• MDB could not be deployed using annotation

    Environment: JBoss AS 5.0.1 with EJB3   1. Create MDB with deployment descriptor and it works.  There are five files:   1). testJMSClient to send Queue 2). jboss.xml 3). ejb-jar.xml 4). myQueue-ser...
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    created by axolotldev2011
  • Secured queues access and JCA-JMS(JmsXA)

    Hi!   We are testing some apps with JBoss 5.0.0 EAP (afaik equivalent to 5.1.0 GA) and we are having some issues trying to configure user//pwd security on our queues accessed using the JmsXA connection factory. ...
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    last modified by a_e_f
  • JMS Topic with high availability for the client?

    Hey, Can anyone help me, I'm looking to find out if this is possible. Can I have a client app, listening on a JMS topic, so that the client app can be setup in some way with some high availability? The scenar...
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    last modified by balmark1
  • Websphere MQ and JBoss message redelivery

    Hi all,   We have recently migrated from JbossAS 4.0.5 to JBossAS 5.0.1. We are experiencing an unusual issue int that if an MDB picks up a message and there is an exception caught, the message is then put back ...
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    last modified by franklinc
  • JBoss message authentication

    Hi guys, I have 2 server and 2 instances JbossAS 5.0.1 run on (server A and server B). They use Jboss messaging to communite each other. So I want to config user/pass of queue in server A which server B listen to. Fo...
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    last modified by alexpr
  • Unique Constraint Issue

    JBoss 3.2.7 Oracle 10g JDBC2 3 separate JBoss Instances each using separate set of JMS tables   Occasionally we get following error for one of the instance of JBoss.   2010-11-26 10:04:58,276 ERROR Tran...
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    created by rashidawan
  • Exiting on IOE - java.net.SocketException: socket closed

    This occurs when I post a message to a queue on Windows 2003, but works just fine on XP. 2006-03-10 09:01:55,755 DEBUG [org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.local.LocalManagedConnectionFactory] Using properties: {user=sa,...
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    last modified by stnieman
  • Mapping Queue with MDB

    Hi,   I have deployed sun MQ resource adapter successfully. But while deploying MDB i got this error JMS provider failure detected for OFSMessageMDB org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Error during queue s...
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    last modified by vidhyadharantechdays
  • JBoss, Websphere MQ Transactional Behaviour

    Hi All,   I'd appreciate if someone could help me with JBoss,  Websphere MQ transactional behaviour.   Below are the code snippet  & configurations.   Code: The code below look up QCF a...
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    last modified by kakkarj
  • how to migrate jbossmq queue/topic configuration to jboss 5.1

    As you know, jboss5.1 has already use messaging, not jbossmq, but we are facing a migration from jboss4.0.3 to jboss5.1, and there are many code dependency with jbossmq, could i setup jbossmq on jboss5.1 only with con...
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    last modified by emrehe
  • Outbound communication to a remote ActiveMQ server within JBoss AS

    All,   I have successfully created an MDB that creates and consumes information on a remote ActiveMQ server using the following link   http://activemq.apache.org/inbound-communication.html and a lot of art...
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    created by elm3d
  • JBoss MQ in JBoss 5.1.0?

    Hello!   The following facts are well known:   JBoss MQ is the default messaging server up to JBoss 4.2.3. JBoss Messaging is the default messaging server in JBoss 5.1.0. HornetQ is the default messaging...
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    last modified by andreas_back
  • jboss 5.1: jboss.mq:service=PersistenceManager is not registered

    I am trying to setup jbossmq on jboss5.1.0.GA, i always has the DEBUG/ERROR with exception info like below, and same situation happened on others:      jboss.admin:service=PluginManager  ...
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    last modified by emrehe
  • Casting SpyTextMessage to TextMessage

    Below is the code for an MDB onMessage method. The message parameter fails the instanceof check. The actual type of message is SpyTextMessage so don't understand why the cast fails.Anyone have a clue on what I'm doing...
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    last modified by swwyatt0
  • ThreadPoolFullException occuring with FS Listener and many files

    I have a esb service that reads thousands of files (in the worst case) from a directory and uses jbpm process to orchestrate the business logic based on the file content.   It all works well with few files but w...
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    created by xibalban
  • How to provide JMS over two network interfaces

    Hi We are using JBoss 4.0.2. The server is connected to two isolated networks and we need to provide JMS service to them. In the file ui2-service.xml we removed the attribute BindAddress so it listen the two inteface...
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    created by dherrero
  • ThreadPoolFull Exception

    Hi, I,'ve two JBoss 4.2.2 instances (jdk 1.6) in a production environment, a JMS provider (MQ) and a topic consumer.   After about 32K messages consumed I get this error on the consumer :   2010-10-14 ...
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    last modified by rododendro.ivan
  • jboss 5.1 jms error while sending messages

    Hi all,   please can somebody help me with the following error:   Our installation is jboss 5.1.0 (jms standard installation with mysql 5.1 as the message store). We have only 1 jboss with 1 application us...
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    created by yse4
  • 4.2.3 relation nb server-threads vs jms sessions in remote client

    When i monitor jboss 4.2.3 with jconsole, i see that of my client-app-instances increases the server theadcount with about 30 threads. Since each client listens to about 10 topics, my guess is, that each jms session (...
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    created by justkeys
  • Encounter ManagedConnection already destroyd when creating JMS session

    Hi all,   I encountered the following exception when trying to create a JMS Session object.   javax.resource.spi.IllegalStateException: ManagedConnection already destroyd     at org.jboss.res...
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    last modified by niefeng