• Strange behaviour wit 1:n collection with EJB 3.0 and Tomcat

    Hi, Can anyone explain me what is going one? I got collection mapped (one directional) from planet->buildingsProd class like this @OrderBy("index ASC") @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @J...
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    created by statelessbean
  • remote client wants beans

    I have a microcontainer with embedded jboss. I deploy resources within it (i.e. simple session beans). I also have a client in another elsewhere, in another machine, and I want it to use the methods of this beans. Ho...
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    last modified by patruzzrock
  • Possible platforms

    Sorry for the dumb question but.. does anybody know what could be the minimum target platform for Embedded JBoss? Do you think that intel network processors (IXP4XX ) are suitable platforms?
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    created by iginio
  • ManagedConnectionFactory org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentExce

    Hi, I'm trying to use embedded JBoss with my application without much success; I'm keep getting the following exception (complete log is enclosed at the end as well): ERROR 22-10 16:26:37,515 (DeployerWrapper.java:c...
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    last modified by davidw1839
  • InstanceNotFoundException: jms-ra.rar is not registered

    Hey, I deployed an MDB and started getting these exeptions at startup: [java] Starting server... [java] WARN 06-07 01:01:04,984 (UnifiedLoaderRepository3.java:addClassLoader:675) -Tried to add non-URLClassLoader. ...
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    last modified by canterburry
  • Can't find resource in validator bundles, key validator.notE

    Found the solution, have the hibernate-validator-*.jar preside any other hibernate jars. Cheers Ravi Nallakukkala
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    created by rnallakukkala
  • Is anyone having success with embedded JBoss?

    I'm having limited or no success with embedded JBoss. My set-up: Tomcat 6.0, embedded-jboss-beta2, jdk1.0.5_06, win XP SP2 I'm trying to deploy jboss-seam-registration; I guess I'm terribly confused with components....
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    last modified by raviies
  • How to get import.sql to execute?

    I have set up a persistence unit in "create-drop" mode and included import.sql in the root of the jar file that I deploy with my unit tests. What do I need to do to make Hibernate execute it too?
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    last modified by alexg79
  • Bootstrap and Classpath deployment

    Hello, I have the following code. I have more that 100 Entities and would like to pass kind of Classpath to the AssembledDirectory class. My POJO are in the package myapplication.domain.* Is there a way to specify a...
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    last modified by johanmicoud
  • Exception while executing the tutorial tests of embedded-jbo

    Hi*, i get the following exception if i execute the AllTests in tutorial (eclipse 3.3/JDK1.6.0_01) Maybe someone can push me to the right direction. Thank you Per ERROR 09-10 14:11:17,031 (DeployerWrapper.java:comm...
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    created by newgro
  • dynamic deploy

    I'm using Embedded Jboss in my plain java apps. I always bootstrap this way Bootstrap.getInstance().bootstrap(); Bootstrap.getInstance().deployResourceBase(HelloBean.class); // my app code... // Bootstrap.getIns...
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    created by patruzzrock
  • EJB3StandaloneDeployer does not find annotated beans

    My deployer is not finding the annotated beans. I tried adding the URLs explicitily EJB3StandaloneBootstrap.boot(null); EJB3StandaloneDeployer deployer = EJB3StandaloneBootstrap .createDeployer(); try { URL lDeplo...
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    last modified by fzuppa
  • EJB 2.1 support?

    Hi all, does the Embedded JBoss support older EJB 2.1 (the ejb-jar.xml descriptor etc) along with EJB3? Thanks!
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    created by m.vysny
  • Compiling Embedded from source

    Since the embedded beta 2 does not work with Java 6, I tried my luck by pulling the JBoss source tree from SVN, but couldn't get it to compile. The original post is here: http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&...
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    created by alexg79
  • Presentation About Using Embedded JBoss

    I just did a presentation for the Philly JBoss Users Group about using Embedded JBoss. I talk about what it is and walked through the examples. The presentation is available from http://www.innovationontherun.com/pre...
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    created by robdimarco
  • JMS - standalone-mdb tutorial example not working

    Hi, I'm having trouble with getting JMS to work under embedded jboss. After some debugging I tried to run the example tutorials from the site, and unfortunately, the same error persists: rq@ant ~/Desktop/jboss/jbo...
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    last modified by redq
  • Embedded EJB and  java.lang.IllegalStateException: Class not

    It is requirement to use JDK 6. We are using JBoss Seam 2.0.1 Beta. Is there an embedded EJB version working with this configuration? I tried it with version embedded EJB Beta 2. The consequence is I get the excepti...
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    created by urswag
  • problems with: tomcat 6.0.14/win + jboss embedded beta 2

    i get the error attached at the end of this posting when starting tomcat after having followed the install instructions at http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Tomcat6.0.x (my java version is 1.6.0_02.) logs/std...
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    created by cba2
  • Deploying multiple classes easily?

    I'm writing JUnit tests for my EJBs, but I'm having problems deploying the necessary classes. The approach used in the tutorial: jar = AssembledContextFactory.getInstance().create("ejbTestCase.jar"); jar.addClass(C...
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    last modified by alexg79
  • examples deployment on Tomcat 6.0.14 with Embedded JBoss 2 b

    Hi, I tried to deploy examples from Seam 2 beta on tomcat 6.0.14 So I downloaded Embedded JBoss 2 beta did this: # Copy all files and directories under embedded-jboss/bootstrap into tomcat's lib/ directory, except ...
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    last modified by enda