• Blacktie : compilation with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012

    Hello,   Compilation with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012   Need a little fix in the "tx.h" header   => TRANSACTION_STATE is now already defined in sdk windows   Here the patch (same as tuxedo ...
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  • Postgres XA-Datasource fails in JTS mode

    Hi,   I can't get to work Postgres XA datasource in JBoss EAP 6.2 configured to use JTS. Not sure if there's a bug or my misconfiguration.   My datasource is defined like this:   <xa-datasource jn...
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    last modified by sintetik717
  • XTS Module not started

    I'm trying to integrate WS-AT inside a JBoss 7 application the problem that I'm facing is that when I call   UserTransactionFactory.userTransaction()   a null is returned, after researching a bit I discove...
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    last modified by anderruiz
  • Using standalone JTA 1.2 with Deltaspike JPA

    Hi,   I'm trying to use JTA-and-Hibernate (quickstart/jta-and-hibernate at master · jbosstm/quickstart · GitHub) with Apache DeltaSpike JTA (http://deltaspike.apache.org/jpa.html). I'm able to use tran...
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    last modified by oranheim
  • Unable to startup nta-full.ear in JBoss 6.1.0.Final (on JDK 6)

    Hi all,   I downloaded the nta-full.ear file from: NTA 1.0.0.Alpha1 release - JBoss Community I'm using JBoss 6.1.0.Final - so not sure it's gonna work, because you guys target on WildFly 8. When I drop the EAR...
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    last modified by jochus
  • How to fall back to the legacy JBossTM fast in-memory transa

    Hi, we migrated from JBOSS 4.0.4 to 4.2.2. The 4.2.2 version uses by default the Arjuna TS. How can we fall back to the legacy JBossTM fast in-memory transaction manager which was the default in JBOSS 4.0.4? Tina
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    last modified by tina99
  • XAER_DUPID: The XID already exists (even with new mysql connector)

    Hi all,   I 've the following scenario:   1 wildfly server with 3 webapps, and a mysql server engine with two databases (name of databases is jta1 and jta2). Both wildlfy and mysql engine are installed in ...
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    last modified by nbarrera
  • Narayana / Tomcat integration

    Hi,   I wanted to know if Narayana can be used to act as a Transaction Manager in Tomcat (6 or 7). If so, is there a documentation or tutorial somewhere ?   I found some quite old documentation in a few p...
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  • Arjuna MySQL XADatasource Recovery on JBoss AS7

    Any of you out there had any luck getting Transaction Recovery working with a MySQL XADatasource? My research leads me to believe that this is just not possible/supported with MySQL, but I wanted to check here before ...
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  • Bootstrap JTA in unit test

    Hello,   I'm trying to figure out how to plug real transaction manager inside of unit test which runs with CDI injection but w/o any arquillian. Could someone point me into right example on how to get this done...
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  • Additions to the transaction SPI

    I would like to introduce a small set of classes into our SPI to facilitate embedded usage and open it up to the community for discussion.   The requirement is coming from a request from the ceylon community to ...
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  • How to get the exception that caused a tx to rollback?

    The com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.resources.arjunacore.XAOnePhaseResource has the following commit method:   public int commit()     {         boolean doForget = f...
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  • Migration from Bitronix to JBossTS

    Greetings,   Recently I've been assigned to change Bitronix transaction manager to JBossTS. It's a standalone application with hibernate and spring transactions (used by jbpm process). I am very new to JBoss an...
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    last modified by kowal89
  • JBoss Transaction not rolling back

    Hi All,   I am really stuck on a weird problem since a week. I'd be really grateful if anybody can share insights on this one :   I have a 3rd party tool (EJB 2.0) deployed on JBoss 5.1.  I have to us...
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  • Deadlock in JBOSS Transaction Reaper

    As proposed by Tom in [JBTM-1951] Deadlock in JBOSS Transaction Reaper - JBoss Issue Tracker I hereby create this discussion for analysis of the deadlock situation in jbossts 4.16.6. Last two comments from bug pasted...
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  • 'Advanced' jbossts configuration

    Hi,   When using jboss 5, i was able to configure a 'Volatile' action store. I understand it's not the most robust store, but in my case performance is more important than tx consistency. I tried to configure...
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  • Recovering non-serializable XAResource

    Hi, We are using JBoss 4.0.5GA with JBossTS (jta) and Sonic JCA Adapter for JBoss to connect SonicMQ JMS Server. We have clustered sonic server and the JCA adapter is capable to reconnect another node when connectio...
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  • JBoss 7.1.1 Transaction Warnings

    We have an application which has an EJB which runs Asyn and is annotated as @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) (I believe this is default behavior but for clarity we have added). When running...
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    last modified by gboro54
  • Problems with using the TXBridge to coordinate 2 Stateless Session Beans using different XA DataSources

    I am using JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final (standalone, xts configured), Java 1.7 and Windows 7 x64. I am running up JBoss from Eclipse.   SQLServer version: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP1) - 10.50.2500.0 (X64) ...
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    last modified by mrjazzy
  • JBOSS Transactions failing intermittently on JBOSS7.1.1

    Hello,   I have ported my application from JBOSS6 to JBOSS7.1.1 (code base is same).   My application is extensively using EJB and JMS messaging. HornetQ is the Messaging provider on both JBOSS6 and JBOSS7...
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    last modified by ion_mayank