• JNDI lookup fails in load-on-startup servlet Jboss as7

    Hi,   I am able to perform JNDI lookup using the following code in any of my servlet as follows,   DataSource ds = null; Context ctx = null; try {         String strDSNa...
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    last modified by abiya
  • An error in deployment - MBeans waiting for other MBeans

    I run JBoss 4.2.1 and I want to deploy an app , but I get this   --- MBeans waiting for other MBeans --- ObjectName: jboss.web.deployment:war=ipc- client-2.16.00.war,id=-1181707877   State: NOTYETINSTALL...
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    last modified by aurelsandu
  • javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: IPC_DB not bound

    Hello all of you, I work with jboss 4.2.1 , jdk 6 and oracle XE 10g I put in oracle_ds.xml following : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <datasources>     <xa-datasource> &#...
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    last modified by aurelsandu
  • about overrive MDB configuration

    when i override MDB configuration, I got some exception in Jboss 5.0GA 2008-12-15 13:17:27,730 ERROR [org.jboss.kernel.plugins.dependency.AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Create: name=jboss.j2ee:jndiName=...
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    last modified by ssang
  • Read InitialContext from jndi.properties

    I modifed jndi.properties file and added file to application class path. I am getting connection refused exceptions.If I provide jndi properties in my code and do not provide java.naming.provider.url property in j...
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    last modified by deryaaltuntas
  • How to call a remote interface in ear from stand-alone sar (MBean) ?

    Hi,   hello everyone, I am new here and already have a question to this annoying circumstance. I thought it's a simple task, but it already took me days by now.   I have a complete and fine working ear (in...
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    last modified by busters
  • You are trying to use a connection factory that has been sh

    hi, I am trying to use xa-datasource configuration for derby with my application deployed on JBoss 5.0.0GA(on Linux with jdk version 1.5). I asked this question from JCA forum and now since this looks like a JNDI prob...
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    last modified by rajika
  • Upgrade JB6.0.0->6.1.0, now JMS ConnectionFactory not bound?

    Our application has been running fine on JBoss 6.0.0-Final for quite a while now. It uses HornetQ via JMS, and it uses Spring 3.0.6 to configure the queue listeners and senders.   When we upgraded to JBoss 6.1.0...
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    last modified by tharris
  • Custom global JNDI names

    Hi all,   Could anyone tell my if it's possible to create custom global JNDI binding for an EJB on JBoss 6.1.0 ? I would like that my ejb was always bindened to the exactly same name not depending on ear/jar nam...
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    last modified by miragpl
  • Global JNDI namespace and Hibernate.

    Hello, I am using JBOSS 6. The problem is that we need to remove the server Hibernate libraries, so there is no conflict at boot remove the service "hibernate-deployer-jboss-beans.xm"l, up here all right, the prob...
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    created by rahul_alvarez
  • EJB 3.1 Global JNDI names

    Hello, I am testing on JBoss 6 some of the new EJB3.1 features. On JNDIView in JMX Console I see that I am getting the same JNDI naming as with JBoss 5.1 Do I have to make any changes in JBoss or in any xml deployment...
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    last modified by icordoba
  • Reference cannot be cast to DataSource w/ standalone app client

    I am trying to unit test some JPA2 DAO classes I wrote using Maven.  The persistence.xml looks like this:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persistence version="2.0"     xm...
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    last modified by stevemaring
  • finding JMS resources with java:comp/env

    Hi, I am new in JBoss, so, what i need to do is, find a topic (JMS) but with the following configuration:   Context ctx; ctx = new InitialContext(new Hashtable(env)); ctx = (Context)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env");...
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    last modified by smalejandro
  • java:comp/ vs java:

    I am trying to lookup TransactionSynchronizationRegistry using JNDI from a pojo. When I try   new InitialContext().lookup(java:TransactionSynchronizationRegistry) the lookup is successful   however  ...
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    created by iconnj
  • Not able to call weblogic queue from jboss 5.1.0.GA server

    I am having problem connecting the weblogic queue from jboss 5.1.0.GA server. Here is the what I am getting in the server log. ------------------------------------ 2009-07-21 15:43:16,258 WARN [jacorb.orb] (http-127...
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    last modified by mannam.tessco
  • client lookup EJB method in JBoss AS 7.0,but return **$$$view1

    Hi,Everyone,      I have a problem.thank you for your kind attention!      I create a EJB Local bean with just one  method.I lookup the method in a servet ,then a ClassCa...
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    last modified by icey.xiong
  • javax.naming.CommunicationException: Could not obtain connection to any of these urls:

    Hello,   I'm trying to run standalone java application that subscribes to JMS topic on JBoss AS 7.0.1 but get an error. The same app works fine on JBoss AS 6.1. I'm running JBoss with full profile  (./stan...
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    last modified by rdanilin
  • InitialContext#lookup does not timeout

    I've got an issue where InitialContext#lookup will hang forever doing a lookup if there is a problem with the network. I appreciate this is the default settings of the TCP sockets to wait forever, so I've tried to con...
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    last modified by stianst
  • Help with Quartz MBean Service under JBoss using JNDI?

    I am calling scheduler from a Java Console application. JBoss is running on localhost. I am trying to use Quartz Scheduler that has been deployed as a Service under JBoss using the supplied MBean service.xml. In the J...
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    last modified by techskn
  • ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found

    Hi,   I am trying to connect a oracle 10g server. Following is my   Oracle ds entry   <local-tx-datasource>     <jndi-name>dnbame</jndi-name> <use-java-context...
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    last modified by tamizharasi.periyasamy