• Multiple datasource/persistence-unit/EntityManagers in Seam app

    Hello - I'm cringing slightly to post this because the issue has come up before.  I've read at least half a dozen threads on this and haven't found a solution. This is jboss-as 5.0.0.  I'm attempting to wr...
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    created by brian.sellden
  • Configuring AFTER_TRANSACTION release mode with JTA

    Hi   I'm trying to improve the latency in one of our services (RHEL5, JBoss 4.2.3, Oracle).  Normal response times are inside 60-70ms range, and I'm hopping we can do better.  One of the things I like ...
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    created by roko98
  • Arjuna TX Manager Class Cast Exception

    Hi, On JBoss 4.2.2GA, I get the following exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.arjuna.ats.jbossatx.jta.TransactionManagerDelegate cannot be cast to javax.transaction.TransactionManager at org.hibernate.tra...
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    last modified by rupertlssmith
  • converting from kodo to hibernate?

    This may be a lost cause, but does anyone know of perhaps a "cheat sheet" of things to consider if you want to convert from kodo (weblogic) to hibernate (jboss) as a JPA provider?   Thanks much -
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    created by blawson
  • acessing the database out of the Stateless Session Bean

    Hi.. everybody.. I'm new on EJB with JBOSS and JPA.   I'm trying to access a database using   EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("test"); EntityManager em = emf.createEntit...
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    created by julio.reis
  • WARN [Ejb3Configuration] hibernate.connection.autocommit = false

    in my.ini, I add   init_connect='SET autocommit=0'   to disable auto commit because UserTransaction is used.   but I found the following warning:   WARN [Ejb3Configuration] hibernate.connection...
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    created by javatwo
  • Fail on deploy project with persistence unit

    When i try to deploy my project i have this error:   16:48:58,194 INFO  [config] Initializing Mojarra (1.2_12-b01-FCS) for context '/admin-console' 16:49:01,447 INFO  [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath...
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    last modified by jotremar
  • HSQLDB 2.0

    Hi,   I am writing just let you know, that I have tried new HSQLDB 2.0 with JBoss 5.1.0GA and it runs (almost) without any problem. My application access the DB through JPA/Hibernate. (See http://xmedeko.blogspo...
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    created by xmedeko
  • table prefixes

    Hello.   i need some help with implementing the naming-strategy of hibernate. The problem is, that tables we want to read/write are prefixed with company-dependend names, for example Ubercompany$Customer Mega...
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    last modified by ret
  • HQL fails after obfuscation, DetachedCriteria OK

    Hi, I use JBoss 5.1 that uses Hibernate core 3.3.1 and EntityManager 3.4.0.   I tried to use proguard to obfuscate entity class names. For example,   @Entity(name="Foo") class Foo --> f   @Entity...
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    created by javatwo
  • Share persistence.xml file between two EJB modules in EAR

    JBoss 6.0.0 M3   Hello, everybody!   I have two EJB modules in an EAR module. I would like to know how to share a single persistence.xml file with these two EJB modules. If I replicate the persistence.xml ...
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    last modified by marcos_aps
  • JBoss 5.1 and Eclipselink

    Hello!   I'm trying to get a simple web project to work with JBoss 5.1, Eclipselink and JPA. My error is pretty similar to the one in thread http://community.jboss.org/thread/146562, although  it doesn't ...
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    created by texiugo
  • Possible Memory Leak

    Hello All,    I'm encountring a strange problem.    If I run my application for few dayz,   Its memory consumption raised to 79% of the physical memory ( top command) Heap grows to its max...
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    created by mayankmit2002
  • Multiple persistence-units causes deployment failure

    I have two persistence units defined in my persistence.xml file (located in META-INF of my project). When I deploy the project .ear file in JBoss 4.2.2 I  get the following error:   [ServiceController] Prob...
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    created by dand9959
  • how do i use @version in entity beans?

    hi to all,   i am new to this topic , i am developing an application using jboss seam framework. i need to develop optimistic lock in my application to restrict end user from concurrency updations of entity obj...
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    created by sathishavunoori
  • JP-QL syntax problem with "distinct"

    Hi,   I am trying to use the following expression:   select SUM(distinct c.energy) from...   Distinct witihn a SUM clause works in native sql and should work in JP-QL as well as far as I know. But I...
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    created by gilco
  • Persistence Units not Found

    My persistence.xml file is located here. earfile.ear/jarFile.jar/META_INF/persistence.xml   I have defined persistence units in persistence.xml file see below: <persistence-unit name="LoanAccounting" transa...
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    created by maamir
  • EntityManager Factory Not Found

    I have encountered following exception while starting JBoss 5.0.1GA 08:26:39,558 INFO  [ServiceLocatorProvider] Looking up: java:/LoanAccountingEntityManagerFactory 08:26:39,558 ERROR [ServiceLocatorProvider] Lo...
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    created by maamir
  • JPA 2: Are derived identifiers a bad thing?

    Hello, everybody!   I'm migrating a project from JPA 1 to JPA 2 and I want to use derived identifiers, but I heard Gavin King say that he doesn't like them and even called them garbage, but I didn't see any expl...
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    created by marcos_aps
  • JPA association with FetchMode.JOIN

    Hi,   I'm encountering a strange issue that might be due to my own stupidity but I can't figure out why   I have a class Order that has a one-to-many association to another class Item. The relationship wo...
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    last modified by ducon_lajoie