• Interceptor Negotiation

    A long while back, Tom Elrod proposed a mechanism by which an interceptor stack can be configured for a connection. Someone at a later time suggested that the mechanism should be based on some sort of negotiation. So ...
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    created by dmlloyd
  • Contexts, Sessions and Services

    Contexts have been refactored to be generic. The type signature is "Context<I, O>" where I is the request ("input") type and O is the reply ("output") type. Unfortunately both request and reply start with "R". :...
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    created by dmlloyd
  • One-way messages in Remoting 3

    I've been thinking about what Trustin said when we met a number of weeks ago, about one-way messages, delivery guarantee, and how it is implemented. Trustin's point back then was that a one-way message is actually ve...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • 2.2.2-SP1.jar and 2.2.2-SP1-brew.jar different

    Hello remoters, I have a JBM user who has reported significantly behavioural differences between said jars, which strikes me as somewhat worrying: http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=123119
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    last modified by timfox
  • remoting streams

    Earlier this year I had an email exchange with Tom Elrod about the jboss remoting implementation of an InputStream. I had identified a variety of weaknesses in the implementation, and, more importantly, I wanted to ge...
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    last modified by jahlborn
  • Interceptor API

    I've committed the interceptor API into the Remoting 3 API module. I've removed the transaction and authentication methods from Context and created interceptor service interfaces for each of these. They are SecuritySe...
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    created by dmlloyd
  • Unable to connect to JBoss AS

    Hi I'm trying to access a site running on JBoss AS, but it keeps giving me a 'Unable to connect message' It works when I try to access using: http://localhost:9090/myApp But not when I use http://my.machine.nam...
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    last modified by ssjvackar
  • The mad, mad world of Remoting requirements

    One thought I am left with after our recent design workshop is that there are a wide variety of expectations for Remoting 3. Accumulating all of my notes, emails, etc., I've discovered that there are some requirements...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • Remoting sources?

    Where do i find the remoting sources? I am trying to verify http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBREM-411 and do need to look at the test cases. The labs page stil points to cvs.
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • JIRA Components

    I've added two components to JIRA for Remoting 3: "r3 core" and "r3 api". Any bugs/tasks/etc related to the Remoting 3 Core and API modules should be filed in these components.
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    created by dmlloyd
  • Transport Use Cases

    Right now there are a set of socket-based transports (including bisocket, multiplex, and socket, and encrypted variants), RMI, and a few HTTP-based transports. There are a few other transports that are on the table -...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • NPE in HTTPSClientInvoker.

    I get a NullPointerException at HTTPSClientInvoker.createSocketFactory() line 144 because the code catches an exception and tries to log it, but the logger hasn't been initialized yet. This NPE masks the original exce...
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    last modified by ddunkin
  • Remoting 3 API Mockup/prototype

    I made a mockup/prototype Remoting 3 API in the past couple days. I've uploaded it to a sandbox SVN repository in order to have a basis for discussion on features and so forth. Basically it's just a bunch of interface...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • Why bother with APR?

    I've been having an email discussion with various parties about NIO versus APR. I'm thinking specifically in terms of Remoting, but I think that the discussion can be more generally applied. What I want to know is, w...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • Interruption and the Remoting 3 API

    Some operations in Remoting 3 might be long-running under normal conditions, and thus it is be desirable to provide a means to interrupt them. This is means is provided by way of allowing the synchronous request metho...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • How to integrate JBoss Remoting with Spring Framework

    Is it possible to use JBoss Remoting with Spring Framework ? And my web server is Tomcat 5. If possible can any body give me the guidance on how to do this. Katta.
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    created by katta
  • Remoting and ClassLoader domains don't mix

    JBoss Remoting unmarshalls the entire request before it dispatches the request. A big problem with this is when you are dispatching to a different, non-default, classloader domain in that the parameter classes may not...
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    last modified by bill.burke
  • Remoting 3 API Approach Proposal

    After spending some time looking over JIRA, forums and the various wiki articles posted by other interested parties, I've come up with my own take on the Remoting 3 API. http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=ANewA...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • New release?

    Hi all, I have been trying to find out whether a release exists that fixes http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBREM-658, which is marked as fixed in v2.2.0beta1. I cannot find any release called v2.2.0beta1 anywhere t...
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    last modified by minfrin
  • Fully asynchronous invocation

    In my wiki article, I talked about using a Future to represent the future result of an invocation in the event of a non-blocking request-reply invocation. One limitation of Future is that it doesn't provide any means ...
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    last modified by dmlloyd