• jboss-modules: Module Repository SPI and Extensibility

    I have the following use cases I'd like to fulfill:   1) Boot JBossAS from a single-JAR distribution 2) Boot JBossAS from a slim executable JAR, using module libraries located on a remote repository (if not alr...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • Error listenerStart

    Hi,   The below exception is thrown while trying to deploy the web application in EAP6.0. Not sure about the root cause of it. This exception is thrown only when we include the Spring ContextLoaderListener in ...
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    last modified by dgokula
  • Working directory for server processes not configurable

    Hi,   Currently there seems no configuration option to set the working directory of the server-process(es). Host- and domain-controller both use system-property "user.dir", but for the server-process in org.jbo...
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    last modified by mreasy
  • Server Instance Work directory

    Hello,   in domain mode (and standalone mode) the application servers are started in a way, that the base directory of the AS7 is the current working directory. This directory should not be writeable by a runtim...
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    last modified by b.eckenfels
  • JMX-Console alternative on JBoss 7.x

    Hi,   we're currently in the process to switch our projects and infrastructure from JBoss 4.2.3 (it's really old, I know) to JBoss 7.x.   We have a couple of management services that we used to invoke thro...
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    last modified by thomasgo
  • JBAS014775 :      New missing/unsatisfied dependencies:   service jboss.deployment.subunit

      I 'm tryin to deploy my EJB statless under an EAR with a jar and solder modules, on JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final on full-standalone mode,  so i got this :   JBAS014775 :      New ...
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    created by atiyou
  • Jboss 7.1 interface field is locked

    Hi, I have a question. Why in the web management console, in socket binding , when I edit a socket ,the interface field is locked?   Thanks for any help
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    last modified by alexvirgilio
  • How to make an EAR to Use its own Library instead of Jars from JBoss modules

    Hi,   I've EAR deployed in JBOSS AS 7.1.1.EAR is having its own jar files in its corresponding library folder.EAR is pointing to a datasource which is specified in standalone.xml.While execution of certain metho...
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    last modified by murthy516
  • Jprobe 9.6 configuration issue with Jboss AS7

    Hi,   I need to use Jprobe 9.6 with Jboss AS7 for Performance Engg Activities. Could you please help me in resolving the below issue I am facing:   I have defined a configuration for performance analysis.B...
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    last modified by nilofar_sayyad
  • Creating a custom HTTPSConnector is JBOSS AS 7.1

    I need to extend the default HTTPS connector in JBOSS AS 7.1 and add some custom code. Are there any examples I can look into to get started ?   <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:web:1.2" default-virtual-serv...
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    last modified by saransna
  • Remoting with SSL and Cipher Suite

    Hello,   Is there a way to configure (on server or client side) cipher suite used by remoting? My application should only accept : TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_...
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    last modified by renz13
  • Build error

    Hello guys,   I'm trying to compile jboss-as-7 in my desktop and i get the follow error:   Results :   Failed tests:   testTransformers1_0_0(org.jboss.as.configadmin.parser.ConfigAdminParse...
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    last modified by spolti
  • AS7 7.1.1.Final:  java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jcp.xml.dsig.internal.dom.DOMXMLSignatureFactory cannot be cast to javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignatureFactory

    Hi again,     Sorry to post a question again, but Im trying to migrate an application to AS 7 and Im getting a lot of errors.     On the JBoss AS 7.1.0 CR1 the above declaration works:   pri...
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    last modified by fuinhaazul
  • ClientLoginModule support

    Hello,   We are migrating from JBOSS 4.x to 7.1.1. A client is trying to access a remote EJB. Previously, code like below worked by propogating the credentials to the server:   LoginContext lc = new Lo...
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    last modified by thammoud
  • Jboss AS7 JDK Run/Compliance Level

    We are planning on deploying JBOSS AS 7 apps that were compiled under JDK 7.x. with compiler compliance level of 5. Are there any issues in doing this with the EE6 spec using dependency injection etc?
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    last modified by bill.rosenberg
  • JTA Transaction logging

    Does anyone happen to know how I might debug transaction demarcation in JBoss AS 7.0.2.Final?  I have seen posts talking about jbossjta-properties.xml for earlier versions of JBoss but cannot figure out for the l...
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    created by rynam0
  • How to obtain the server start datetime in AS7?

    Hi guys,   There is a way to know how much time the server is up? i tryed this https://community.jboss.org/thread/52160 but dont seens to work with AS7   thanks, Daniel
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    last modified by danieldan
  • Can we configure ehcache provider details in jboss 7 datasource?

    Hello,   In my application, i am using hibernate, mysql, ehcache.   The below is hibernate config file. hibernate.cfg.xml ------------------------- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <!DOC...
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    last modified by prabhakar.komatreddy
  • How to programatically manage 1,000 to 6,000 outbound ejb connections in JBoss7?

    My use case is that I have a central Jboss 7 server, or possibly a cluster that acts as a central location.  I also have up to 6,000 remote locations.  Each of these locations has an ejb with a remote interf...
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    last modified by jmacdonald
  • CLI non-interactive mode improvements

    First of all i would like to thank the contributing developers for the great command line support in AS7.   I'm currently evaluating the options to provide a configuration mechanism for our projects with the fol...
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    last modified by r.reimann