• MetaValue representation of javax.management.ObjectNames

    In the Topic and Queue ManagedComponents, there are a few properties, namely "DLQ", "expiryQueue", and "serverPeer", whose values represent JMX ObjectNames. In destinations-service.xml, the values of these properties ...
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    last modified by ips
  • VFS Permissions - JBMICROCONT-149

    http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBMICROCONT-149 I don't think the VFS is missing any permissions? If the caller doesn't have access to the file system then they shouldn't be able to use the VFS to bypass the secur...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • JBAS-6105; Improve start-up time

    Moving JIRAs (https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6105) posts to forum: "Radim Marek" wrote: Hi, I know you're probably trying to get JBoss AS 5.0 release out 'as soon as possible', but isn't a startup time and...
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    last modified by alesj
  • Why does org.jboss.jca.spi.ComponentStack not use generics?

    Is there a reason why the ComponentStack doesn't use generics? http://viewvc.jboss.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/jbossas/projects/integration/trunk/jboss-jca-spi/src/main/java/org/jboss/jca/spi/ComponentStack.java?revision=8...
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    last modified by wolfc
  • DU cannot supply own demands?

    I've got https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-1603. The construct is: @Stateless @Remote(SelfDependencyRemoteBusiness.class) @Local(SelfDependencyLocalBusiness.class) public class SelfDependencyBean implemen...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • JMS ConnectionFactory not bound issue

    As of yesterday, I am seeing the following error affecting some of the MDB tests. ConnectionFactory not bound javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: ConnectionFactory not bound at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.getBind...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • ProfileService Guidance

    I am trying to apply the management annotations on the security beans. As an example, I have a bean @ManagementObject( componentType = @ManagementComponent(type = "MCBean", subtype = "*"), properties = Management...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Profile Service api

    CORE PROFILE SERVICE As far as the core profile api goes this doesn't look too bad. It still has the VFSDeployment and DeploymentPhase stuff in there, I think we can live with that (its a bit too close to the implem...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • Hotdeployment is still broken

    If I change a jsp page it shouldn't be redeploying the war file!
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • JBAS-5953; jar override issue

    Moving this discussion here: - https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-5953 I guess this is similar to what we've already seen in some VFS failures: - http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&...
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    last modified by alesj
  • Topics/Queues as MC Beans

    I tried the following: <bean name="QueueEJB3MDB" class="org.jboss.mq.server.jmx.Queue"> <property name="destinationManager">jboss.messaging.destination:service=Queue,name=QueueEJB3MDB</property> ...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Unrecognised deployments

    We need to come up with a fix for the problem that I mentioned on a different thread (I think in the user forums since I can't find it?) Basically what is happening is if I add a my.rubbish file to the deploy directo...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • xml persistent format for attachments

    I created some simple tests trying to persists some metadata as xml with JAXB, using ManagedConnectionFactoryDeploymentGroup, ServiceDeployment/ServiceMetaData and AbstractKernelDeployment/AbstractBeanMetaData Baisca...
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    last modified by emuckenhuber
  • JBAS-6199, profileservice-spi.jar location

    An issue we discussed during the jon/console call was extracting out the profileservice-spi.jar so that the console projects and a testsuite can be built against it. It also helps with avoiding unintended spi changes....
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    last modified by starksm64
  • profileservice-testTopic-service.xml deployment failures

    The profileservice-testTopic-service.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <server> <mbean xmbean-dd="xmdesc/Topic-xmbean.xml" name="jboss.messaging.destination:service=Topic,...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • "NotSerializableException: CompositeValueInvocationHandler"

    I get the following exception when trying to update a Local TX Datasource via the Profile Service: Failed to update Resource (see app server log for additional details): java.io.NotSerializableException: org.jboss.m...
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    last modified by ips
  • return type for ManagedProperty.getValue()

    When I spoke with him last Friday, Scott agreed that ManagedOperation.invoke() should return MetaValue, rather than a java.lang.Object. Should ManagedProperty.getValue() also return MetaValue, rather than java.lang.Ob...
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    last modified by ips
  • Naming lookup needs a getClassloader permission

    Scott, from the following stacktrace, we see that the JNP layer needs to have a "getClassloader" permission. Should a privileged operation go in naming? If not, user applications who do any JNDI lookup will need to be...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Only way to remove a managedcomponent is to remove its deplo

    I know we've discussed this before but I wanted bring it up again now we have a concrete api to work with. Right now the only way to remove a component appears to be as follows: ManagementView mgtView = ProfileServi...
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    last modified by ccrouch
  • Missing dependency in jpa processing?

    There appears to be a missing dependency in the jpa processing. If I try to deploy a persistence.xml that references a datasource that doesn't exist I get this uninformative error message: Caused by: java.lang.Run...
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    last modified by adrian.brock