• DayTrader3

    Hi,   I saw that DayTrader 3.0.0 was released about 6 weeks back.    http://geronimo.apache.org/2012/07/13/apache-geronimo-samples-and-daytrader-v300-released.html   I'm looking to grab this an...
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    last modified by soneill
  • Failed instantiate InitialContextFactory

    Hi,   I am new to Jboss and have a requirement that exactly same like https://community.jboss.org/thread/156091   The solution that posted in the thread is working in console application but its not workin...
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    last modified by zipzip81
  • Local lookup failing

    Hello, I'm a kinda newbie with JEE and Jboss 7 and I'm currently working on a project for school. I work with JBoss 7.1.1 and Eclipse. I just finished a part of my DAO and want to test it using TestNG. Since I use St...
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    last modified by shinosha
  • Unable to access EJB from a second JBOSS 7.1 server instance

    Hi   We have a Utility class with the following code inside it.   private static Hashtable<String, String> initContextEnv = new Hashtable<String, String>(); private static final String PKG_IN...
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    last modified by amitsoprna
  • How to change default jndi binding strategy in JBoss 5.1.0

    Hey everyone!   Is it possible to change the default naming behavior for EJB JNDI bindings in JBoss 5.1.0? Without using the LocalBinding/RemoteBinding annotations. I want something external to applcation code. ...
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    last modified by rodrigo.uchoa
  • Remote JNDI lookup of Clustered JMS HornetQ

    Hi,   I am looking for some pointers to connect to a cluster via Remote JNDI lookup from a standalone client.   I am able to connect via DiscoveryGroupConfiguration object from my standalone client but I...
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    created by hgupta
  • Error using JNDI datasouce on JBoss 7 for MySQL

    I have spent many hrs try to fix the problem but no success. Googled and raed many related articles. followed this https://community.jboss.org/wiki/DataSourceConfigurationInAS7 also.   I want to connect MySQL da...
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    created by prashid
  • How to create Ldap Jndi for Spring Security

    We are using JBoss 5.1 and using Spring Security and Ldap for the authentication. Right now we set the ldap contextsource in xml as below and it works fine. <security:ldap-server id="ldapServerAuthentication" ur...
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    last modified by xrsu
  • Unable to find out Jndi port number?

    I am using jboss 5.1.0. I have created a JMS queue on server. I have written a standalone java client program to list all the queues on the server. In doing so, i need the jndi port number to do a intial context look...
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    last modified by sampathonline
  • dependent class can't be found when invoke by java -classpath xxx -jar jarfile, but can be found by java -classpath xx class

    c1, java -cp LRS3rdPartyClient.jar -jar tasks.jar c2, java -classpath LRS3rdPartyClient.jar;tasks.jar com.lombardrisk.build.WaitForServerStart c1 can't be executed due to an class(org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFacto...
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    last modified by bondchan921
  • JNDI "failed to create url injector" in Web Application Deployment

    Greetings,   We're attempting to migrate from JBoss 4.0.2 to 5.0.1 and are in the process of testing out our deployments, which are in this case separate web applications (portlets). Prior to deploying the webap...
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    last modified by cdemaio
  • Put environment properties in jndi.properties file.

    Hello everybody, I was trying to create an InitialContext by using default constructor and putting environment properties into the attached jndi.properties file. I added jndi.properties to my classpath: <classpa...
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    last modified by lauradp
  • JBoss7.1 JNDI subcontext handling failure

    Using JBoss7.1.2-NightlyBuild2012-04-30 - due to another fix - i observe strange behaviour within JNDI: First destrying a subcontext seems not work, the subcontext is still available afterwards. The second is, that ...
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    created by martinluene
  • Not working injection with Service

    Hi all, I have this problem and I cannot get rid ot it!   I have a JBoss service like this:     {code} @Service() @Local(MyServLocal.class) @Remote(MyServRemote.class) @Management(MyServRemoteMan...
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    last modified by lanrjtokenring
  • Lookups from jboss 7 to jboss 4

    Hello, a couple years ago I created and deployed 2 applications that work together on jboss 4. Now, I want to migrate one of them (because the other one is too coupled to jboss 4) to jboss 7  but I have a problem...
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    last modified by caalroja
  • How to Change DefaultDS in jndi-name

    I developed simple EJB application, in that application I used Jndi-name as DefaultDS It worked perfeclty no exceptions and data goto database now I want to change Default jndi-name to another name like (mySource) if ...
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    last modified by mthalis
  • Context lookup with JBoss AS7

    Hello Everybody, Im' trying to develop a simple producer consumer application with JBoss and HornetQ. My problem is that I get a "Class not found exception" when I perform the "lookup" method. Here are some lines f...
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    last modified by lauradp
  • javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: persistence not bound

    Hi   I have an ear that consists of a ejb module and a war module. The SpringInitiServiceImpl (ejb) listed in the following jboss xml is in a jar file(sss.jar). The sss.jar file is in the lib folder in the ear r...
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    last modified by rac-tech
  • How to get configuration file in ear.

    my question is :         My deployments files look like this:   now ,I want to get setting.xml information in a.jar ,there is any way ? thank you so much.    ...
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    created by icey.xiong
  • RemoteConnectionFactory uses hostname instead of ip

    Hello everyone,   i ran into a little problem here and maybe someone can help me with that. the problem occures if i use the authenticated initialcontext to lookup the remoteconnectionfactory (netty). within t...
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    created by valentinx