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Thread JBREFLECT-5 - Implementing generics in JavassistClassInfo
JBREFLECT-5 - Implementing generics in JavassistClassInfoI have had a first stab at implementing generics in the Javassist version of ClassInfo and committed it against http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBREFLECT-5. I have created Javassist versions of the tests tha...
Test Classes in main artifacts?Hi guys: Came across this today in jboss-cl: [alr@localhost ~]$ jar -tvf ~/.m2/repository/org/jboss/cl/jboss-classloader/2.2.0.Alpha4/jboss-classloader-2.2.0.Alpha4.jar |grep test
Thread Deployments in error guzzles up the exception cause
Deployments in error guzzles up the exception causeI can't see the cause of the NotCompliantMBeanException in this output. java.lang.Exception: Encountered exception in server startup
at org.jboss.bootstrap.impl.mc.server.AbstractMCServerBas...
JBREFLECT-6 Skipping compilation stepAdrian, As I was studying JBoss Reflect issues, I stumbled upon https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBREFLECT-6 and I got curious about it :) "adrian@jboss.org" wrote: The JavassistReflectionFactory builds up a sour...
Thread ClassPoolRepository vs JBossclDelegatingClassPoolRepository
ClassPoolRepository vs JBossclDelegatingClassPoolRepositorySince we updated the classpool and AOP versions at JBoss AS, we've been seeing some warning messages showing that unregistering of ClassPool is not working correctly. The reason for these failures is that AspectManag...
Thread AnnotatedElementMetaDataLoader and bridge methods
AnnotatedElementMetaDataLoader and bridge methodsGiven a bean with a bridge method I don't get the annotations of the real method if I pass in a bridge method signature to AnnotatedElementMetaDataLoad.getComponentMetaDataRetrieval. Either it should just work...
Thread Duplicate classloading with Javassist Reflect
Duplicate classloading with Javassist ReflectI'm getting this unexpected behavior while testing my Scanning lib. org.jboss.reflect.spi.CannotCompileException: javassist.CannotCompileException: by java.lang.LinkageError: loader (instance of org/jboss...
JBoss Reflect and javassist statusIn case the volcanic ashes clear and the planes work on Tuesday so I can go on holidays, here is the current status of the jboss-reflect on javassist implementation. The javassist implementation is feature ...
Making JavassistTypeInfo serializableLooking at https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBREFLECT-16 I wanted to do the same as I did to make the reflect flavour properly serializable, which was simply to add this to ClassInfo, as mentioned here http://commun...
On demand resolutionI created a test for DynamicImport-Package to check whether https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBCL-131 is actually working at the OSGi layer. I still get a CNFE. Here is the trace 2010-03-26 11:24:06,9...
Thread setRequiredStage should also setRequiredState
setRequiredStage should also setRequiredStateThis patch in OSGi shows that there is something wrong with AbstractDeploymentContext.setRequiredStage(). You shouldn't have to explicitly do the ControllerContext.setRequiredState(), that is an implementation...
Thread Issues using Javassist TypeInfoFactory in other projects
Issues using Javassist TypeInfoFactory in other projectsStarting this thread to keep track of what is going wrong when using the Javassist version of TypeInfo The first issue is that javassist itself did not understand things like @SomeAnnotation(clazz=org....
Thread Testing jboss-reflect with a SecurityManager enabled
Testing jboss-reflect with a SecurityManager enabledI am enabling security for jboss-reflect and going through and adding privileged blocks where needed. Currently I am using this test policy plugin public class ContainerTestPolicyPlugin extends TestsPolicyPl...
Servlet Scanner pluginHi, For Servlet annotation scanning, I would need the following APIs: - For Servlet annotation processing, query classes from a JAR for a set of annotations (on fields, methods, type); could return a Set keye...
Thread jboss-classpool-jbosscl.jar on AS bootstrap classpath
jboss-classpool-jbosscl.jar on AS bootstrap classpathI'm having problems with this jar on the bootstrap classpath. Whenever I install aop (trunk compiled version) on as-trunk and try to start the server, I get thousands of CNF exceptions such as the one below: o...
Fragments as subdeploymentsStumbling upon "fragment" request from a user (http://community.jboss.org/thread/149627), I remembered Adrian mentioned that this (fragments) should be handled at deployers level, as some sort of sub-deployment. ...
Issues with vfs30 MountHandleFolks, I had a look at the MountHandle that was advertised in https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBVFS-147. Here some feedback. MountHandle is not part of VirtualFile. This forces clients to maintain a...
New MC alphasAre we ready to do new Kernel, CL and Deployers release? Kabir should be working on Reflect, so he's ready :-), what about you Adrian? Anything else we should wait for; e.g. wrt new CL Lifecycle and circular ...
Thread Updating ClassPool version at JBoss Deployers project
Updating ClassPool version at JBoss Deployers projectI'm updating the version of classpool to 2.0.0.Alpha4 in jboss-deployers: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBDEPLOY-250 As I told Ales in a private e-mail, updating the classpool version raised new requirem...