• JBoss AS 7 - High virtual memory

    Hi,   I have been observing high virtual memory for JBoss Java process on Linux machine. top command shows residential memory 1.1GB whereas virtual memory is 3GB. Why is JBoss showing such high amount of virtu...
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    last modified by sandy_m
  • High CPU Utilization

    Hi ,   We have started our application with following settings. $JAVA_OPTS -Xmx4096m -Xms4096m -Xmn2g -Xss128k -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:TargetSurv...
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    last modified by walanj.amol
  • GC optimization issue - Pls assist.

    Hi Friends,     We have an EJB 3.0 application which uses Oracle 10g datasource and is deployed in 2 cluster nodes of EAP 4.3.0 servers. The physical servers are sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5120 (SunO...
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    last modified by trakkesh
  • SQL stmts Commit or Rollback confirmation

    Hello All,   Is there a way to understand if the sql statements have committed or rolled back in the server log file? I could trace the statements as follows:   2012-05-21 05:58:44,769 -0700 level=DEBUG cl...
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    last modified by xhings
  • Need advice on GC Tuning

    Hi,   I am running a performance test on our application.  After the test was run for 1 hour, I see long GC pause which caused response time spikes. Need some help or suggestion on how to reduce the GC paus...
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    last modified by jimyliu
  • when does java release commited memory back to the OS

    We have a Jboss server running on a 64-bit windows server with jdk6(64 bit) . Here is a snapshot the memory usage as viewed from jconsole. Heap Memory Usage : Used : 103 MB, Committed : 295 MB, Max : 571 MB Non-Heap...
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    last modified by hari.svnit
  • "Newbie Question" - Managed Connections

    For the most part 99% of the time the application runs fine. I sometimes get managed connections errors. I've updated my ds.xml file with the following (testing purposes)   <min-pool-size>20</min-pool-...
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    last modified by n2jaz
  • Resident Memory

    Hi,   We are running a Application on JBoss 5.0.1 with -Xms 3072 and Xmx 3072. When i check the memory utilization using Top command. The Resident Memory for that particular process in 9G.   I didn't see a...
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    last modified by samanth9
  • 5.1.0.GA considerably slower than 4.0.3RC2! Up to 200%

    We have been running our app on JBoss 4.0.RC2 using EJB.   We have now migrated/upgraded to JBoss 5.1.0.GA and use EJB3 with annotations.   The problem is our whole system seems to be running *considerably...
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    last modified by eminil
  • JBoss/JVM process RAM usage increasing steadily

    On checking RAM usage for our JBoss/Java process using 'ps aux' command, RSS value= 12161968KB, and it is increasing steadily. We have set the Max heap size to 2GB while starting the process. We are checking heap siz...
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    last modified by nambs
  • Interpreting GC verbose data for JBoss Server

    Greetings All. TIA for any guidance you may be able to provide.   Prior to the beginning of last week, the only thing I knew about JBoss was that we used it in providing our internal users access to webpages cre...
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    last modified by todd.beckwith

    Hi All,   We are facing frequent OOM issue in Production SOA server instances.   we have configured the JVM arug like below Is this the correct configuration or else any thing we need to add avoid frequent...
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    last modified by bhadre198307
  • Options for CMS and G1 Collectors

    Could you recommend settings for these two collectors that come wiht the SUN JVM?  I would like to try these two collectors in my application running in JBoss1.5 and JDK1.6_30.  I have four processors and ab...
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    last modified by ramboid
  • Cpu 100% and GC is running

    Hi,   We have observered the CPU is touch 100%  usage while GC running in JVM for couple of secs and (daemon)threads are increasing from 200 to 500.   Following  are the GC logs:     2...
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    last modified by arumilli
  • Can PooledInvoker used for EJB3 in JBOSS 5.x?

    I have configured my jboss to use PooledInvoker as suggested in below link.   https://community.jboss.org/wiki/PooledInvokerConfig   But I don't this that this configuration is being used. Below is my co...
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    created by hardikshah
  • Set maximum number of worker threads

    I am using jboss-5.1.0.GA. I have set below parameters in ../deploy/ejb3-interceptors-aop.xml for my Standard Statless Bean.      <domain name="Stateless Bean" extends="Intercepted Bean" inheritBin...
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    last modified by hardikshah
  • Client JBOSS Communication takes long time on threaded remote calls

    We are running a kind of OLTP system. Currently we are facing the issue in client jboss communication. It takes average 30 ms in just sending a call to Session Bean. We have pooled the remote objects of EJB3 at client...
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    last modified by pankti.joshipura
  • Mule vs JBoss ESB

    Can somebody tell me which is best to use Mule or JBoss?.I have got biased results from some posts and blogs.I want the comparison with some recent and new research and analysis with some statistical values,since newl...
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    last modified by kumarmaheswaran
  • AJP connectors leaving CLOSE_WAIT status

    We are using JBoss 4.2.1 application server, redhat linux OS and Apache as web server. The jboss package is JBoss EAP 4.3.0 _CP09.   I am seeing many CLOSE_WAIT statuses not getting resolved related to AJP conn...
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    created by hetvim
  • Problem while closing connection (wrappedConnection) retrieved from JBoss 5 pool.

    I have been using xa-datasource to have a connection pool for underlying oracle 10g database. I have created a pool of min size : 20 and max size : 40. I have a scenario where 20 threads are active, and each threads t...
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    last modified by ayushgupta