• Pojo cache performance and concurrency problem

    Hi all What I want to do: I have several nodes in cluster, each node uses pojocache In pojocache under fqn there is attached a list (i.e. pojoCache.attach(fqn, new ArrayList()) Each node uses this replicated list (L...
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    last modified by waldekc
  • Compatibility of JBoss Cache 2.1.0 and JBoss AS 4.2.2

    Has anyone successfully deployed JBoss Cache 2.1.0 (pojo cache) on JBoss AS 4.2.2? I'm seeing some problems related to AOP. Specifically, I get the stack trace below upon startup. I know the compatibility matrix state...
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    last modified by kringdahl
  • how a list in pojo can aop?

    hi all,i've followed the user-guide to use pojo cache,i've got some problem: when i attached a list direct to the cache,then i used cache.find("list") to get the list, it worked fine, in the eclipse debug view,i can s...
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    last modified by wj.king
  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/metadata/spi/signa

    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/metadata/spi/signature/Signature at org.jboss.cache.pojo.impl.PojoCacheImpl.()V(PojoCacheImpl.java:???) at org.jboss.cache.pojo.PojoCacheFactory.createCache(PojoCacheFactory...
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    last modified by anandlramadurg
  • Getting lots of timeoutexception

    I am getting lot of timeoutexception. Its trying obtain the readlock on the nodes when i use pojoCache.find() API. Is there any way to avoid this.??? I mean, i dont want pojocache to obtain a readlock on a node. It s...
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    last modified by anandlramadurg
  • getting nullpointer exception in org.jboss.aop.ClassInstance

    I am using POJO2.1 While debugging i am getting following exception which is not being logged since it is being thrown in finalize method of org.jboss.aop.ClassInstanceAdvisor class. Here is the exception stack Dae...
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    created by anandlramadurg
  • Aspectized replicable POJO, could not serialize to send a co

    Hi The problem is that once any POJO class is aspectized, if I try to serialize it to send it over to my Fat Clients , a NotSerializable exception is thrown as the interceptor fields added to POJO due to aspectization...
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    last modified by bahata
  • pojoCache.find(fqn) always returns a proxy class object ( AO

    pojoCache.find("list") returns a proxy class object ( AOPClassProxy0 ) for list objects. This class has a member varialbe namely - org.jboss.cache.pojo.interceptors.dynamic.CachedListInterceptor which is not serializ...
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    last modified by anandlramadurg
  • POJO Cache unable to serialize class inside my POJO

    I am simply trying to attach a POJO to the cache, but the cache throws the following exception: Caused by: java.io.InvalidClassException: com.za.mw.sec.Registration; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVe...
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    last modified by czar_iv
  • java.lang.VerifyError, Bad access to protected data at .crea

    Hi I am getting the following error, while trying to use JBoss pojo cache Alegrias (2.1.0 GA) , in the process of attaching my complex object model in the cache. java.lang.VerifyError: (class: ft/oots/adt/dao/BedT...
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    last modified by bahata
  • Issue in using Seam blog example for implementing dynamic ca

    Hello everyone, I need to display a large dataset within a dynamic page with a good response time. So I am trying to use the page fragment cache. (s:cache). The cache works, but I can’t prevent the...
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    created by thiagu.m
  • How to improve the page load time

    Hai every one i need to generate the dynamic page with dataTabl. I need to fetch the relevant data depends in the user subcategory selection. If the user click the s:link on my home page, I will get the subcategory i...
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    created by thiagu.m
  • How to prevent the frequently query execution

    Hai every one I am new to Jboss Cache. I need to display the large amount of data in a dataTable. I need to prevent the frequently executed query. I need to display the page by using the cache data. I need the query e...
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    last modified by thiagu.m
  • TreeMap

    What about TreeMap and Jboss cache I use JBoss 4.2.1 GA. I would like to share a TreeMap between node of a jboss cluster. What can I do to have that kind of use ? * an other version of Jboss Cache than the 1.4.1 * do...
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    last modified by tfranconville
  • IllegalStateException: PojoReference.incrementRefCount() , f

    Hi For the bug/enhancement-request submitted by me in Jira, it was said that it is fixed in "Fixed in trunk and branches/2.1". Can I download the fixed version now? If yes , from where? Kindly let me know the link. I...
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    last modified by bahata