• Adding packages to JBoss 7 boot delegation

    I use a javaagent that does bytecode instrumentation. This injected code needs to be able to see its runtime dependency, which is available from the boot classloader.   JBoss appears to ignore the "org.osgi.fram...
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    last modified by nahsra
  • Deployment problem to as7 osgi from STS 2.8.1

    Hi!   I'm new in JBOSS, and osgi, so it will be easy! :-) My problem: I wrote my first osgi code in STS. It is the "Hello world". (Start plug-in project, from hello world template) I started the JBoss AS 7.1.1...
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    last modified by take5
  • Unable to reference a service in a bundle when the Interface it implements is contained in another bundle

    As part of my investigation into OSGI on JBoss AS 7 I have created four OSGi bundles that are configured using blueprint.    Here is a brief description of each of the bundles an API bundle that contains ...
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    last modified by smithleej
  • RESTful application in JBOSS OSGI

    Hi ,      I am new to Jboss osgi, i want to know Jboss osgi is suitable for my requirement.     We are building Restful service application using spring . This application using solr and&#...
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    last modified by ramkannan
  • Mysql+Dbcp+Jboss OSGI = Problems

    Apologize if this has been asked before, I did search but found nothing.  Below are my manifest and the stack trace.  I have tried everything I can think of including repackaging dbcp and adding DynamicImpor...
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    last modified by boxsmiley
  • Call OSGI Services from EJB

    Hi, I'm calling an OSGI Service from a EJB3. I correctly get the BundleContext including the MANIFEST DEPENDENCY. When I try to get a Service from Bundle Context I get a null ServiceReference.   My service in...
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    last modified by diego.loro
  • Getting "Cannot start bundle" error while starting the jboss7.0 server

    Hi Guys,        i am getitng the below error while starting the jboss server.i am using org.eclipse.osgi_3.3.2.R33x_v20080105.jar  and my jboss server having org.osgi.compendium-4.2.0.j...
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    last modified by sivarenati
  • OSGI Configuration changes via Config Admin Service

    I want to prove that I can use the Configuration Admin Service to effect configuration changes on an active OSGI Service. I created a HelloService example, using the quickstarts and the org.osi.service.cm.ManagedServ...
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    last modified by ejroberts
  • JBoss module access to OSGi bundle

    Hello,   I am trying to build up a system what will have following artifacts configured: - JBoss Module to provide complete set of libraries that will be accessible to all application running on the AS7 - OSGi...
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    last modified by swiderski.maciej
  • JBoss AS5 and OSGi ?

    Hi!   I have a question. And I was wondering if you could shed some light on it.   I have this application : It runs on JBoss AS 5.1 It's a 4 layer architecture. It uses JSF on presentational layer. ...
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    last modified by kensvebary
  • Cannot start OSGI service from EAR package

      I found this simple tutorial with a simple OSGI bundle and web application. https://github.com/bosschaert/coderthoughts/tree/master/WebAppOSGiService I have tested to replace the web application with EAR pack...
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    created by rcbandit
  • Cannot deploy OSGI bundle with datasource

    Hi,    I found this example how webapp can call methods from OSGI bundle: https://github.com/bosschaert/coderthoughts/tree/master/WebAppOSGiService   I made some modification to the code:   ...
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    created by rcbandit
  • How to create a simple OSGI module

    Hi,   I need help with a writing a OSGI module. This is the code that I wrote. It's still not finished but I can compile it with Netbeans.     /* * OSGI Module for Sessions handling */ package com.S...
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    last modified by rcbandit
  • Spring-DM sample on Jboss AS 7

    Hello Folks ,   Has anyone successfully deployed Spring-DM sample successfully on Jboss AS 7 ?   I have tried deploying . The deployment goes fine and I see the service being registerd .   However wh...
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    created by spandit2
  • Where to place JSF files in OSGI bundle

    Hi,   I'm using Netbeans 7.0.1 to create a JSF application. I created the parent POM file and the OSGI bundle. The problem is that I don't know how to place the JSF pages into the OSGI bundle. What must be the ...
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    last modified by rcbandit
  • How to declare parent pom file and OSGI bundles as modules

    Hi,     I want to create a parent POM file and some OSGI modules. My question is where to declare Seam 3 modules - Solder, Faces and etc. In parent POM or in every OSGI bundle?    Regards ...
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    last modified by rcbandit
  • Unbind called before bind for DS service during update.

    Hello,   looks like the unbind method is called after bind during update. If I am not wrong OSGI requires unbind to be called after bind on update. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong ?   Version ...
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    last modified by gsarno
  • Using VFS to load an embedded bundle resource not working?

    I feel like I'm missing something... I'm trying a relatively simple operation with VFS that seems like it should work. I'm using JBoss AS 7.0.2.   First, I've added these to the list of modules in the standalone...
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    last modified by tpesce
  • Deploy simple osg-bundles fails because missing org.osgi.util

    Hello everyone   Yesterday I was trying to get my first OSGi module deployed on AS 7 (I am currently using 7.0.1 and 7.1 alpha) but the OSGi-subsystem never starts without Errors. Since I am currently at work I...
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    last modified by lostiniceland
  • Embedding Karaf ssh console in jboss osgi...

    Does anyone succeed in embedding Karaf ecosystem, at least with console capabilities and ssh access with JBossOsgi framework?   Theoretically it should work naturally since Karaf is built on the top of felix and...
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    last modified by salahzar