• Does KernelBusRuntimeComponentDispatcher handle lifecycle op

    If an operation is invoked on the KernelBusRuntimeComponentDispatcher and passed down to its KernelBus implementation, and that operation corresponds to a component lifecycle operation such as start/stop, is this bein...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Warning for potential parameter matching issues

    Just recently a user found an issue with the AS 5.1.0 GA http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=156075 The issue is similar to what has been discussed sometimes earlier http://www.jboss.org/...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • What are the current thoughts for solving JBKERNEL-25 (Imple

    Do we have an understanding of how the parallel deployment support will work? I am curious since this could help AS get through boot quicker (assuming we can get some concurrency going and not end up single threaded d...
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    last modified by smarlow
  • Making bean validaton part of kernel configuration

    Looking at the code, I saw I did a crappy job of how we check for bean validators. It just doesn't scale well by default. :-( So, I did a little change, creating a KernelBeanValidator hanging from Kernel. Hence it me...
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    last modified by alesj
  • Uploading MC artifacts to the labs downloads area

    I'm working on a script to automate uploading the Microcontainer releases to the labs downloads area. From the comments of the script: <!-- Script to put the releases belonging to the microcontainer project in ...
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    last modified by kabirkhan
  • POST_CLASSLOADER not having a fully usable class loader

    An issue Emanuel is running into is that a DeploymentStages.REAL deployer does not have a deployment class loader capbable of loading classes referenced by deployment metadata. This is apparently due to the deployment...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Configuration Errors

    I think we should start brainstorming better ways to handle and present configuration errors in the various .xml descriptors that we have. In other words, it should be possible (somehow) for my service's start method...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • DESCRIBE phase - Dependency builders for MC Beans

    While looking into the deployment timings issues, i noticed that any MC bean that gets deployed spends (relatively) considerable amount of time during the DESCRIBE phase. A bit of debugging reveals that the DescribeAc...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Naming, @JNDI and OnDemand

    WRT - initial ml post: http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/jboss-development/2008-November/012997.html - the latest ml post (where Adrian moves his code to svn): http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/jboss-development/2009-...
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    last modified by alesj
  • Imposed ordering of elements

      "alesj" wrote: We need to update MC-AOP-int's xmls: - http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/job/AOP%20MC%20Integration%20-%20No%20Weave%20Tests/org.jboss.microcontainer$jboss-aop-mc-int/3451/ to follow the new str...
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    last modified by kabirkhan
  • OnDemand as an aspect

    Thinking about his more + reading existing jboss-dev ml entries, I think we need much more transparent "On_Demand" integration. e.g. if some service wants to be an entry point of "igniting" On_Demand beans it needs t...
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    last modified by alesj
  • More problem releases - jboss classloader

    Apparently jboss-cl 2.0.5.GA got released on the 24th, although there are still 3 unresolved issues in JIRA and it is marked as unreleased. Can whoever did the 2.0.5.GA release tidy up JIRA?
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • Context installation causes StackOverflowError

    WRT: - http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4219890#4219890 - https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-1724 I don't see how this is different from what we already have once our -jboss...
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    last modified by alesj
  • File last modified diff behavior

    I have this piece of test code // update some file File updateFile = new File(rootFile, "test.jsp"); assertTrue(updateFile.exists()); assertTrue(updateFile.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis())); @Suppres...
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    last modified by alesj
  • New tree state model

      "kabir" wrote: I've vaguely started thinking about this in the back of my mind, and am curious about how you see a few of the initial concepts. In the current linear one, install/uninstall = move to next/prev...
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    last modified by alesj
  • Improving the process of applying AnnotationPlugins on MC be

    While working on improving the EJB3 deployment time https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-1800 i noticed that MC aggresively scans for annotations on MC beans (we deploy EJB3 containers and EJB3 proxy factories ...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Best files update strategy

    WRT: - http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4224070#4224070 What would be the best way to "notice" user file changes/updates? The idea is to make it temp agnostic. With the previous disc...
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    last modified by alesj
  • Testing latest 2.2.0M1/2 releases

    With these changes to Branch_5_x I can't run the smoke tests (note, with the latest XB you have to start the server with -Dxb.builder.useUnorderedSequence=true). "svn diff" wrote: Index: component-matrix/pom.xml ===...
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    last modified by aloubyansky
  • Updating Kernel to XB 2.0.1.Beta3 leads to weird mvn issues

    More mvn weirdness. :-) If I update MC/Kernel to use XB 2.0.1.Beta3 I get test failures. But if I run a single test (which failed before) or inside IDEA, the test runs fine. Can someone try this out?
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    last modified by alesj
  • CL's GlobalCapabilities have a bug

    Kabir's GlobalCapabilities cause a NPE in current Deployers trunk. A bit of background on how this NPE was exposed. :-) I've released temp 2.2.0 Milestone1 releases of MC sub-projects: * VFS * Kernel * CL This is o...
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    last modified by alesj