• Spring 3 + jbpm 4.4 + hibernate 3.3 + JPA + JTA integration error.

    All, I have been able to make some progress in terms of integrating my current project with jbpm, based on the link below:   http://captaincaveman.posterous.com/jbpm-43-spring-3-jboss-jpa-jta-configuration ...
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    created by ayusman_dikshit
  • jBPM 4.4 : How to list every task in jpdl before make any process

    Hi im using jBPM 4.4 with JSF 2.0. Im asking how to list every task in jpdl.xml that we deploy with RepositoyService, before any process started. Becase as far as i know jBPM only insert new task into jbpm4_task t...
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    created by reidz
  • jBPM 4.4 - Transaction problem while saving a process definition.

    Hi   When saving a workflow, i am getting the below exception. org.jbpm.api.JbpmException: no jBPM DB schema: no JBPM4_EXECUTION table.   Run the create.jbpm.schema target first in the install tool. ...
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    last modified by justin.l
  • accsessing global context variables in java task

    Hi all,   how can i access context variables in java task in process. i tried using exectuion service get/set variables but that too need execution id. i am unable to get where i acn set the execution id . is it...
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    last modified by chakri_jboss
  • More precise jBPM process execution measurement?

    Hello everyone,   I'm working on a study on existing open-source process runtime frameworks (such as jBPM, Apache ODE, etc.) wrt to flexibility, scalability, performance, and so on. With regard to jBPM execution...
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    created by huytran
  • can not end subprocess in concurrent execution (jBPM4.4)

    Hi!   I have a problem with jBPM 4.4 when I try to end a subprocess instance in a concurrent execution. This image show an example process:   The process should execute a subprocess and wait of a...
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    last modified by saig0
  • cancel and error end activity throws exception in subprocess [jBPM 4.4]

    Hi!   I use jBPM 4.4 and created a simple process which includes a state and a subprocess with different end activities: The subprocess is similar to the example in user guide > http://docs.jboss.com/jbpm/...
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    last modified by saig0
  • [jBPM4.4] custom activity has an end time before this activity is leaveds the activity

    Hi,   I note that a custom activity has an end time before this activity is leaved.   process:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <process name="HistoryServiceTest" xmlns="http://jbp...
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    last modified by saig0
  • [jBPM4.4] Oracle-DB close stream after deploy and access a deployment

    Hi!   I'm using jBPM 4.4 with an Oracle-DB (Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release + ojdbc14- driver) and found a bug with the repository service. I'm able to deploy a new process defin...
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    last modified by saig0
  • jBPM in GateIn

    Hi there   I'm new in GateIn and newer in jBPM Yersterday I've read what jBPM could do for me. So I'm interested to learn more about it. Is there an howto how I could integrate the latest jBPM inside GateIn or...
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    created by minimike
  • jBPM 4.4 end Process Instance

    I am trying to end a Process Instance from Decision Handler using executionService.endProcessInstance. But i get the following Error. The same code works if i try to end the Process instance from Java Activity.  ...
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    last modified by pushpak1981
  • jbpm 4.4 + Spring 3: can't deploy a jpdl

    I am getting the warning "60421 [http-8443-1] WARN  org.jbpm.pvm.internal.repository.DeployerManager  - WARNING: no objects were deployed! Check if you have configured a correct deployer in your jbpm.cfg.xm...
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    last modified by rd210275
  • Timer Exception

    Hi there! I'm using jBPM 4.4 and I created a process that invoke a sub-process activity at startup. The sub-process contains a timer activity and raises the following exception when the timer is fired:   16:21:1...
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    created by biett0
  • REST interface for JBPM

    I've made some kind of RESTful interface for JBPM 4 by mens of JAXB & Jersey. So I can share my code, if anybody care
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    last modified by jump
  • Completing join's any activity obsoletes other active activities in Nested Fork/Join Workflow

    Completing any join activity obsoletes other active activities in Nested Fork/Join Workflow   Hi, I am using JBPM4.4. I have attached a workflow, which I am using. In given workflow I am using multiple forks a...
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    created by puneet2607
  • Changing objects and serialization problem

    I am responsible for an application where the hibernate objects are stored in the jbpm tables. I changed a hibernate object and now jbpm is throwing up exceptions since it cannot deseriliaze object anymore. Prior deve...
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    last modified by enderwiggin30
  • Restart failed timer.

    We have a business process, stuck in a state of 'async'. The JOB table shows that an exception occurred.   I have fixed the code that caused the exception.   How can I restart the stalled processes/jobs? ...
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    created by andystone
  • How to fire a timer in a task node?

    Hello, i've a problem in jbpm 4.4 I cannot make that a task node will go automatically another node after a certain time, if no response of a human task.
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    created by gandresf
  • problem: store processInstace in db after runing the process

    Hi,   I'm using jbpm4.4 with Liferay 6 I have a problem on using it. I have a process definiation that it has a custom task. in custom task I want to get process instance Information from table, but when I fet...
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    last modified by reza_sadeghzadeh
  • understanding of execution and activity

    Hi All, I am trying out jbpm 4.4. What I am not able to understand is how a process instance (which is probably the root of the workflow) and the execution, activity and tasks etc are linked.   that is, given ...
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    created by ayusman_dikshit