• how to instructed to delegate additional classes (org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation)

    Hi All, I got to know that we can instuct OSGI class loader to delegate additional classes by using org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation systemproperty   • Examples: • org.osgi.framework.bootdelegatio...
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    last modified by raghu.ganapam
  • Getting 404 when accessing deployed OSGi bundle with JAX-WS.

    Hi ,   I got simple example of osgi bundle using JAX-WS in this http://weblogs.java.net/blog/ss141213/archive/2010/04/08/jax-ws-web-service-osgi-bundle blog which is in GlassFish server. I have deployed that int...
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    last modified by pankbharambe
  • Adding external jar files to OSGI bundle (Getting NoClassDefFountError)

    Hello Everybody,    We are planning to migrate from Weblogic to Jboss with OSGI , so  we are doing a POC on OSGI bundle and deploy in Jboss eap 6.0.0, Simple Hello world example worked fine, but when ...
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    last modified by raghu.ganapam
  • BundleContext object in the start method of Activator class is null

    Hi,   I am using JBOSS AS 7.1.1 I have installed jboss-osgi-installer-1.1.1 The BundleContext object is being passed as null to the start method of Activator class of the bundle. Do we need to make any config...
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    last modified by sricompind
  • unable to run osgi web application bundles in jboss as 7.1.1

    Hi All,   I am new to osgi development. I have developed a sample web application bundle(WAB) and deployed it into the jboss-as-7.1.1.Final successfully with any errors.  As i know for osgi bundles web appl...
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    last modified by sivaram123
  • Deep Stacks or endless recursion

    Hello,   my Java 7 JVM is crashing in a Stack Overflow (which is a Bug initself). But while inspecting the hs_err file (attached) I noticed that the OSGi Parser has a extremly deep stack. I wonder if this is a e...
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    last modified by b.eckenfels
  • Conceptual flaw in wiring to non-osgi modules

    There is likely a conceptual flaw in the way we handle Resources/BundleRevision for non-osgi modules. This thread is related to   * AS7-4915  ClassCastException - AbstractResource cannot be cast to Abstrac...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • JBoss OSGi 1.1.0 Released

    I am happy to announce the release of JBossOSGi-1.1.0.   You can download the binary here: jboss-osgi-installer-1.1.0.jar   This is a OSGi Core 4.2. Framework compliant release with a strong focus on AS7 i...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • Testing non-default configuration in standalone.xml

    Hi,   I'm wondering how to test some non-default configuration in the standalone.xml/domain.xml. In my case I would like to write a test case that ensures that config admin data present in the XML file is approp...
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    created by bosschaert
  • Priming the repository

    David says   I have been able to get the repository bundle running in the TCK framework and am now looking a priming it with content.   How am I supposed to do this? I looked at some of the tests and came...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • Can Arquillian be configured not to enhance OSGi @Deployments?

    I noticed that if you return an OSGi bundle in an arquillian @Deployment annotated method, that it gets enhanced with additional classes and additional imports and exports. For my test this is undesirable (specificall...
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    last modified by bosschaert
  • Hibernate and datasource

    Hello Folks,   We have a web application which exposes some REST services. This app uses Hibernate and is working as expected in Jboss AS7 . However when we packaged this app as a OSGI bundle , we are having som...
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    last modified by spandit2
  • OSGI bundle absolute path

    Hello experts ,   I am trying to get an absolute path of a file in my bundle , so that I can deleted that file . However I am not getting absolute path and I do not know how to get one .   I can load the r...
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    last modified by spandit2
  • how to troubleshoot errors while deploying a bundle

    Hello Folks ;   I am new to JBoss AS 7 and JBoss OSGI . I am trying to deploy a bundle on the application server and it is failing . I was wondering how I can diagnose these issues .   The bundle is the Gr...
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    last modified by spandit2
  • Bootdelegation and Jboss AS7

    Hello Folks   I am deploying a OSGI bundle in Jboss AS 7. This Bundles uses JAXB . This bundle alos exposes JAXRS services using CXF DOSGI. So I have also deployed CXF DOSGI bundle .   My problem is when m...
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    last modified by spandit2
  • How to create OSGI bundle in EAR format

    Hi,   Is it possible to create a OSGI bundle in EAR format? I tried to create a maven project in Netbeans with OSGI module. But the OSGI bundle is in .jar format. Is it possible to pack OSGI bundle in EAR format...
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    last modified by rcbandit
  • Why bundle deployment is looking for Jboss TS ?

    Hello Folks,   I have a bundle which hass been created using multiple jar files . Basically this was a java component before and now I am migrating it to OSGI bundle . This bundle does not have any database inte...
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    last modified by spandit2
  • OSGI http service and servlet version conflicts

    Hello Folks ,   I have deployed osgi bundles in Jboss AS7 . The OSGI http service in jboss is provided using pax web 1.03 . The servlet version supported is 2.5 .   I am deploying CXF single bundle distrib...
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    last modified by spandit2
  • OSGi Runtime Management using Detyped API

    The Server-side management API of the OSGi subsystem will need to provide basic management of the OSGi runtime. This is specifically management that isn't already provided elsewhere (e.g. deploy and undeploy are alrea...
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    last modified by bosschaert
  • JBOSS 7 - Osgi Bundles not present in JNDI TREE

    I have a bundle in JBOSS7 Bundle Repository.   I want to lookup it from a WAR class through JNDI, but in my JBOSS7.0.1.Final AS there is no trace of osgi resources in JNDI tree. In JNDI tree I found only "java...
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    last modified by lorod