• Configuration Management

    Hi,                         Does the IDE support configuration repository?  Can process configuration be...
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  • Version Management

    Hi ,                            Does jBPM support versioning? In the sense of a versioning system w...
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  • Automated Procedures

    Hi ,                              Does the solution provide automated procedures to creat...
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  • Ajax , HTML-5 , Flex Support in jBPM

    Hi ,             Does jBPM support Ajax , Html-5 , Flex ?       Thanks, Bhargav
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    last modified by bhargavdesai99
  • Portlet Support

    Hi ,                             Does it integrate and provide tooling for portal solutio...
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  • BPEL4People Support

    Hi ,                                   Does it support BPEL4Peop...
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  • Portal Support or Dashboard implementation

    Hi ,                      Does the product (suite) provide its own portal or dashboard implementation? If yes , kindly elabo...
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  • Optimization Algoritms

    Hi ,           Are any optimization algoritms supported in JBPM ? If yes , which parameters are used as input?   Optmization Algoritms:- From a continuous process improv...
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    last modified by bhargavdesai99
  • Running Processes

    Hi ,         Is it possible to deploy a new version of a running process without interrupting instances which are not completed yet? Is it possible to migrate running processes to the ne...
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  • Complex Event Processing

    Hi ,         Which of the following approaches is used to correlate multiple events in the complex event processing engine? Query-based ECA rule-based Inference rule-based State-ba...
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  • Task Engine in JBPM suite

    Hi ,           Is a task engine provided as part of the BPM Suite? If yes, are the following features provided? Does the BPM Suite provide templates to create human tas...
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  • JBPM-Model Driven Architecture(MDA)

    Hi,           Does the JBPM solution implement any MDA/MDD approach? Is the solution aligned to OMG (Object Management Group)?     Thanks, Bhargav
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  • BAM(Business Activity Monitoring) in JBPM

    Hi,        Is BAM support available in JBPM ? If yes , then what features (Automated Business Process Discovery , Realtime monitoring  , Impact Management , etc . ) are supported ?  ...
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  • Predictive Analysis in JBPM

    Hi ,         Is Predictive Analysis (financial, risk, critical path, rule simulation/what-if analysis, …) supported in JBPM ? If Yes, then which analysis features are supported ?...
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  • Simulation in JBPM

    Hi ,         Is Simulation supported in JBPM ? If yes, which simulation method/features are available?       Thanks, Bhargav
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  • Exception while trying to access java return value

    Hello all,   I am getting exception while trying to access the java method return value. Below are my source files.     HelloWorld.jpdl.xml: ###################   <?xml version="1.0" encodin...
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    last modified by snyperboss
  • JBPM 4.3 and JPA/Hibernate integration question

    In previous JBPM 4.v versions, we were using SpringConfiguration.setHibernateSessionFactory to share the same jpa/hibernate context of our running environment.   This trick seems no more possible in last 4.3 ve...
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    last modified by chrigar
  • Seam jBPM injection

    Hi,   I am facing some issue with seam injection into jBPM context. I have my independent seam application and my jBPM is running into different application into jbpm context into deploy/jbpm folder. Inside my a...
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    last modified by pushpak1981
  • jBPM 4.4 end Process Instance

    I am trying to end a Process Instance from Decision Handler using executionService.endProcessInstance. But i get the following Error. The same code works if i try to end the Process instance from Java Activity.  ...
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    last modified by pushpak1981
  • Timer Exception

    Hi there! I'm using jBPM 4.4 and I created a process that invoke a sub-process activity at startup. The sub-process contains a timer activity and raises the following exception when the timer is fired:   16:21:1...
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    created by biett0