• MBean and Scheduling

    I need to have a java class startup when my web app gets deployed. So I have created an MBean that starts perfectly. I need to call a job database every 10 to 15 seconds in this MBean, checking for new jobs. Once a I...
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    last modified by johnurban
  • JBossMX 1.1.2 or JBossMX from 4.0DR2?

    Hello, I'm not really following the activities within the JBoss community, so I hope someone can enlighten me quickly. I wanna play around with the JBossMX kernel as the core of a server we will be writing ourselves ...
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    created by ridesmet
  • ServletException thrown by invokeOpByName is incorrect

    invokeOp() throws ServletException('No methodIndex given in invokeOp form') if methodIndex is missing. invokeOpByName() throws ServletException('No methodIndex given in invokeOp form') if methodName is missing. <-...
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    created by njhy
  • Using JMX XML parsing outside of JBOSS

    Hi I have some MBeans that I'm deploying outside of an appserver in an MBeanServer created using Sun's javax.management package. At MBean registration, I'd like to parse a property descriptor XML file (like the one ...
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    created by tjfraser
  • Where is NamingServiceMBean.java

      "jimj123" wrote: I was looking throught the source code in jboss-3.2.2RC3-src and was unable to find certain *MBean.java files such as NamingServiceMBean.java. It is being implemented by org.jboss.naming.Naming...
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    last modified by jimj123
  • Intercepting invocations of standard MBeans in JB 3

      "geo" wrote: I'm writing a fault propagation inference engine for JB + apps running on it. For this I need to intercept calls to all components of the system (EJBs as well as MBeans). For EJBs I use the documen...
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    last modified by geo
  • Any update on JMX 1.2 Security

    I am interested in knowing more about the "JMX 1.2 Security". Is there any information, document, write-up or a roadmap on what it is [if it exists] and what needs to be done [if it does not exist?]. Any help in thi...
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    last modified by dmshah
  • jboss3.0 and jboss 4.0

    Which verion of JMX(Sun certified) does than Jboss3.0 version and Jboss 4.0 uses thanks
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    last modified by anubha
  • MbeanServer

    What is the difference with using createMbean and the instanciate methods in the MbeanServer. I can get the invoke method to work on my Managed resource. But createMbean gives an instanciation exception. Im using Mo...
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    last modified by tonik
  • org.jboss.jmx.adaptor.rmi.RMIAdaptor

    Who can tell me about the file which includes the org.jboss.jmx.adaptor.rmi.RMIAdaptor class? Thank you!
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    last modified by jessie
  • JMX in J2EE application

    I am new to this user group and I am also very new to JMX concept. I am still learning the b asic concepts of JMX. My question is I have web application which uses JBoss as app server, tomcat as webserver and oracle a...
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    last modified by kewlbee
  • JMX in J2EE application

    I am new to this user group and I am also very new to JMX concept. I am still learning the b asic concepts of JMX. My question is I have web application which uses JBoss as app server, tomcat as webserver and oracle a...
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    created by kewlbee
  • NotificationBroadcasterSupport questions

    Looking at the source code I noticed that there are two potential problems: 1) in sendNotification(), if the listeners map is modified while iterating over the copy, it will cause a NPE NotificationListener listener...
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    last modified by ivelin.ivanov
  • XMBean vs Jakarta Modeler

    I understand that there is currently no standardized way to externalize MBeans in XML format. Should XMBean offload the work to Apache and leverage the Modeler in the future? http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/modeler...
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    created by ivelin.ivanov
  • Remote MonitoringFramework

    Hi, Comment on Selection of JBoss for building framework for remote Moniroting Application. And I have a clarification, Can I build Agents using JBoss. If this is possible I feel each machine to be monitored should b...
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    last modified by shivmurthy
  • [OT] JBossMX / MX4J

    I'm looking for a JMX implementation for a project (That uses Tomcat/Hibernate) and I'm considering using either JBossMX or MX4J for management, I wonder how easy it is to use JBossMX without getting "all of JBoss" at...
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    last modified by torben
  • JBossMX vs Tomcat 5 JMX

    Tomcat 5 has a strong emphasys on JMX. I was wondering whether Tomcat approached JBoss to leverage JBossMX or it will go with another JMX implementation.
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    last modified by ivelin.ivanov
  • MC4J 1.2 beta

    Hey all, just letting you know I've got a new release of the MC4J JMX application. Its still beta to get some more testing in, but it has a lot of improvements of the previous versions. It works nicely with JBoss 3.2...
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    created by ghinkl
  • remoteMbeanServer can't see attributes

    i'm using rmiconnector to connect to jboss's mbeanserver, i succed to have a remotembean server, and i can display for example the mbeancount but i failed to have attribute set so can some one help me ?? (i'm new to ...
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    created by anis_zouaoui
  • how can i find my class

    hi, I have deploy a MBean as a start up class in jboss 3.0. Now I want to invoke some classes in another deployed .war package and his db connection. But it can not find the class.How can I set the classpath and use t...
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    created by sunweige