• JBoss run error

    Hello I am using JBoss 5.1 RunTime Server, Eclipse Helios and Seam 2.0 in my computer. When I start JBoss, I come across with this error and JBoss runs with lots of exceptions. You have an idea about why this exce...
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    created by elaltaico
  • JBoss deployment error

    Hello I am using JBoss 5.1 RunTime Server, Eclipse Helios and Seam 2.0 in my computer. I can start JBoss server without any problem from Eclipse. I want to view my XHTML page from Eclipse. After selecting mark a...
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    created by elaltaico
  • help in siteminder integration with jboss portal

    Hi   I am new to siteminder can anyone please guide me in integrating siteminder with jboss portal?
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    created by rajapandian.j
  • step to connect JBoss Portal with Database

    hai i need how to connect JBoss portal with Database of Mysql. the step to connect the database with JBoss portal
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    last modified by srinivasanj
  • Mock Portal-objects for testing

    Hi,   I was wondering if there is a framework that can help me test my code. I need some way to mock the 'RenderRequestImpl' class in my tests. If there is no framework for this, is there any other way I might ...
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    created by malice00
  • portlet not populated in jboss portal

    hi, I have a portlet when i deploy it it deployed successfully without any error.but it is not populated in portal.when i import application portlet is not shown. please help.what happend.i dont know. Utkarsh
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    created by utkarsh_shinde
  • Error deploying portlet to jboss 5.1

    hello, I make portlet but when i deployed it it does n't work please help. server error is here 2011-06-24 21:45:03,691 ERROR [org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.repository.ProfileDeployAction] (main) Failed to...
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    last modified by utkarsh_shinde
  • error deploying portlet to jboss portal 5.1

    hi, I create a portlet which i deploy in jboss portal platform 5.1 but error arises....   011-06-21 21:56:01,001 ERROR [org.jboss.kernel.plugins.dependency.AbstractKernelController] (main) Error installing to P...
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    created by utkarsh_shinde
  • How long Jboss Portal will be maintained?

    Hi there   I've tried Gatein but to much stuff is missing for me. I think it will takes more then one year that Gatein will be a production ready software like Liferay or Hippoportal.   So I'm asking me no...
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    last modified by minimike
  • how i can change orientation of menu in jboss portal

    how i can change orientation of menu in jboss portal.I want Menu vertically. Utkarsh Shinde
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    created by utkarsh_shinde
  • PortletRequest.USER_INFO returns nothing

    Hi, I'm trying to retrieve user information from the PortletRequest.USER_INFO attribute, however it returns nothing all the time. The complete snippet is: protected void doView(RenderRequest rRequest, RenderRespons...
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    last modified by rob_gar_esp
  • how can i use richfaces with jboss portal platform

    hello how can i use richfaces with jboss portal.any guidence pls reply. Utkarsh
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    created by utkarsh_shinde
  • add submenu to menu structure

    Is it possible to add submenus to the menu structure using jboss portal? How?
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    created by utkarsh_shinde
  • how can i make submenu in jboss portal 5.1

    hello. How can i make submenu in jboss portal 5.1,any portlet used for it.pls reply. Utkarsh Shinde
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    created by utkarsh_shinde
  • Null pointer exception from Portlet tag.

    Hi,   I am getting following exception when i use <portlet:defineObjects /> tag in my jsp. This exception occurs only once i.e. during rendering of jsp for first time, but again when i just refresh the bro...
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    last modified by febaportal
  • Auto logout without using java script

    Hi,     Are there any features in GateIn portal or Jboss AS 6.0 to keep track of session time at which user logged in and logout after some time   without using java script? I want to avoid js as it m...
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    created by selfcare
  • SecurityAssociation values are null when called from authenticating EJB

    I have a web applciation and an EJB component. I am using GenericHeaderAuthenticator and SSOLoginModule for the authentication. In GenericHeaderAuthenticator, I am getting the roles from siteminder and setting in org...
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    created by hublisid
  • how can I backup data of new portal in jboss

    hello all How can i backup data of new portal which i make.means my new site. regards Utkarsh
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    created by utkarsh_shinde
  • how can i make own skin or theme for jboss 5.1

    hello all How can i make own skin or theme for jboss 5.1 i want to make own skin. please suggest me.Any tutorial or document which help me. regards Utkarsh Shinde
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    created by utkarsh_shinde
  • Form Portlet for Jboss.

    Hello all I want form for my new page....pls suggest how i get it.how i download form portlet or make maually. thnks Utkarsh Shinde.
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    created by utkarsh_shinde