• Cached Web Service Client sends wrong SoapAction in HTTP header

    Hi all,   I have a problem with an application which I have migrated from JBoss AS5 to AS7. Parts of the application contain a JaxWS webservice client which makes calls to a remote web service. The former implem...
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    created by greendale
  • Hibernate4.1 + Custom dialect on JBoss AS7 classloading issues

    I use spring 3.1.2 and hibernate 4.1. We have a legacy database which does not contain a industry standard dialect. So we have our own dialect. I am trying to migrate from jboss 5 to jboss 7. We used to include hibern...
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    last modified by sanmo
  • JBoss AS7 configuration for centralized logging

    Hi   I am trying to do a centralized logging in my jboss server,where in i can send the log messages from my clients to the server. In older versions of Jboss ,I have heard about the Log4jService and socketserv...
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    created by treesapaul
  • CLI deployment archive problem

    Hi,   First of all, the new CLI deployment archive feature of 7.2.x solves a lot of problems for my migration from 5.1! I have 20+ standalone servers that now can be configured at deploy-time. Thanks!   Pl...
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    last modified by thohawk
  • Configuring jboss7 ajp connector timeout

    I am setting up Jboss7 to work with apache http using ajp. My server.xml has the following entry to open ajp port         <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:web:1.1" native="false" defau...
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    last modified by nandish
  • Apache CXF and RESTful web services...

    Dear community members, I would really like to know your opinion about an issue I have recently submitted but that was rejected:  https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-2476 I don't understand why to use two dif...
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    last modified by blalux
  • Architectural overview of the AS?

    Hi,     Are there any high-level architechtural overview documentation of the AS? Considering the LOC-count of the AS, getting to know the code by just browsing around is quite time-consuming.   ...
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    last modified by nickarls
  • How to open a JMX port in AS 7?

    Hi,   I Can’t find a way to see what is the JMX port used. Where can I find that?           I thought it is not exposed, so I tried to expose it by adding the follow...
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    last modified by yairogen
  • Unable to lookup datasource in jboss-as-7.2.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT

    I have developed a simple web application to lookup the datasource 'java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS'. Below is the logic in the init method of my servlet:   strDSName = "java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS"; Conte...
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    last modified by mp_lbi
  • JBossAS 7.1.3.CR1: JBoss Solder doesn't work anymore

    I compiled JBossAS 7.1.3.CR1 and then tried to deploy my war which uses JBoss Solder 3.1.1.Final and runs fine on JBossAS 7.1.2.Final. However, during deployment I'm getting a NPE in Solder's GenericBeanExtension.regi...
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    last modified by juergen.zimmermann
  • Configure AS7 to authenticate users with kerberos

    Hi all! It's the first time in my life I'm using jboss and I decided to start with a very simple task....authenticating users that access our web application using a kerberos server. Please, can someone point me to a...
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    last modified by fremak
  • Migrating from jboss5 to AS7 missing/unavailable dependencies

    i am trying to migrate from jboss 5 to 7 and get these issues when i try to deploy the way file any clue or pointers where to fix   15:00:49,548 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 2) ...
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    last modified by aminjava
  • Jboss 7.1.1 as having problems with Picketlink 2.0.3-Final for CXF endpoints

    I am trying to develop  apache CXF web service endpoints  using Picketlink 2.0.3-Final.jar   and deploying in Jboss 7.1.1 AS.   I have updated Jboss 7.1.1 As   org.picketlink  ...
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    created by mishra900
  • deployment fails on jboss 7 with generic message.

    I am trying the jboss 7 for the first time (after using jboss 4.2.3) for years. I am trying to deploy a war file but it fails with generic message. Any tips appreciated.   The log is attached:     4:11...
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    last modified by frankmoss
  • policyConfig.xml issue

    i am facing an issue with Jboss 7.1.1 as . i am using picketlink-fed-2.0.3.Final.jar with jbossxacml-2.0.8-SNAPSHOT.jar , i am seeing the below exception like : Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: PL00075: Fi...
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    created by mishra900
  • Bumping slf4j version?

    Hello,   I noticed that AS7 7.1.1-final ships with a slf4j 1.6.1 module. There are some bugfix upgrades in the 1.6.x branch, so I wonder if you would consider bumping this version - at least for the 7.2 or next....
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    last modified by b.eckenfels
  • How can I determine when the ModelController service is fully started

    I have an OSGi service that provides container properties (i.e. JBoss Model) to our other OSGi bundles.   We moved to a late October build of 7.2.0.Alpha1 from 7.1.1.Final. With the move, the startup timing betw...
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    last modified by ejroberts
  • writing own standalone module that needs legacy log4j support

    This is yet another log4j thread - however, I think its different than most that have been posted - at least I can't find the answer to my specific use case - so don't roll your eyes just yet   I am not writing...
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    last modified by mazz
  • Adding separately deployed .jar files to other .ear's classpath...

    Hi, I have an ear, and inside of this ear I need to have on the classpath some jar's classes to be able to load them via Java ServiceLoader. I'd like to use the jBoss AS maven plugin for deploying or just directly c...
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    created by wortner
  • How create a new deployer?

    Hi All,   I would like to create a new deployer for the following use case:   I would like to create a file, preferably an XML file, which contains a "bundle name" (not to confuse with OSGi bundles, though...
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    last modified by ulrichromahn