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Thread Getting JBoss version name and number programaticaly
Getting JBoss version name and number programaticalyHi, I have a stateless session bean and inside of it I need to get the JBoss's version name and version number. Can somebody show me how to do it? Thank you, SK
Thread Timeout on a method invocation - stateless bean
Timeout on a method invocation - stateless beanHi guys, I have a stateless session bean that must send an answer to the client in 60 seconds. I would like that the application server to throw an exception if the method doesn't return in this amount of time...
ejb + jpa inside ear inside jbossHi! I dont know if this is the right place but i hope that you can possible answer my question. I have a Session Bean in a EJB project that is using a object inside a another Project (in this case JPAProject). Be...
Thread Problem appreciating the stateless bean behavior
Problem appreciating the stateless bean behaviorHi, I am a newbie to EJB and started off with EJB 3.0. It annotations are cool but when I was trying to study EJB stateless session bean behavior by trying some samples, I got stuck up. The details...
Thread Re: ejb+oracle problem with file persistence
Re: ejb+oracle problem with file persistenceI'm a bit confused. You use a Employ entity in your session (you should not use a stateful one here) but also create a main program where it look like you use a Vendi entity? The hibernate configuration is not real...
RMI connection hangs for daysHi, I have two JBoss AS 5 servers (S1 & S2) running in different locations and exchanging data through RMI. A couple of days ago there were some network problems which caused the RMI connections to h...
Thread lookup remote ejb using java:global/as7project/SampleBeanRemoteImpl
lookup remote ejb using java:global/as7project/SampleBeanRemoteImplI'm trying to get a client in one project to look up a ejb in another project that JBoss says is java:global/as7project/SampleBeanRemoteImpl when it srarts up. Both projects are running on the same server. I have use...
JBoss-6.1.0.Final EJB via HTTP(s)Hi Community, I am running JBoss-6.1.0.Final application server on an Gentoo System and Sun JDK 1.6.0.p30. I want to add to my already running EJB-SSL-Communication the EJB-HTTPs-Communication. Unfortu...
Thread Jboss 6.1.0 alpha EAP. Usage of Ashynchronous ejb3 proxy
Jboss 6.1.0 alpha EAP. Usage of Ashynchronous ejb3 proxyI am in the process of migrating the ejb applications from jboss 4.3 to jboss 6.1.0 alpha eap. This Aynchronous proxy is supported in jboss 4.3 GA with a jar "jbossall-client.jar" , whereas in jbsos 6.1.0 , th...
Streaming over RMIHello, Simple problem, i have to retrieve the contents of a large file through and invokation to an EJB3 method. The problem is that EJB uses RMI as communication protocol, which is not stream-oriented and doe...
Thread EJB annotated classes in /lib (EAR) are loaded as EJB's
EJB annotated classes in /lib (EAR) are loaded as EJB'sHi I have a problem with the way JBoss (AS 7) loads the library files in an .ear. The ear contains an application.xml file with a reference to the ejb that i want it to load: <?xml version="1.0" enc...