• Jboss application not running

    Hi,   Thank you for taking the time to read this post in advance and hopefully you will be able to help me with my minor problem.     So right now I have configured an Amazon Web Service(AWS) instance...
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    last modified by jakins
  • Getting Out Of Memory: PermGen Heap Space error

    Hi everyone, I am using JBoss EAP5.1 version and for business rules using JBoss Brms 5.1 version.                 I changed permsize for jb...
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    last modified by rajee.r
  • How to deploy a bundle using JON to JBoss EAP 6.1 domain?

    Hi   I have 10 WAR files with deploy.xml in a bundle to be deployed to JBoss EAP 6.1 domain. If I deploy this bundle to a standalone server, it deploys successfully. When I try to run bundle deploy wizard in JON...
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    created by rmahajan2013
  • Doubt about size of Memory Code Cache

    Hello guys!     my JBOSS version is 4.3. my doubt is:     the memory pool "Code Cache" of Virtual Machine is 83% and it is growing everyday. Is this a normal behaviour?     Configurati...
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    created by macorval
  • "No EJB receiver" trying to lookup local EJB from java main

    I am trying to do this in JBOSS 7.1.1.  I have written a java main that trys to lookup an ejb and then invoke a method. The lookup fails with "No EJB receiver".  I have tried just about every imaginable ...
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    last modified by stonesoft
  • Moving from Jetty-8 to JBoss

    I have a webapp (Cocoon 2.2) running in Jetty-8 and I want to deploy it in JBoss. I get the following exception "Empty name segment is not allowed for 8", anyone has any Idea what it means or where to start looking fo...
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    created by fawzib
  • <h:selectOneMenu> and <rich:select> tag does not work in portlet

    Hi, good day. Currently i'm developing a portlet using jsf 2.1 + richfaces 4.3 in seam 2.3 and using jboss as7.I deployed my portlet in gatein 3.5 Final. Now im facing a problem that my jsf code and richfaces doesn'...
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    created by jalillah
  • How to override an mbean in JBoss?

    I am trying to override an mbean in jboss: (First mbean)   <mbean code="org.jboss.jms.server.destination.QueueService" name="jboss.messaging.destination:service=Queue,name=MyQueue" xmbean-dd="xmdesc/Queue-x...
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    last modified by albert_newton
  • Domain Controller shouldn't serve user request and it shouldn't store deployment archives (WAR)

    Hello Everyone,   We have analyzed that JBOSS MASTER has some issues and tried to login to Console. Below is the error I am receiving in the logs of JBOSS MASTER - [Server:server-two] at com.arjuna.ats.internal...
  • http://localhost:8080/

    hi friends!   already jboss 4.2 is started on command prompt but when i bowse on Firefox its not loading the page..when i browse http:localhost:8080/ plz tell me any suggestions to solve this problem..
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    created by nasreenmysore
  • JBoss start script to handle "Windows Services" supporting multiple instances

    I've been working on a draft of a script to start JBoss as a YAJSW  "Windows Service" and  supporting multiple instances.   Its open source , you can fork my code or use whatever:   https://g...
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    last modified by djangofan
  • virtual servers on different ports

    Hello all! I want two my site work on different port same ip-address i have: subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:web:1.1" default-virtual-server="default-host" native="false">       ...
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    created by lemdan
  • Newbee.. need info on Jboss 7 - servlet version ?? EJB version etc ?

    Hi, I just installed Jboss 7 on windows.   I have been looking in the documentation for a single place to see what versions Jboss 7 supports, a chart or something.. but cant fintd it   Kris..
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    last modified by klind
  • JBoss 5.0.1 AJP worker thread hangs?

    Recently we're experiencing a problem with our JBoss AS and we're not able to identify the root cause. we have an apache load balancer sitting infront of our jboss servers which delivers the requests to the jboss usin...
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    created by litalh12
  • Frequently getting Socket closed Exceptions.

    My web application was running fine from last one year, recently had JDK upgrade. But application is up and running fine without any issues but am getting the below errors in the log very frequently. jBoss clusterin...
  • how to create own log file in jboss 5.0.1

    I am trying to create own log file in jboss 5.0.1 using log4j but jboss itself using log4j .   ERROR [STDERR] (http- log4j:ERROR A "org.jboss.logging.appender.FileAppender" object is not assig...
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    created by rupeshpadhhye
  • I wonder to ask a questiong about session!

    Dealer All        I want to  ask a question about  how  is  jboss eap 5.1 worked with session?        I  have a  system  which is...
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    created by liqingzhu
  • JBoss Socket bind failed: [730014]

    Hello,   I have a problem with my jboss 4.0.4.GA. It worked fine before i installed jboss 5.0.0.GA. We have 2 old applications running on these servers so i need to work with both of them.   Now every time...
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    last modified by victor.caliman
  • Forcing Thread dump on OOM error when Heap dump is generated

    Hi, Is there a way to Force the Thread dumps when Heap dump is generated using Jboss Startup script in both Windows and Linux??     Thanks Murthy
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    last modified by murthy.mvvr
  • unpack the application war file at different location in jboss 7

    Hi, I am new user at JBoss.   currently I am using JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final   I have setup JBoss with Apache mod_jk, and have setup apache document root at /home/webapp/myapp I have setup deployment scanner...
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    created by ravibhure