• How to start a process with variable from JBPM-Console

    I want  to start the process with user forms and I need to declare global  variables so as to continue working with them, how to do this? I deploy the business archive using an Ant script then run a process...
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    last modified by wawan_beta
  • Access to variable via EL ?

    Hi,   As EL is relatively easy to use in Jbpm, is there some objects usable by default with EL ?   For exemple I need to access to some variable previously defined with an EventListener in a task and that ...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • question about jbpm4.3 example installation

    Dear Members I am totally new to JBPM. Following the user guide, I have finshed these steps: 1) I have downloaded JBPM4.3,apache-tomcat-6.0.20.zip,eclipse-jee-galileo-win32.zip,ant1.8.1. 2) I executed ant demo.se...
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    last modified by june20100606
  • JBPM4.3: login is not possible in the web console if i use the new username and password

    Path: jbpm.home/install/src/demo/example.identities.sql INSERT INTO JBPM4_ID_GROUP VALUES (1,0,'manager','manager','security-role',NULL); INSERT INTO JBPM4_ID_GROUP VALUES (2,0,'administrator','administrator','securi...
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    last modified by wawan_beta
  • [jBPM 4.3] Cancel Job/Timer

    Hi, I'm trying to find a way to cancel or delete jobs or timers to move a process instance into the state "active-root". Here is a more detailed description of what I'm trying to do: I have a state ("wait state...
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    last modified by nilspreusker
  • [jBPM 4.3] Transition - Custom Attributes

    Hi,   I would like to know if jBPM 4.3 provides an option to fetch custom attributes defined on transition element in jpdl. I would like to define attribute to store attributes like URN/URL, so that end UI appl...
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    last modified by jbpm4user
  • Subprocess wait state signal handling not working from parent process (jBPM 4.3)

    Following is our main jPDL xml   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>     <process name="PresenceWorkflow" xmlns="http://jbpm.org/4.3/jpdl">  <start g="-9,225,80,40">  &...
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    last modified by apurv888
  • start a process within another process in jbpm 4.3

    Hi,   Trying to port existing 3.2 workflow implementation into 4.3   My requirement is to be able to calculate a number of sub-processes to start at a certain step of the main process. Since I haven't foun...
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    last modified by matrixpooh
  • jBPM 4.3 BPMN 2.0 problem

    Hi there,   at the moment I am evaluating the capabilities of jBPM in combination with BPMN2.0 processes. Therefore I created a process with the academic version of Signavio and exported it as BPMN-DI (jBPM_Test...
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    last modified by mdohnke
  • Unable to load JBPM 4.3 in spring web application context

    Hi,   I have a trouble to deploy my application in web context on tomcat, I get a classcast exception : 2010-05-18 15:25:19,285 [ERROR] org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader  - Context initializati...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • Auto-assign task to the current authenticate user

    Hi,   Is it possible to auto-assign a task to the current autenticate user ? I'm using the ProcessEngine.setAuthenticatedUserId method.   My use case is simple, when a user start a particular process, I w...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • Prematurely completing a workflow in 4.3

    My main workflow process opens a few independent processes in one of its custom actions. Then number and type of those independent processes depends on the rules outcome. Every dependent process is a collection of hum...
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    last modified by matrixpooh
  • jBPM 4.3 Tutorial

    Hello, Anyone know a good tutorial on jBPM 4.3 ? Thanks in advance!
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    last modified by bigal
  • jBPM 4.3, Spring 2.5, Oracle, start process, process instance have a null id

    When I try to start a new process instance, and then go to next state, the process instance its created as I can see it in the DataBase, but the ID of the process instance is null, I need some help, why is this happen...
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    last modified by topiltzin
  • I18n : create mail with ressource bundles ?

    Hi,   I'm looking for creating some translation bundles for email sent by jbpm 4.3.   I haven't seem any infos in documentation to do it (perhaps I missed it !).   Is it possible directly in jpdl, ho...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • Updating users, groups or membership

    You can create, retrieve and delete user, group and membership entities through IdentityService API, but you can't update them. What's the right way to do so? Deleting and creating might have some dangerous collateral...
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    last modified by juanignaciosl
  • Strange Exception

    Hi,   I'm trying to use an assignement handler and I have a strange exception : 2010-05-07 11:07:16,113 [INFO ] org.jbpm.pvm.internal.svc.DefaultCommandService  - exception while executing command org.jbpm....
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    last modified by newbeewan2
  • Why does my Fork end 3 times instead of 2 (in jBPM 4.3)?

    Hi all, I have a process with some forks and joins, and some custom activities in it. My problem is that one of the forks, which has two outgoing transitions, ends three times, and therefore continues execution twice...
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    last modified by jody4711
  • Getting the assignee from the last activity

    Hi,   Is there a possibilité in an assignmentHandler to know the assignee from the previous task ?   Or how to put that value into a variable (particular EL or serializable class...) to access it in...
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    last modified by newbeewan2
  • Access Spring Beans from jBPM installed as JBossAS service

    Hi! I have web-application, build with using Spring and used jBPM 4.3 In process definitions I'm activelly using Spring beans for different handlers - hopefully jBPM 4.x has very good integration with Spring.  ...
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    last modified by akakunin