• SSL calls thru a proxy with authentication?

    Hi! Have to pass a bluecoat proxy with authentication to make client SSL calls from my application to an external webservice. Running solaris, jdk5 and jboss_4.0.5.GA. Version 1.4.3.GA accoding to the jboss-remoting....
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    last modified by carlofr
  • [Urgent] Random org.jboss.remoting.CannotConnectException

    Hi   We are running a Client/Server Application were there is a server receiving incoming remote requests. Everything works ok until we double the number of clients (workers).   Then we start having this e...
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    last modified by aolias
  • PingTimerTask in JBoss AS 5.0.1.GA EAP

    Hi there,   since we switched to JBoss 5.0.1.GA EAP (from 5.1.0.GA), plenty of times we see warnings in server.log like this:   2010-08-31 16:34:37,211 WARN [org.jboss.remoting.transport.bisocket.BisocketCl...
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    last modified by kevin.lohmann
  • SocketClientInvoker - NEW ClientSocketWrapper Errors

    We have a messaging server running with the following versions and have a few clients that connect to this messaging server (with the same version of jar files....) jboss messaging 1.4.6 jboss remoting 2.5.2   ...
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    last modified by vbs_jboss_accnt
  • How to upgrade JBoss AS 4.2.2 with JBoss Remoting 2.2.3?

    Hi!   Stupid question: How can I upgrade my existing JBoss AS 4.2.2 with a newer version of JBoss Remoting?   The only two files I can find in the AS are jboss-remoting.jar and jboss-remoting-int.jar. In t...
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    last modified by twiedow
  • How to use Remoting 2 with J/Boss 4.2.3?

    We have a J2SE application that currently exposes WebServices via Axis2, to an EJB running within J/Boss 4.2.3. What we would like to do is convert the WebServices to RMI and use J/Boss as the repository of the remote...
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    last modified by mcphersondb
  • How do I deploy the JBoss Remoting examples in JBoss AS 5.1?

      Hi,     I've downloaded the JBoss Remoting 2_5_3_SP1 zip file and am able to build and run the SimpleServer and   SimpleClient examples from the command line, using ant, as described in the doc...
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    last modified by zoo9000
  • Dynamic classloading issue

    I'm using Remoting 2.5.2.SP3 with JBoss 6.0.M3. Remote class loading works only for some common classes but not for my beans. I have a simple bean with remote interface. When I try accessing it by InitialContext.looku...
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    last modified by hipa
  • Too many thread in Jboss 4.2.2

    Hi,   We have many Jboss servers talking to each other using EJB 3.0 (SLSB). Now that the servers are getting very busy, we are having problem with Jboss creating too many Threads. At some point, we have an e...
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    last modified by sebastiendeg
  • org.jboss.remoting.callback.HandleCallbackException: Error handling callback

    Hi   I am try to monitor the logs from my Application on Jboss 5.1.0 and it keeps throwing this error below   2010-09-02 11:08:01,143 ERROR [STDERR] (Thread-20) org.jboss.remoting.callback.HandleCallbackEx...
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    last modified by dhaval0129
  • JBoss Remoting and compression

    I've spent some time digging into compression and I managed to make it work with JBoss 4.2.3 and Remoting 2.2.2SP8. The problem I found was with an error previously described in another post. http://www.jboss.com/ind...
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    last modified by doychin
  • Socket Communication - StreamCorruptedException

    Hi,   I am using EJB3 as the client socket and the server socket is a normal java class. My Application server is Sun GlassfishV2. I would like to communicate from the EJBBean(Client) to the server using Jboss R...
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    last modified by giftysam
  • Unable to find Remoting services in Jboss 5.1.0

    Hi   My project was eariler deployed on Jboss 4.2.2 and now we are migrating towards jboss 5.1.0, We used Jboss remoting  in Jboss 4.2.2 and so we  edited Jboss-Service.xml in <JBOSS_HOME>\Server...
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    last modified by dhaval0129
  • Remoting - "replacing control socket"  Question

    We have a JBOSS server ( messaging - 1.4.6. GA and remoting is from the 5.0.0 GA version) used exclusively for messaging purposes, and the last few weeks ,we see this in the remoting logs -   DEBUG [org.jboss.re...
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    last modified by vbs_jboss_accnt
  • Threads Hanging in MicroSocketClientInvoker.readVersion()

    Note: this issue was originally reported here: https://community.jboss.org/message/548382#548382   On the web server side we see occasionally see threads with this stack:   75: [Thread[jrpp-1390,5,jrpp]]/id...
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    last modified by snacker
  • How do set socket read timeout in JBoss Remoting ?

    Hello all.   I have had next problem. I am using JBoss WS with JBoss-4.2.2GA. And my web service hang rarely. And I want that client (JBossWS work through JBoss Remoting Client) break connection if web service...
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    last modified by johnbat26
  • Remote MDBs seem to stop after marshalling exception

    Environment ------------------------- JBoss 4.2.3 JBoss Messaging 1.4.4 JBoss Remoting  2.2.3   We have a couple servers and each have local queues and remote mdbs.   After running for a coupl...
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    last modified by mikemil
  • Retrieve Server's Certificate

    Hi,   I currently have EJB3 via SSL working with a self signed certificate for the server. The client specifies a truststore which includes the server's certificate and all works well in this scenario.   H...
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    last modified by jimmy.hui
  • Jboss 4.2.3 with messaging java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: port out of range:951275026

    Hi, Our application is using jboss 4.2.3 with jboss messaging. our application contains different componets(ear files) and each componet communicates to another componet using JMS.   I am getting the following ...
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  • How to set timeout for method invocation?

    I found an issue and I can't handle it myself.   I set jnp.timeout and when I connect to remote server from jboss (there is another jboss which runs on remote machine) and server is down then I get exception aft...
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