• How to do to support jsp+servlet in JBoss OSGi ?

    I am trying to deploy my bundles under JBoss AS 7.1.0Final,but some of them can not install,these are details:   First,I deploy my bundle in Equnix.This bundle contains jsp and servlet and need import org.eclips...
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  • Error undeploy OSGI bundle: NullPointerException

    I'm new to JBoss OSGI. I tried with Hello World example on JBoss AS 7.1.1 and got NullPointerException when undeploy the bundle. Did I miss something?   [helloworld-osgi]$ mvn package jboss-as:deploy ... 14:10...
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  • Change in bundle deploy behaviour

    In AS7-4840 Rico says   OK, understood - even if I find this disturbing as a change in behavior between 7.1.1 and 7.1.2. But how is one supposed to configure the start of OSGi bundles after deployment? Not usi...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • Deploying Blueprint OSGi bundles in JBOSS 7.1.2

    Hi All,   please, has anyone successfully deployed Blueprint powered OSGi bundles in JBOSS 7.1.2.Final? I've experienced a few issues with that:     1) In JBoss 7.1.2 bundles (any bundles, not just Bl...
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    last modified by jjaannrr
  • Start jboss-as-7.1.2-SNAPSHOT fail with "org.jboss.msc.service.DuplicateServiceException: Service jbosgi.integration.PersistentBundlesHandler is already registered"

    Hi,   we use arquillian to run some xts crash recovery tests and meet this issue when start jboss-as container with arquillian.     Apr 25, 2012 10:12:01 AM org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.impl.cli...
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  • war dependent on OSGi bundles - missing/unsatisfied dependencies

    Hi, I have question re something I've noticed in server log:   JBAS014775:    New missing/unsatisfied dependencies:       service jboss.module.spec.service."deployment.bu...
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    last modified by rssole
  • Inject osgi service reference into "non bundle" context - possible?

    Hi, I am using JBoss 7.1.0 and... currently I'm injecting osgi bundle context into web app (servlet) or into ejb as jboss supports injection via @Resource... that is quite OK.   Now, I have some blueprint-enabl...
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    created by rssole
  • Making bundle classes accessible to any application deployed in JBoss 7

    I have an OSGI bundle and I would like that classes in its exported packages can be accessible to all the applications deployed in my jboss server. I have found instructions explaining how to do this using JBoss modu...
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  • JBoss OSGi and Spring Dynamic Modules

    Hi, I've been checking out jboss osgi and spring dynamic modules docs as well, however couldn't find some concrete example of how to achieve that one osgi bundle become "spring aware".   To be more specific......
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    last modified by rssole
  • is it possible to deploy OSGi bundle to the bundles folder?

    JBoss root folder has a folder called "bundles", is it possible to deploy common OSGi bundles there? When I deploy bundle to deployment along with my web application, everything works well, when I tried to deploy bund...
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    last modified by aeternitas
  • How to invoke the bundle osgi service from ejb3?

    Thougth the 1.0.0 final release shows the feature "OSGi service invocation from EJB3 and Webap" is supported, in which I think the EJB3 is deployed as JBoss AS7 modules not an OSGi bundle, but there is no clear narrat...
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  • batch deployment

    Ever tried to deploy 287 bundles of which you don't know the dependency order?   Currently, putting them in the hot deployment folder will pick them up one-by-one and if they are not found in the proper order, t...
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    last modified by tiekmann
  • Framework start and AS7

    My use case is as follows: I need to know when all of my 200+ osgi bundles have been started. According to the old tomes of forbidden knowledge, the FrameworkEvent.Started can be used for this purpose. Unfortunately,...
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    last modified by akoledzhikov
  • Adding packages to JBoss 7 boot delegation

    I use a javaagent that does bytecode instrumentation. This injected code needs to be able to see its runtime dependency, which is available from the boot classloader.   JBoss appears to ignore the "org.osgi.fram...
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    last modified by nahsra
  • Deployment problem to as7 osgi from STS 2.8.1

    Hi!   I'm new in JBOSS, and osgi, so it will be easy! :-) My problem: I wrote my first osgi code in STS. It is the "Hello world". (Start plug-in project, from hello world template) I started the JBoss AS 7.1.1...
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    last modified by take5
  • Unable to reference a service in a bundle when the Interface it implements is contained in another bundle

    As part of my investigation into OSGI on JBoss AS 7 I have created four OSGi bundles that are configured using blueprint.    Here is a brief description of each of the bundles an API bundle that contains ...
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    last modified by smithleej
  • RESTful application in JBOSS OSGI

    Hi ,      I am new to Jboss osgi, i want to know Jboss osgi is suitable for my requirement.     We are building Restful service application using spring . This application using solr and&#...
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  • Mysql+Dbcp+Jboss OSGI = Problems

    Apologize if this has been asked before, I did search but found nothing.  Below are my manifest and the stack trace.  I have tried everything I can think of including repackaging dbcp and adding DynamicImpor...
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  • Call OSGI Services from EJB

    Hi, I'm calling an OSGI Service from a EJB3. I correctly get the BundleContext including the MANIFEST DEPENDENCY. When I try to get a Service from Bundle Context I get a null ServiceReference.   My service in...
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    last modified by diego.loro
  • Getting "Cannot start bundle" error while starting the jboss7.0 server

    Hi Guys,        i am getitng the below error while starting the jboss server.i am using org.eclipse.osgi_3.3.2.R33x_v20080105.jar  and my jboss server having org.osgi.compendium-4.2.0.j...
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    last modified by sivarenati