• Problem with internet and jboss server

    Hi   I am facing one issue with jBoss server, This is the problem i am getting in my console while starting my jboss server   09:57:36,500 WARN  [PersistenceXmlLoader] Warning parsing XML: XML Input...
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  • unexpected token: from

    Hi, I'm using Eclipse Helios 3.6.2 and Hibernate Tools 3.4.0 to create a dynamic web with hibernate. I got some silly errors.....   When I query this statement ---> from EnvDao The results will appear as exp...
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    created by zeemankay
  • Temporal reasoning with external persistence not working

    I am trying to use an external storage for loading and persisting objects. But when I try a set a temporal reasoning rule it start to fail. The rule, test code and exception are given below. Please help     ...
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    created by rp2
  • Testing persistence Resource Local in Junit in JBoss 6

    Hi all,   I would like to run some Junit tests in my project in JBoss 6 with my Resouce Local Persistence Unit.   {code:xml} ... <persistence-unit name="db-test" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL"> ...
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    last modified by hibernator_11
  • HQLToken cannot be cast to Antrl.Token

    Hello,     I want to deploy an application (Jaxws with Ejb3 + JPA) a .war file to JBOSS 6.0.0Final. But I got this error exception when the deployment is about to finish:     [code] 13:16:02,8...
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    last modified by samwun9988
  • Cannot cast org.hibernate.validator.util.LazyValidatorFactory to javax.validation.ValidatorFactory

      Hi there     I am trying to deploy a test application using Prime Faces, Hibernate, Spring DAO, EJB3, Facelets and JSF2.0 which I created in my Net Beans 6.9.1 IDE which works fine in GlassFish Ser...
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    last modified by ezanih
  • JBoss AS6 - Persistence unit fails to deploy with error : "Create: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: STRING"

    got the similar problem: So far I Deploy on jBoss 5.1 and it worked. Then I tried to jBoss 6.0-M5 and also worked. Now I want to Deploy in 6.0 Final version and it does not work   ---------------------------...
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    last modified by smtrax
  • Help With Inheritance

    I am triying to define a table structure with the following logic.   If i have a DataType By example Person, a person can be one of 3 types of persons he can be a costumer or a material supplier.   the ...
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    last modified by rread
  • Jboss-6 Final: Get "Connection is not associated with a managed connection" for Insert in Stateless Session Bean

    Hi,   Stateless Session Bean use Hibernate (the same bean-code in Jboss-5.1GA is ok.!) persistence.xml contains <jta-data-source> which mapped to a <local-tx-datasource> SELECT Entities = fine, wit...
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    last modified by brand-neu
  • EntityManager injection Failure with Multiple persistence-unit of Jboss6

    hi,  I got a problem when inject the EntityManagar in Jboss 6.0.0.  we have two persistence-unit defined in the persistence.xml which are       <persistence-unit name="PU1" transaction-ty...
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    last modified by zhang.hongyu
  • How to get SessionFactory from EntityManagerFactory

    I need to create a StatelessSession(ie. no first level cache) from the SessionFactory.  how do I get this from the EntityManagerFactory in hibernate.  Is there a hibernate calll I can make and pass in the En...
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    created by deanhiller
  • Could not synchronize database state with session: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Could not execute JDBC batch update

    Hello. This is my case. I have an MDB that receives a message. When theonMessage method is activated it creates an object to be stored in a database. I use JPA, JTA and XAResourse. Jboss AS 6 final. This is my MDB: &#...
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    created by ylopez
  • "Instance per Transaction Policy" and Commit Option A

    Hi,   On a lot of places I read:   The JBoss developers are currently exploring ways to allow commit option A as well (which would allow the use of caching for this option).   Is it possible to use c...
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    last modified by hugbert
  • How to let user add properties to class

    We have a jsf web application using Hibernate running on JBoss. We have a class Product that defines name, model, and price.   public class Product { name, model, price }   Product can be clothes, car,...
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    created by javatwo
  • Transaction is not active

    Hi, When I have a long process (a few minutes) and then perform a database operation. I have the following exception: ERROR 21 Mar 2006 15:50:54,910 util.EJBHomeFactory - org.jboss.util.NestedSQLException: Transactio...
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    last modified by mlefevre
  • java.io.IOException: Field hash null is not available on curr ent classPath for class com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl

    hi im migrating my application from jboss 4.2 to jboss 5.1.0.GA.. i am using cashedrowset as it is a sustitute for  resultset and since  it is serializable and used for EJB's i am getting the following err...
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    last modified by etp_scm
  • EntityBean Error - Injection Target

    Hello Community,   I have got a little problem with my j2ee application. I try to deploy it and i my jboss answers this exception:     Deployment "vfszip:/D:/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/Accoun...
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    last modified by mavinatic
  • 1 datasource, 1 persistence unit, 2 war's

    Hi. I've got problem with JBoss 5 AS. I am trying to deploy two apps. Jbpm-console and my own application. What I am trying to achieve is to make those two web apps to be using one datasource, but I don't know how to ...
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    last modified by carek
  • EntityManager not injected and nullpointer

    Hello   I have a simple Ejb application consisting of 3 entities and 3 stateless SB, web tier is based on a jsp page which accesses the  DB making some simple operations. The application has been deployed ...
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    last modified by ordeal
  • JPA + JBoss = java.lang.ClassCastException

    Dear experts, I've developed a web application that uses JPA provided by Hibernate. It is  deployed to Tomcat 6 and everything work perfectly but now I need to migrate to JBoss. While deploying to JBoss I get ...
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    last modified by igor443