• Web MD merge process

    Hi Folks,      I'm debugging one regression related to service references. I have service-ref element defined in web.xml   <service-ref>     <service-ref-name>service3...
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    created by ropalka
  • Automatic login after identification

    Hello Seamians !   I'm developping my first Seam app.   This app will be open to a restricted list of studients registered in the database of the app.   For the authentication of the users, I use the...
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    created by cinephil
  • jboss 5 with myfaces

    Dears, i download myfaces example from myfaces.org i try to run war file from jboss5 i find this exception   17:48:15,021 INFO  [STDOUT] 2010-10-27 17:48:15,017 [HDScanner] ERROR org.apache.commons.diges...
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    created by walid.samy23
  • Business Applications Guru Max Dolgicer Speaks at India's Most Influential Business Technology Event

    Max Dolgicer has more than 25 years of management and technical experience in development and support of Business applications, software products and systems internals. An internationally recognized expert, Max is Tec...
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    created by swagat321
  • AS trunk : EL expression in JSPs not being evaluated by default

    While testing an application against the current AS trunk, I noticed that if a JSP file, in a web application, contains an EL expression then it is not evaluated unless I explicitly set el-ignored to false (in jsp-con...
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    created by jaikiran
  • Jboss 4.2.3 simple web dev guide to security

    Anyone have a 123 simple guide for basic security locks on jboss? I have jboss ready to roll but localhost:8080 brings up admin. Even though Im behind a firewall and technically the site cant be touched better safe th...
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    created by surf_doggie
  • Problems with SSL redirection on JBoss 5.1.0GA

    Hello,   Sorry for the cross post, but thought that this may be a better place for this question.   I'm using  JBoss [The Oracle] 5.1.0.GA.  In previous releases I have successfully configured SS...
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    last modified by skidvd
  • List of all deployed web contexts

    Hi everyone!     Is there any possibility to get a complete list of all web contexts deployed in JBoss?     In the log file, you always find entries like   {quote}org.jboss.web.tomcat.servi...
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  • Annotation processing in war files too aggressive?

    I have got a simple war file which contains an EJB3 bean (testing against AS trunk). The bean looks like this: {code:java} @Stateless public class SimpleSLSB extends SimpleBase { ... {code} The SimpleBase class (fro...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Facing problem with jboss-faces, jsf-api and jsf-impl jars of Jboss 4.2.3GA version.

    Hello,   I am facing problem with Jboss-faces, jsf-api and jsf-impl jars that comes with Jboss 4.2.3 GA. [ Jboss-api:Implementation-Version: 1.2_09-b01-BETA1   Jboss-impl:Implementation-Version: 1.2_09-b...
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    last modified by sagar_basavaraj
  • JSF Best practice especially design managed beans

    Hi,   I have got questions regarding best-practices in JSF especially managed beans.   1.) Where an I find best practices for JSF? Do "official" best-pracices exist? I googled a lot and only found this one...
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    created by nschweig
  • Error to migrating jboss3.2.6 to 5.1.0(to access external files)

    I am working on migrating my application jboss3.2.6 to jboss5.1.0, My application accessing static content which in virtual host   (accessing  external  files)    about 150 GB content. &...
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    last modified by venkatkeerthi
  • can I work with JAX-RPC rpc/encoded on Jboss5.1.0.GA?

    Can somebody help me out. my client wsdl is in jax-rpc with style <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="rpc"/> with input and output as <soap:body use="encoded after generat...
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    last modified by narendrap
  • Differences between JBoss Web 3 and Tomcat 7

    Hi all,   We, Mobicents, are building our SIP Servlets implementation on top of both Tomcat and JBoss and the Java code base for JBoss 2.x and Tomcat 6.x was very close. I was wondering if that was still the cas...
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  • css problem with drop down list

    I modeled a jsp with a drop down list based off of the suckerfish dropdown (http://www.htmldog.com/articles/suckerfish/dropdowns/example/) and I am having a little trouble. In the e catagory I can't figure out how to ...
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    last modified by mschwery
  • Failed to load: org.jboss.ws.tools.jaxws.impl.JBossWSProviderFactoryImpl

    All, I'm using JBoss 5.1, JBossWS 3.3 (native), Sun Java 1.6, Windows XP, and Maven 2.  Attempting to do a wsprovide in Maven I'm getting the error:   [ERROR] BUILD ERROR [INFO] --------------------------...
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  • proxy settings

    Hi,   I am not an expert on jboss. I am just developing a web application with jsp and using the jboss as a web server. I need to use some proxy to use gmaps(because the gmap ip's are banned in türkiye) and...
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    created by aozboyaci
  • Principal: USERNAME and security context post-mapping roles=null

    Hey,   When calling an secured EJB from a servlet I get the following error. Has somebody an idea, what's the error? The servlet and the ejb are deployed in the same EAR.   08:12:16,910 ERROR [SecurityIn...
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  • deploy fail with jboss under linux

    2010-04-02 13:37:08,989 DEBUG [org.jboss.seam.Component] instantiating Seam component: org.jboss.seam.core.events 2010-04-02 13:37:08,989 DEBUG [org.jboss.seam.Component] initializing new instance of: org.jboss.seam.c...
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  • jboss rules and jsr

    Hi guys, does anyone knows how to run jboss rules (drools) in jsr? i'm trying to follow to jsr-94 tutorial ( http://docs.codehaus.org/display/DROOLS/JSR-94+TCK+Tutorial ), but it has been created in 2004, and i can'...
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