• Question about order of meesage sends?

    Hello,   we are using JBoss 4.2.2 and have a question about the message order. The JMS spec tells that the message order sending by a producer is garanteed if all messages send inside one session. (priority, pe...
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    created by sgeisl
  • Initial MDB pool size

    Hi, I'm am tying to deploy an MDB connecting to an external JMS Provider (FioranoMQ). The deploy is OK and the MDB correctly receives and processes messages. My problem is to control the initil size of the MDB pool, ...
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    created by gioyell
  • org.jboss.util.threadpool.ThreadPoolFullException: java.lang.InterruptedException

    we are using JBoss 4.2.2 in production and getting the above exception continously. After searching the net,   http://community.jboss.org/wiki/JBossMQError-ThreadPoolFullException   I have come across the ...
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    created by klmr57monisha
  • Creating a durable subscription to a remote Topic via EJB3 MDBs

    (NOTE: JBoss 4.2.3)   Hi all,   I'm trying to get the following configuration working and running into an issue:   Server 1: Hosts a Durable Topic, and contains a component (a web app) which publishe...
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    created by bploetz
  • Selective delivery of messages

    Hi, Is it possible to selectively deliver messages to MDB listeners in a certain order? Specifically, our performance needs require us to process temporal data in parallel (via MDBs) but - simultaneously processing d...
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    created by malichtenberg
  • MDB only processing a few messages at a time.

    I have an mdb configured with maxSessions = 20 and as I monitor the activity for the queue it is subscribed to often it will look to be processing 20 messages at a time but fairly often it will dip down to only a few ...
  • JMS over HTTP problem

    Hi, I'm currently using JBoss 3.2.2, and connecting with JMS using the HTTPConnectionFactory over HTTPS. In my server app, I send a JMS Message (a ping) to the client every 10 seconds to know if it's alive. When usin...
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    last modified by mkprim
  • JBoss 4.2.2 - Unable to read messages from queue or topic after some days server is started

    Hi, Im using JBoss 4.2.2. Im facing the problem where my application unable to read messages from queue or topic after some days server is started. My listener onMessage() method is not being invoked when message is...
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    last modified by klmr57monisha
  • Can not store message to JMS_NODE_MSGS table

    Hi there, I am using an application dcm4che.org DCM4CHEE hosted on Jboss 4.3   Within the server logs the app writes a database  constraint violation. 2010-03-11 10:53:20,468 ERROR -> (Thread-11)&#...
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    last modified by dessmith
  • connect from JBoss MQ client to Jboss Messaging queue

    Hi all,   I have encountered the following exception when i try to delegate a jms msg to a Jboss Messaging queue.   18:03:11,053 ERROR [ALERT] [JmsRetryListenerMDBean.invoke] Error occured while s ending th...
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    last modified by niefeng
  • JBoss AS 4.2.3. An instance of org.jboss.mq.security.SecurityManager consuming a lot of memory

    I am using jboss AS 4.2.3. After a lot of messages are put thru the message queue, an instance of org.jboss.mq.security.SecurityManager is using a lot of memory, about 200MB. How is the class org.jboss.mq.security.Sec...
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    last modified by rsobchak
  • Why the InProcessMessageCount doesn't go higher than 16?

    I increased everything that I found, still stays on 16. Here is my standardjboss.xml http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgm2hwv2_9fn86gwd7
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    last modified by pavelgutsa
  • steps to connect to ActiveMQ Topic/Queue from Remote MDB

    I have activeMQ running on one Jboss server(AS4.2.3) following the steps provided here.http://http://activemq.apache.org/integrating-apache-activemq-with-jboss.html. The things work fine locally.   From another ...
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    last modified by sunny_21feb
  • Is there a max. Message Queue size?

    Hello, I hope I have chosen the right forum ... I have a MDB that receives data to process from an external application. Currently this works very well. In rare conditions there can be really a flood of messages, so...
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    last modified by asander
  • how to create topic in jboss MQ from remote

    There is a api createQueue in ClientSession , but  how to create topic in jboss MQ from remote ? thx
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    last modified by disller
  • Configuring MQSecurityExit with MQAUSX

    hi, I am trying to configure MQSecurityExit with MQAUSX using mqausxj.jar. the securityexit  class is defined in mq config xml and the jar is loaded by jboss class loader. but when i try to create connection it ...
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    created by padmasri
  • Send message from stateless

    Hello, I have simple service which should send message to queue   @Stateless public class PracownikServiceImpl implements PracownikService {      @Resource(mappedName = "queue/TotalOrder...
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    last modified by mireksz
  • JBoss 5 EJB3 MDB & Oracle AQ?

    Has anyone had any success getting MDBs to work with Oracle AQ? Using oracleaq.rar I was able to receive some messages from Oracle AQ, but it wasn't reliable and the authors urge not use it.
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    created by tputkonen
  • JBoss 5 - MDB and ActiveMQ, can't get to work together

    Hi,   I have tried to configure JBoss 5 to work with ActiveMq 5. I tried to base on clues from post: http://community.jboss.org/thread/48761?start=0&tstart=0 but I can't get it work. I have checked with vers...
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    last modified by damian.sinczak
  • JmsXA and remote queues

    Env : JBoss 4.2.3, JbossMQ shipped with Jboss 4.2.3 Hi all, I have a pretty simple question, but dont manage to find the solution through google/forum searchs. Inside an MDB, I need to enlist the sending of JMS mess...
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    last modified by rlamie