• Bad Performance WebService JBoss 7.1.1

    Hi all, I've the same WebService deployed in JBoss 5.1.0GA e JBoss 7.1.1Final. In the first case it takes 0.3 seconds while in the latter 1.1 seconds... someone could help me,thanks?
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    created by iaio81
  • Performance Issues with ?wsdl

    Jboss 5.1.0GA, JbossWS native 3.4.0 also present in Jboss 5.1.2 eap with JbossWS native 3.1.2sp13   I've been noticing that each time something requests the wsdl from my web service endpoint, there is a huge sp...
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    last modified by spyhunter99
  • Request timeout - JAXWS

    Hi, I am trying to set the connect timeout and request time out on a webservice request..     public static ProfitWebService getProfitService(final String url) throws MalformedURLException {   ...
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    last modified by klind
  • How to use @JsonEncoding.

    Hi.   My environment: - JBoss 5.x - JBoss native ws 3.1.2 GA   I don't understand how to use @JsonEncoding.   I have the web service class with annotations:   @Stateless @WebService(serviceN...
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    created by skrasovsky
  • Invocation of a Web service using invokeAsync calls invoke method

    Hi,   I have an issue with my client in JBoss calling a web service defined in Adobe Life cycle. I want to call the invokeAsync method from my client and I'm using the following code to call the invokeAsync meth...
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    created by edinsamuel
  • Is polymorphic JAX-WS operation parameter possible to implement?

    Hi, I'm developing a web service and I need it to accept a polymorphic parameter. For example, imagine an operation named processRequests(List<Request> requests) which may accept a "Request" and a "CustomReques...
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    last modified by gmlopezdev
  • ClassCastException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl

    we are using jboss 4.2.3   one of our applications got following classcastexception     Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl cannot be cast to com.sun....
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    last modified by ajanz
  • My ws-security setting doesn't work.

    My WS-security reference site is https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/JBWS/WS-Security.   I coded interface and bean like below :   @WebService public interface IHelloPort { @WebMethod @WebResult pub...
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    created by aupres
  • Reference SAML assertion in Signature block

    Using JBoss 7.2 from GitHub:   Re: JBoss 7.2 Warning:No assertion builder for type {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy}ProtectTokens registered     So I switched back to the non-po...
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    created by crumbs
  • how to dynamically change URL where client is connecting to?

    Hi *, I have generated wsdl file of service I want to call. The service is fixed but I don't know where this service will be located. Is there an option how to generate client classes that I can use runtime URL para...
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    last modified by sodik
  • Using apache cxf.xml with a jax-ws client

    Hi forum,   I'm taking the chance to put here an entry refering to my previous post made on the more general 'Jboss AS 7' community (cxf.xml and spring and jbossws-cxf-4.1.1.Final) Since the topic is really rel...
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    last modified by daniel.cote.qc.ca
  • JAXWSProperties.SSL_SOCKET_FACTORY alternative in JBoss

    I have WS clients inside the application server making web services calls out to other servers. I need to specify the SSLSocket factory to be used by the request (as I have custom keystores and trust stores).   ...
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    last modified by ne1mackan
  • WSTools does not support abstract complexTypes

    Generated client code using JBOSS WS. For below complex type it created abstract class.   <s:complexType abstract="true" name="MessageOption">    </s:complexType>   @XmlAccessorType...
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    created by roopachakra
  • Restfull web service with Spring Servlet in same war

      Hello I'm currently using JBoss 7.1 and have a web probject with an empty web.xml and a class that extends javax.ws.rs.core.Application. More I have the annotation @ApplicationPath("/rest") and everything is wo...
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    last modified by tim_mickelson
  • NullPointerException while converting AXIS client to JBOSSWS client

    Hello,   We are trying to convert existing AXIS webservice client to JBOSS WS client. I tried installing Jboss tools to eclipse Juno. Set the JBOSS WS runtime like below.   Window->Preferences->Web S...
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    created by roopachakra
  • jboss hanging issue

    guys    i m using   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>     <!-- ===================================================================== --> <!--    &...
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    created by sanjeevgupta
  • JBossWS-CXF 4.1.2?

    Is there a full binary download of JBossWS-CXF version 4.1.2 available? I believe this would include CXF version 2.6.6, which may address a problem we are experiencing as described in JIRA CXF-4742 (   https:/...
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    last modified by tomdamon
  • nullpointer exception while querying simpleType in Dynamicclient

    I have a WSDLService  with two ports in it .if i try with single port for the service i am able to generate an dynamic client successfully ,where as if try with 2 ports in it its getting a Nullpointer at an eleme...
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    created by gayatrig
  • Updating JBossWS-CXF in AS 6.1?

    I am having many issues with WS-Security configuration using JBoss AS 6.1 with JBossWS-CXF 3.4.1 which comes with CXF 2.3.1 and WSS4J 1.5.8.  I am being told on the CXF mailing lists that these versions are ancie...
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    created by naql
  • Transacted webservices

    Hi,   I have a couple questions which crosses over a couple of JBoss groups, but it is mainly related to web services.   I have a web service method which reads off a JMS message off from websphere MQ an...
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    last modified by simondelfab