unfortu...
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    last modified by underflyer
  • Exception on Timer EJB

    I have a SLSB as below which implements Timer interface: public class EzSetupEJB         implements javax.ejb.SessionBean          {   ...
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    last modified by arun168403
  • default-missing-method-permissions-deny-access in standalone.xml is not honored

    Hi,   ( I am using JBoss 7.2.0.Final "Janus". )   I have a secured EJB - it is annotated with @SecurityDomain.   None of the methods is annotated with @RolesAllowed, @PermitAll, @DenyAll etc.  ...
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    last modified by nmoelholm
  • Hi All Users. I am repeating a same issue, already having so many lads, due to lock of the thread.

    The Name :ejb:/HelloWorldSessionBean//HelloWorldBean!com.ibytecode.kr.business.HelloWorld Sep 15, 2013 3:17:49 AM org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClient <clinit> INFO: JBoss EJB Client version 1.0.10.Final-redhat-1 S...
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    last modified by satyajit.kumar.sethy
  • Jboss 6.1.0 alpha EAP.  Usage of Ashynchronous ejb3 proxy

    I am in the process of migrating the ejb applications from jboss 4.3 to jboss 6.1.0 alpha eap.   This Aynchronous proxy is supported in jboss 4.3 GA with a jar "jbossall-client.jar" , whereas in jbsos 6.1.0 , th...
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    last modified by georgesg
  • Streaming over RMI

    Hello,   Simple problem, i have to retrieve the contents of a large file through and invokation to an EJB3 method. The problem is that EJB uses RMI as communication protocol, which is not stream-oriented and doe...
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    last modified by eduterio1
  • Creating multiple instance of one EJB-Class causes "No EJB receiver available"-Exception

    I have a Tomcat running on the frontend side while my EJBs are running on a JBoss AS 7.1 My (stateful) EJB Class is not annotated as a singleton.   Anyway, when I try to lookup two EJBs at the same time, I rece...
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    last modified by goot
  • Getting the exception while using stateful session bean in jboss-as-7.1.1.Final

    I am using  EJB2.x.I can successfully lookup for the StatefulSessionBean but i am afraid statefulsessionbean causes for the exception.   I added  jboss-as-naming-7.1.1.Final.jar to my classspath for re...
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    last modified by surendra.konna
  • EJB annotated classes in /lib (EAR) are loaded as EJB's

    Hi   I have a problem with the way JBoss (AS 7) loads the library files in an .ear. The ear contains an application.xml file with a reference to the ejb that i want it to load:   <?xml version="1.0" enc...
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    created by bjornf
  • EJB3.0 : Dependency injection in Servlet problem

    Hi, I am trying few things in EJB3.0 DI, using Jboss EAP 6. I created an EAR, with a web module+ EJB (a SLSB). I am trying to inject EJB in a servlet. The deployment is successful, but when i try to access the servl...
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    last modified by seeaganesh
  • java.lang.IllegalArgumentException to invoke an EJB from a servlet

    Hello,   im getting a exception when i try to invoke a ejb from a servlet. I deployed a Jar File on JBoss AS 7.1 and an war which contains the servlet.   When I deploy war and jar on Server i get no ex...
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    last modified by raba