• JBoss Book Review Corner

    Do you think there would be much demand for a JBoss book review corner on this website? It could contain favorite development books, recommendations, etc. Just a thought.
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    created by mbonar
  • Is jboss-3.2.0_tomcat-4.1.24 a nightly build?

    Here's another problem with the fresh install. planck# ./shutdown.sh A JMX client to shutdown (exit or halt) a remote JBoss server. usage: shutdown [options] options: -h, --help Show this help message -D[=] Set ...
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    created by dharmafog
  • cooking directly in fire than in a pot

    Why is it JBoss developed such an application server without guidance of how to work with it. Ah! it is frustating. In my opinion even a fool should work with a product, then only it will stand as a good product. Not ...
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    created by whatisit
  • Dukes bank on JBoss 3.0

    Folks, I would like to deploy the Dukes Bank (J2EE blueprint) application by Sun. My question is then: Is there some one who has deployed this application on JBoss already?. My second question is: Can we use the simp...
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    last modified by lija
  • ERROR [XmlFileLoader] Invalid encoding name "Cp1252".:40:1

    base on some other threads I figured out that the jars were being put in the wrong directores by the build.xml, however when I corrected that I now get the following out from JBoss when I run ant: 15:40:44,875 ERROR ...
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    last modified by nigle
  • book??

    hello, what is O'reilly jboss 3.0 workbook?? it it book that i can buy or just a online document?? thanks ap
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    last modified by kaupta
  • MS Datasource ?

      "marloweinoferio" wrote: How do i setup MS Access for my DataSource. Does anyone have a complete sample for the XML configs. Thank you
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    created by marloweinoferio
  • JBoss Book 3: http://LocalHost:8082 Jboss Admin Console

    I followed the Book and ran the exercise 4. It was good. However, when I followed the instruction to check deployed ejb and jndi by typing http://localhost:8082 in my IE, I was informed that the page cannot be display...
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    last modified by qinding
  • how can i connect cmp in jboss with SQLSERVER2000

    AOA i m using jboss 3.2.0_tomcat4.01 version. i want to connect cmp/bmp with sqlserver2000 can any body help me which and where files and how to connect it with sqlserver2000. if any body has complete example than p...
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    last modified by junaidurrehman
  • Error When run Exercise 4_1a

    When I ran the first exercise from the JBoss Work Book 3, I got the error of casting Integer. I attached the error trace in a hope that someone can help me with the exercise. Appreciated for your help. Qin
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    last modified by qinding
  • Dukes bank on JBoss 3.0

    Folks, I would like to deploy the Dukes Bank (J2EE blueprint) application by Sun. My question is: Is there some one who has deployed that already?. Can we use the simple database system that is embedded with Jboss 3....
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    created by lija
  • Dukes bank on JBoss 3.0

    Folks, I would like to deploy the Dukes Bank (J2EE blueprint)application by Sun. My question is: Is there some one who has deployed that already?. Can we use the simple database system that is embedded with Jboss 3.o...
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    created by lija
  • Problem with deployment of CustomerEJB

    Hi to all. I'm a newbe in JBoss and I'm trying to create the CustomerEJB presented in the book. I decided to jar the CustomerEJB along with CabinEJB and TravelAgentEJB so I added another tag in the deployment desc. ...
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    last modified by gabri
  • Problem deploying 4.1 example

    I am having strange problem with 4.1 example. This is jboss output: 17:21:25,483 INFO [MainDeployer] Starting deployment of package: file:/D:/java/ jboss-3.0.6/server/default/deploy/titan.jar 17:21:25,824 INFO [EjbMo...
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    created by egiz003
  • Console jboss

    I'm new in jboss, I have read that the 'home' is: //localhost:8082/ but at this location I have an error from tomcat, the page I view is '//localhost:8080/jmx-console'. This because I have the version with tomcat inte...
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    last modified by cimetgiu
  • JBoss 3.x auto gen primary key?

    I'm working through O'Reilly JBoss 3.x workbook and I've reached example 6_3. It says at the time of writeing JBoss 3.x (beta) could not handle auto generation of a primary key. Has this been resolved? Can JBoss 3.x n...
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    last modified by rstack
  • how to deploy EJBs!!..

    Hi, I am a newbie to JBoss.I dont know how to deploy EJBs in JBoss.Please guide me. Any help would be Appreciated... thanks, Ram
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    last modified by ramkumaryadav
  • JBoss 3.0 Workbook

    where can i get a copy of JBoss 3.0 Workbook?
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    last modified by nbui
  • How the Table is getting created automatically

    Hi, For the examples of Ch4, the table got created automatically when i executed the Examples. Where we provided the info for creating a table ?? How to view the Data base details of the Hypersonic Database that c...
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    last modified by klsateesh
  • problem in Configuring JBoss3.0.3 with IIS

    Hello friends, I am having a problem in Configuring the JBoss3.0.3 with Microsoft Internet Information Server(IIS).JBoss3.0.3 is embeeded with Tomcat4.1.x and it is working fine. Please help me to configure ** work...
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    created by krishna_p