• Domain Server Lifecycle Use Cases

    The purpose of this document is to walk through in some detail the use cases related to starting and stopping AS 7 servers.  The intent is to clarify what information is needed to complete the process, determine ...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • JBossAS 7 Useability Requirements

    Background The JBoss Application Server gained popularity at a grassroots level in large part due to its relative ease-of-use.  While the interfaces to AS have remained constant over the past five major releases...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • AS6ServerSideConfiguration

    (This article describes some improvements to the AS 5/6 ProfileService  that will not be implemented in AS 6. AS 7 will work quite differently,  so much of this content may not be relevant to AS 7. However, ...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • AS6UserConfigurationExample

    (This article describes some improvements to the AS 5/6 ProfileService that will not be implemented in AS 6. AS 7 will work quite differently, so much of this content may not be relevant to AS 7. However, I've moved t...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Domain Deployment Design Requirements

    The purpose of this docuement is to list all the required capabilities of the deployment subsystem in the domain-model era (AS 7). Deployment Types The following deployment types shall be supported initially in 7.0: ...
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    last modified by jesper.pedersen
  • Server Manager Command Line Interface

    Server Manger Tasks Start SM Stop SM Initialize SM with DC (federate) Force Sync between SM and DC Server Tasks Start Server Stop Server Create Server?? Configure Server??
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    last modified by johnbailey
  • JBoss AS Modularization Requirements

    This is a requirements document for AS modularization.   Please do not remove any bullet points.  If a requirement is to be removed, please strike it out so that the numbering remains consistent.   Mo...
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    last modified by dmlloyd