• Are there plans to upgrade to OSGi R4.3 soon?

    JBoss OSGi currently supports R4.2 both the standard and enterprise specs.   With R5.0 Core released in March 2012 and R5.0 Enterprise released in June 2012 and in addition, R4.3 (Core and Enterprise) released i...
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    last modified by ulrichromahn
  • Problem with JBoss 7.2.0-Alpha1-SNAPSHOT on Windows

    After the fix of https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-5779 I updated  to the latest master and have a different problem now:   13:04:41,139 ERROR [org.eclipse.rap.rwt.osgi] (Thread-63) Unable to start RWT ap...
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    last modified by pkilian
  • Class Hierarchy not working with Blueprint

    I tried with the Apache Aries tutorial and I am able to get Blueprint working with Interfaces as follows   TestAppProj (contains Interface - com.link.si.services.TestService  : OSGI Bundle)   TestServ...
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    last modified by charlie7
  • How to deploy a bundle at a specific start level?

    When I add a bundle as capability in standalone.xml or domain.xml, I can specify the start level of that bundle.   However, when I deploy a bundle via the other supported ways - drop into the deployments folder,...
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    last modified by ulrichromahn
  • Hibernate Bean Validation not working properly in OSGi env

    Hi Everyone,   I'm trying to implement Bean Validation for some of the POJOs which are residing inside bundles using Hibernate Bean Validation. I decided to move the validation logic to a separate bundle (Valida...
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    last modified by thehashcoder
  • Definition of JDK APIs

    Actually JDK APIs are hard coded to get into context of JBoss OSGi. Is there any plan to extract them into editable profiles like karaf does. It might be essential to add version infos to some of the import such as J...
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    last modified by graben
  • OSGi bundle with Arquillian test framework

    Hi All,   I am very new to Arquillian test franework so I ma trying to create sample osgi bundle with Arquillian test cases but when I am running a bundle it gives me Deployment Exception, whole stackstrace as f...
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    last modified by pankbharambe
  • Persist/control bundle state (avoid auto start)

    Hi,   I have two small questions about OSGi bundle control:   How can I avoid auto start of deployed bundles? Is there a possibility to persist bundle state over restart of JBoss OSGi in AS7?   Rega...
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    last modified by graben
  • Problem with JBoss 7.2.0-Alpha1-SNAPSHOT

    For our OSGi based Web-Application we use the RWT Widget Toolkit from the Eclipse RAP project.   With JBoss 7.2.0-Alpha1-SNAPSHOT following exception is thrown: 11:27:58,696 ERROR [org.eclipse.rap.rwt.osgi] (Th...
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    last modified by pkilian
  • Upgrade to newer Versions of org.ops4j.pax

    Hello,   it is possible to upgrade the org.ops4j.pax komponents to a newer Version then 1.1.2, because in 1.1.2 i have the following problem: http://team.ops4j.org/browse/PAXWEB-359   Best regards Peter
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    last modified by pkilian
  • JBoss One Day Talk 2012

    Yesterday I spoke about OSGi in complex Enterprise Applications on AS7 in Munich.
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    created by thomas.diesler
  • Issues with Blueprint and JBoss 7.1.3.Final

    When i try to start my bundle on JBoss 7.1.3.Final i get an Exception:   ... Caused by: org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve HostBundleRevision[de.hama.reach.services:0.1.0.SNAPSHOT]...
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    last modified by pkilian
  • Issues with BluePrint and ServiceTracker

    I am starting with OSGI and Blueprint   The structure of my project is as follows   ApiProject (OSGI) ----           Project containg the interfaces  ...
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    last modified by charlie7
  • Creating OSGI Bundle using Template or Archtype

    Hi,   Very new to OSGI and JBoss AS7.  I've done all the quickstarts and few hours of googling.  I haven't come across any great tutorials on how people are creating their OSGI bundles using eclipse or...
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    last modified by djchapm
  • No bundle notifications on shutdown

    Hi All,   I'm experiencing an issue where my blueprint services with a "destroy-method" attribute are not shutdown as required when I do a crtl+c in the console. I've done some debugging and I think the cause is...
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    last modified by brad-uk
  • Deploying CXF-DOSGi to JBoss AS7

    As a number of people have asked about deploying CXF-DOSGi in AS7 I decided to do a little write-up of how to do this.   In this decription I'm configuring OSGi in AS7 to run the CXF-DOSGi 1.2 multi-bundle distr...
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    last modified by bosschaert
  • Problem installing bundles using streams

    I'm trying to have Karaf run on top of JBOSGi but found a major problem. See https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBOSGI-600   When installing a bundle from a stream, a vfs url is created and fail, because vfs handl...
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    last modified by gnodet
  • Compile Error with Example Project

    I get this error on the example project(any ideas why):   [INFO] [compiler:compile {execution: default-compile}] [INFO] Compiling 11 source files to C:\Projects\example\target\classes [INFO] ------------------...
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    last modified by jfl0wers
  • Cannot access 'localhost:8090/jboss-osgi/bundles' link

    Hi Frnds,   I am using 'jboss-as-web-7.0.0.Final' server. I started the server and able to access the '' link, but i am not able to access the Jboss-osgi admin link.(localhost:8090/...
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    last modified by sivarenati
  • Module dependecy clashing

    Hi,      We are trying to deploy an OSGi aplication in JBoss AS 7 which is working perfectly in an Equinox installation. We would like to leverage the capabilities of jboss-modules and jboss-osgi integ...
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    last modified by sbesada