• @Resource BundleContext context; fails in servlet!

    I've seen several pages from googling that to access OSGi services from a regular war file deployed in JBoss (7.1.1) you should to the following in your servlet:       @Resource    ...
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    last modified by tommybs
  • TCCL used by EJBNamingContext is wrong when callstack passes through multiple OSGi modules

    Hi all,   we face the following problem in JBoss 7.1.0-Final (including the fix for AS7-3830):   We would like to be able to trigger a chain of events, say by JMX-Bean in on OSGi bundle [A]. [A] then cal...
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    last modified by steffenwollscheid
  • Can't able to access 'localhost:8090/jboss-osgi/bundles' link

    Hi,   I am using 'jboss-as-web-7.1.1.Final' server. I started the server and able to access the '' link, but i am not able to access the Jboss-osgi admin link.(localhost:8090/jboss-...
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    last modified by tarikx
  • Access Config Admin Data from EJB

    I'm tempted by the Configuration Admin Data section of the jbossAS 7 mgmt console (http://localhost:9990/console/App.html#configadmin). It implies that I could invent my own PID, store some name value pairs and then.....
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    last modified by mjmeyer23
  • exported service not recognized

    I am trying to deploy OSGI bundle on 7.1.1.Final  through maven using mvn package jboss-as:deploy command. While at the deployment time I am getting following error.   13:44:14,176 ERROR [registration] (Thr...
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    last modified by jigneshmpatel
  • PackageAdmin doesn't list [Resolved] bundle packages.

    Using JBoss 7.1.2.Final (built from source)   Greetings,   I am still in the progress of evaluating JBoss AS 7.1 in replacement of Eclipse Equinox.  I had an unexpected behavior with a fragment bundle...
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    last modified by ebelanger070
  • Bundle activated on deployment and bundle start level

    Greetings,   I'm having a problem where is a deploy a bundle in standalone, the bundle will be activated.  This doesn't seem consistent with the explained behavior in this documentation   https://docs...
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    last modified by ebelanger070
  • How to get start with JBoss 7.1.0, OSGI and Netbeans?

    Hi,   I'm interested which OSGI conteiner is used in Netbeans and JBoss 7.1.0. Is there a good tutorial for OSGI and Netbeans which explains how web client can invoke remote methods from OSGI bundle. I found man...
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    last modified by rcbandit
  • JBoss OSGi installer package

    Hello,   I am a bit confused by the documentation in regards to the purpose of the installer package. I wanted to play around with the stand-alone runtime, especially since I wanted to verify some behaviour befo...
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    last modified by b.eckenfels
  • thoughts on converting rest easy web app to OSGI

    For the web app I am using jax-rs with HTML5 and for other modules going to use OSGI. But I am curious whether reasteasy app can be converted to OSGI and used effectly, at one place I show Thomas's note about not to c...
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    last modified by jigneshmpatel
  • problem of referring OSGI service from EJB (JBOSS - 7.1.1)

    On JBoss7.1.1.FInal, I am trying to call OSGI service from EJB but I am getting following error:     11:31:34,203 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-16) JBAS015876: Starting de...
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    last modified by jigneshmpatel
  • JBoss OSGi 1.1.0 Released

    I am happy to announce the release of JBossOSGi-1.1.0.   You can download the binary here: jboss-osgi-installer-1.1.0.jar   This is a OSGi Core 4.2. Framework compliant release with a strong focus on AS7 i...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • JBoss OSGi 1.1.1 Released

    I am happy to announce the release of JBossOSGi-1.1.1.   You can download the binary here: jboss-osgi-installer-1.1.1.jar   This is a maintenance release for JBoss-AS-7.1.1 integration.   Add support...
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    created by thomas.diesler
  • jboss-ejb-client.xml in OSGi bundle is ignored

    Hi,   in Jboss 7.1.1.Final (Brontes), i would like to call a remote EJB in a different server instance from within an OSGi bundle deployed into JBoss7, using standard remote EJB call, as described in https://doc...
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    last modified by steffenwollscheid
  • EJB and OSGI with JBoss App-Server 7.1.1.Final

    Hi, I have downloaded the actual JBoss Application Server 7 (jboss-as-7.1.1.Final) and I plan a Software-Architecture to use OSGI-Services from EJB-Stateless-Session-Bean. At this reason I implement a small prototyp...
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    last modified by jerry_sky
  • Using OSGI with JBoss AS 5.2?

    My client is planning on using JBoss ESB that uses the 5.2 version of the app server.  I'd like to propose using an OSGi container in this environment.  What software would I need to download?  Has anyo...
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    last modified by tpc1095
  • CXF-DOSGi 1.3 in JBoss 7.1.1?

    I am having a very hard time getting CXF-DOSGi to work in JBoss 7.1.1. This is such a pity, as the service publishing model is quite simple and elegant.   Does anybody have any advice on deploying this?   ...
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  • Debugging OSGi projects using Eclipse IDE in JBoss AS/OSGi

    The quickstart shows to deploy an OSGi/PDE bundle is by copying the resulting JAR bundle to the deployments folder.   However, in daily code-debug cycle there needs to be a way to rapidly deploy the bundle on co...
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    created by ceefour
  • org.osgi.framework.system.packages provided by AS 7.1

    Which packages are provided by the SystemBundle out-of-the-box and what versions do they export?   Where can I find this information?   The absense of a console and the limited capabilities of the web cons...
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    last modified by tiekmann
  • JBoss modules and OSGi bundles - and relations between them

    Hi everyone, I've been trying out some things with JBoss 7.1.0-Final (standalone config). At first, I've managed to import log4j packages into bundle through modules.extra property setting. That worked quite fine. &...
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    last modified by rssole