• Migrating from Weblogic to JBoss

    Hello,   I am part of a team that is migrating an application from Weblogic 11g to JBoss Enterprise Platform 5.0.1.CR2. I know that part of this is to change the existing weblogic.xml file over to a jboss.xml fi...
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    created by pyroplasm
  • How to integrate tomcat 7.0 in Jboss 5.1.0 GA

    I want to integrate tomcat 7.0 in jboss 5.1.0 GA (Not with jboss_tomcat.zip)     Thanks in advance
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    created by chithu21
  • how to apply javascript on jboss portal server

    Hi,          I am new on this tech. Currently I am using jsf 1.2 & Jboss Portal server to develop my application. I want to apply JavaScript on my portlet   ...
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    created by rajivia
  • jbosssvc.exe and service dependencies

    I was very happy to find and easy way to install jboss as a windows service. How can I make the created service depend on my database service starting first? I use JavaService currently, but I prefer the solution in...
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    last modified by supernovasoftware.com
  • jboss4.2.3(jdk1.5) 505 errror

    I migrate from jboss3.0.6(jdk1.4) to jboss4.2.3(jdk1.5) GA. where i call the  servlet from applet ,if the url include blank space ,i will get the error :505 ,and i run well in  jboss3.0.6(jdk1.4).i don't wa...
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    created by myroyal
  • Jboss4.2.3 can not call the servlet

    Dear All:         I migrate from jboss3.0.6(jdk1.4) to jboss4.2.3(jdk1.5) GA,and most of the application functions  can run . but i am puzzled for a big problem.My application ...
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    last modified by myroyal
  • expected number got Binary

    hi guys i had an issue about expected number got binary does anybody knows what i should to do to solve this problem this is the stack trace   java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: ex...
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    created by onesleo
  • Multiple Wars Sharing a Login Page

    Greetings all.   I am currently using JBoss 6.1.0.Final   I have several EARs each with their own WAR.  I am using the standard single sign on valve and form based authentication.   The intent i...
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    last modified by jamesc1
  • ESB recieving and asking information?

    Hello,   I'm new to ESB and I have a question which I can't find an answer for.   I'm planning to make a service that gathers information from multiple other services. There are some differences with the...
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    created by gbh
  • Facing client session log out problem frequently

    We are using Jboss 3.2.7 with multiple projects deployed on jboss server. Recently we have started getting more and more session log out instances from client side.This generally happen while we do export process fro...
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    created by mayankmails
  • java.net.SocketException: Too many open files

    My application needs a restart, when encountered with  "Too many open files", because most of the functionality was failing. The console logs is full of below stacktrace. Environment used id java1.6 & JBoss [...
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    last modified by spallai
  • Force JBoss to refresh cache

    Hey all, we're running JBoss 2.4.2, and I just finished up working on a simple little password reset system for our portal. Use case is basically user gives email -> user receives email with session key and clicks...
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    last modified by rlutz
  • How to see JBOSS scheduler errors

    Dear All,   I have a JBOSS scheduler app running on the server. When I debug the flow I found that due to some jars not available in domain_name/lib folder application stop without giving any error message. So I...
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    created by sherath
  • Error while trying to persist JPA entity...

    Hi, I'm getting an error when I try to persist an entity from a class. I created the class UserController, and when I try to execute the Register method, the em.pertist(usr) line I'm getting an error, when I run this ...
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    created by rluceac
  • JSTL c:import doesn't work properly in JBoss 6

    The Java Standard Tag Library c:import tag doesn't work properly in JBoss 6.  According to the documentation it is supposed to assign the contents of the URL to a variable when the var attribute is supplied. ...
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    created by jonny5
  • java code inside of javascript function

    How can I get the following java code inside a javascript function to fire when the function is called instead of when the jsp is loaded. function test() { }
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    last modified by mschwery
  • encrypting a password using PBEUtils in jsp

    I am working on a web page that will be used to encrypt a password using the PBEUtils class but I am not sure what is the best approach. Does anyone have any suggestions.
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    created by mschwery
  • Getting output in jsp from PBEUtils

    In a jsp i'm calling PBEUtils to encrypt a password, but the class returns the encrypted password in the stderr. For example in the jsp I have the following String[] input = {"KJKdjkw1","50","nn32kF*vn3","fubar1234"...
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    created by mschwery
  • Invitation for Open Source Project

    Hi,     I'm starting a open source project which involves web based Java, JBoss application server and JBoss Seam 3. I'm a student and I work on the project in my free time for training. Every one who ...
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    created by rcbandit
  • org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: JBoss 5.0.1

    Hi, I am currently new to the JBoss server and when I am trying to deploying the application it gives me the following errors. Kindly let me know how to fix this. Stacktrace 15:07:18,737 ERROR [ContextLoader...
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    created by chinnappa.sai